This Burger Joint Is Raising Its Starting Salary To $15 Per Hour

No... nobody NEEDS government assistance unless they are so disabled they are a ward of the state

Funny how working more, advancing yourself, etc is not a priority.. but demanding government to force others to give you more money while you do nothing is

You suck at math & would epic fail the 5th grade. You would ace faith in your leaders & believing propaganda as gospel truth.

What is the US population?

How many people in the US have a job?

How many people does each worker pay have to support?

How much does each worker produce compared to others in history?

What causes inflation? (A)-Higher wages or (B)-Wall-street creating money & Government borrowing/printing to supporting to many people that used to be supported by worker pay.
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Moo Cluck Moo, the Detroit-area fast food eatery that already gained acclaim for paying its workers $12 per hour, will raise its starting wage to $15 per hour beginning October 1, the Daily Beast reports. The move comes just a few weeks after fast food workers took to the streets demanding chains like McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC pay them $15 per hour. Many say they’re making slightly more than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

Critics claim the workers’ demands would put many franchisees, which operate on thin profit margins and run most fast food restaurants, out of business. But Brian Parker, one of the owners of Moo Cluck Moo begs to differ. Parker told HuffPostLive in July that he believes investing in his workers actually benefits his business because the staffers provide better customer service than their colleagues who are working for much less.

“We feel we have a good idea [and] we feel consumers will gravitate towards that good idea and support us,” he told HuffPostLive.

Moo Cluck Moo isn’t the only fast food eatery to take the high road though. John Pepper, the CEO of burrito chain Boloco, pays his workers a starting wage of $9 per hour. Still, he wrote “we can and must do more,”

This Burger Joint Is Raising Its Starting Salary To $15 Per Hour

Feel free to eat there, just remember to pack heat.

EDITORIAL: Detroit police chief wants citizens to arm themselves - Washington Times

Great job! You advanced the discussion! Congratulations.

Was there a conversation? The place claims to use locally sourced, non GMO, totally organic, foods. Since that is, flat out, impossible, only pretentious idiots would eat there. Which explains why they pay their workers such a high wage.

No... nobody NEEDS government assistance unless they are so disabled they are a ward of the state

Funny how working more, advancing yourself, etc is not a priority.. but demanding government to force others to give you more money while you do nothing is

I don't think the current minimum wage is adequate. Working full-time at $7.25 an hour is not enough for someone to support themselves, to pay rent, utilities, transportation, and insurance, buy food, etc. It should probably be around $10 an hour. Minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation and be enough so a person doesn't need to depend on government assistance programs to keep afloat.
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IMO the thing to do is raise minimum wage so it is a living wage. I don't think unskilled workers should be paid more than minimum wage, but I do think minimum wage should be a living wage: what a single person needs to earn to have a decent life--decent housing, transportation, food, clothing, etc. Beyond that, if someone wants more, they need to learn a trade or skill, something marketable. One very simple way of doing that is doing temp work: many temp jobs lead to full-time work, and the time you spend doing the temp work is on the job training. It's really simple, but most people don't seem to get it. When I was doing general office work as a temp, if you work hard and are a good employee, they keep you on and train you for something better. One time I had a job selling something over the phone for Wards. I am a terrible salesperson and didn't want to stay, but one day, by a miracle, I sold a big item, and when I wanted to quit, the company was begging me to stay on and be a full time employee and sales person. I declined. But, the point is, if you do temp work and are found to be a good employee by the company where you are temping, they will very often want to keep you and train you up to better positions.

Define living wage, define decent housing, transportation, food, clothing.

Everyone throws out buzz words, however, it is board and general terms that seem to be defined individually.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

It's not at all complicated. Experts have been assessing cost of living for as long as I can remember. Cost of living analysis is not the problem here.

San Francisco has the highest minimum wage in the nation, and has rent control to save the poor workers from evil landlords who jack up the rent just because. Despite these two things, no one in this city can live on a minimum wage job.

El Paso TX, on the other hand, is stuck with the minimum wage for the rest of the country, and doesn't have the benefits of a magnanimous government controlling rents. end result is that the cost of living in El Paso is roughly half what it is in San Francisco with housing a whopping 80% lower in El Paso. Have you ever considered the possibility that the higher minimum wage and the rent control laws contribute to that disparity?

Cost of Living Calculator & Comparison Index
Comparable to everyone else's. They only have two locations so they don't have to worry about a massive employee base. That being said, good for them. It's nice to see a company making enough that they can afford to pay their workers this good. Here, where I am, the starting pay for ANY fast food joint is around 10.50 an hour.

If you have anything approaching a skill you start around 13 an hour.
It is good to see them pay people as well as they can. Not only that, but they may have a superb feeling for the spirit of their community who may value good wages so well they will flock to the small chain. You can make more money with heavy foot traffic than none, and the good will of any community is always a plus in business. Your customers will carry you through the rough places if they know you care about their wishes enough. In Detroit, there is a liking for higher wages than the average bear.

I wish them all the best.

As I mentioned earlier, it's now time for all liberals in the area to put their money where their mouths are, and support this place.

Liberals don't go to Detroit, too many black people.
Define living wage, define decent housing, transportation, food, clothing.

Everyone throws out buzz words, however, it is board and general terms that seem to be defined individually.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

It's not at all complicated. Experts have been assessing cost of living for as long as I can remember. Cost of living analysis is not the problem here.

San Francisco has the highest minimum wage in the nation, and has rent control to save the poor workers from evil landlords who jack up the rent just because. Despite these two things, no one in this city can live on a minimum wage job.

El Paso TX, on the other hand, is stuck with the minimum wage for the rest of the country, and doesn't have the benefits of a magnanimous government controlling rents. end result is that the cost of living in El Paso is roughly half what it is in San Francisco with housing a whopping 80% lower in El Paso. Have you ever considered the possibility that the higher minimum wage and the rent control laws contribute to that disparity?

Cost of Living Calculator & Comparison Index

People make all kinds of choices as to where they live, housing, and other expenses. You have to adapt. It is obvious that if there is a federal minimum wage, in some areas it is not going to go as far as in others. That is true of any salary. I was watchng the BBC the other day. It was a segment where news announcers were chatting about the newspaper headlines. Some subject came up and one of the announcers, who is most likely very well paid, was talking about her tiny studio apartment. She lives in London where apartments are extremely expensive. She adapts to that though her salary is probably quite substantial, and if she lived in another area of England, she wouldn't have to pay nearly so much.
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They've been trying to get $15hr passed here, especially Seatac and Seattle. If so I predict the unemployment rate will explode. It's already around 9.50 as it is. We may be the lab test for the rest of the country.
No... nobody NEEDS government assistance unless they are so disabled they are a ward of the state

Funny how working more, advancing yourself, etc is not a priority.. but demanding government to force others to give you more money while you do nothing is

You suck at math & would epic fail the 5th grade. You would ace faith in your leaders & believing propaganda as gospel truth.

What is the US population?

How many people in the US have a job?

How many people does each worker pay have to support?

How much does each worker produce compared to others in history?

What causes inflation? (A)-Higher wages or (B)-Wall-street creating money & Government borrowing/printing to supporting to many people that used to be supported by worker pay.

Yeah.. ok.. I suck at math.. LMAO... all of us engineers suck at math

BLS shows about 63% of the population works out of about 250MIL (315 MIL in total population)

About 49% of the population receives some sort of government benefit or entitlement

Number of widgets has no bearing in the matter, unless you factor in ALL factors such as profit margin, automation impact, etc etc etc... and funny how we produce much less in actual goods today, and more in intellectual property or service

Higher wages cause inflation.. higher government debt causes inflation.. lack of competition causes inflation.. government burden via taxes causes inflation... rises in demand cause inflation... reductions in supply cause inflation.. you want more in a list???

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No... nobody NEEDS government assistance unless they are so disabled they are a ward of the state

Funny how working more, advancing yourself, etc is not a priority.. but demanding government to force others to give you more money while you do nothing is

I don't think the current minimum wage is adequate. Working full-time at $7.25 an hour is not enough for someone to support themselves, to pay rent, utilities, transportation, and insurance, buy food, etc. It should probably be around $10 an hour. Minimum wage needs to keep up with inflation and be enough so a person doesn't need to depend on government assistance programs to keep afloat.

You do not think.. but in many situations it IS enough.. .not enough to live on your own with everything you want.. but in a shared situation, living as an adult, it can be and often is enough... should the minimum wage be OCCASIONALLY raised with inflation?? Yes.. should we have 30 and 50% jumps?? No.. a 5% raise, and you would probably get no opposition... and government assistance at the federal level should be eliminated, forcing people to be more self reliant... you have to work 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs? So be it.. you have to live with 3 roommates and walk to work.. so be it.. you have to buy generic food and top ramen, so be it... you need to pay off a dr. visit or medical bill over a long period of time, so be it... your standing and what you do is on you, your decisions, your skills, your actions, etc... if you do nothing more than the minimum, you get the worst situation.. maybe you have to live with mom.. maybe you have to share a studio apartment with 3 others... maybe you have to look at a job that provides room and board.. maybe you have to think about joining the military.. maybe you have to suck it up and realize you don't get what a harder working or more marketable person gets... but it is NOT the responsibility of government to ease the pain that results from where you put yourself in life.. and it is NOT the responsibility of others to subsidize you with their efforts
San Francisco has the highest minimum wage in the nation, and has rent control to save the poor workers from evil landlords who jack up the rent just because. Despite these two things, no one in this city can live on a minimum wage job.

El Paso TX, on the other hand, is stuck with the minimum wage for the rest of the country, and doesn't have the benefits of a magnanimous government controlling rents. end result is that the cost of living in El Paso is roughly half what it is in San Francisco with housing a whopping 80% lower in El Paso. Have you ever considered the possibility that the higher minimum wage and the rent control laws contribute to that disparity?

Cost of Living Calculator & Comparison Index

Experian is one of the three largest personal credit rating agencies in the country. Experian's data facts prove Texans have low credit scores and Texans are high defaulting deadbeats. and Texans use more food stamps per person. Texas has the most Bankruptcies of any state in the USA.
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Experian is one of the three largest personal credit rating agencies in the country. Experian's data facts prove Texans have low credit scores and Texans are high defaulting deadbeats. and Texans use more food stamps per person.
I looked at a couple of those, it's always best to provide some content but apprently you didn't look at it. It show Texas as about average with Oregon one of the worst. The defaults were student loans and I don't see any liberal cities for top credit scores, whatever that's supposed to mean.
Cool, how much are the burger's?
Comparable to everyone else's. They only have two locations so they don't have to worry about a massive employee base. That being said, good for them. It's nice to see a company making enough that they can afford to pay their workers this good. Here, where I am, the starting pay for ANY fast food joint is around 10.50 an hour.

If you have anything approaching a skill you start around 13 an hour.
It is good to see them pay people as well as they can. Not only that, but they may have a superb feeling for the spirit of their community who may value good wages so well they will flock to the small chain. You can make more money with heavy foot traffic than none, and the good will of any community is always a plus in business. Your customers will carry you through the rough places if they know you care about their wishes enough. In Detroit, there is a liking for higher wages than the average bear.

I wish them all the best.
Not if you're selling a 'Jr. Burger' for $3.50. You know, the exact same burger McDonalds sells for $.99.
Detroit has a 'liking' for Black corrupt politicians and 'gang-bangers' and miles of inner city squaller. Did I mention 300 pound Black women with 4 inch nails and dyed 'white blond' hair?
So, liberals claim if the minimum wage is increased to $15.00 an hour. Will the liberals agree to end all entitlements? Except for the disabled. Liberals state that $15.00 an hour is a liveable wage, but what they don't realize, that everything it takes to live will go up also.
So ponder the following points:

This food chain is publicizing the fact that it is going to be paying $15/hr as a starting wage. A lot of college grads would be HAPPY to make $15/hr. A lot of experienced workers, mature individuals - even people with real food service backgrounds will be queuing up to put in applications for those $15/hr jobs. Indeed, the employer will be able to select from HUNDREDS of well-qualfied applicants at that wage.

And the employer will be able to demand a higher level of performance from the workers and maybe even a tiny bit more productivity.

Should he fire the existing employees who don't measure up? Remember, you can terminate an "at will" employee for any reason at all , except a prohibited reason.

BTW, we have sorta-fast food places around here called "Panera." They pay their people well, and I assure you there are not many pimply-faced high school kids working there - except for cute little girls working the cash registers.
So, liberals claim if the minimum wage is increased to $15.00 an hour. Will the liberals agree to end all entitlements? Except for the disabled. Liberals state that $15.00 an hour is a liveable wage, but what they don't realize, that everything it takes to live will go up also.

You don't understand economics yet you continue to tell liberals they don't understand. LOL

FYI - Raising minimum wage causes prices to fall & employment to rise.
are we suppose to give a flying care and they want to make it like all them protesting is the reason for it

He's free to do whatever stupid thing he wants...he must live in a neighborhood that will 15 bucks for a lously hamburger

and this is what the daily beast finds as stop the press the news

man do you people just swallow anything that you read?

moo burger $3.25
Top it with your choice of moo freebies.
bigger moo $5.65
(Twice the size!) Top it with your choice of moo freebies.
skinny moo
(Make any moo or bigger moo a skinny moo!)
Wrapped in crunchy, cool lettuce.
baa burger $6.50
All natural American lamb burger topped with fresh, creamy feta,
thinly sliced onions and our incredible cumin and oregano aioli.

yeah....1) thats not 15$ for a burger
2) youd pay the same at Burgerking
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