This Burger Joint Is Raising Its Starting Salary To $15 Per Hour


No... nobody NEEDS government assistance unless they are so disabled they are a ward of the state

Funny how working more, advancing yourself, etc is not a priority.. but demanding government to force others to give you more money while you do nothing is

As we know, people are forced to work where they work, and they're forced to work in that same position forever.

That's really fucked up 'n stuff, y'know?

At best employment periods only half the population is employed. Workers have to be able to fully support themselves plus one.
Regardless, I was responding to a post that opined minimum wage should be able to support a single person so your comments arguing against my post aren't relevant.

Again = I believe min wage can support a single person. I didn't make a statement on whether it can support a family of x or y size.
At best employment periods only half the population is employed. Workers have to be able to fully support themselves plus one.
Okay if we're going to hang out in thinking-puddle-deep-land then I'd point out the average full-time income is about 40k, which can in fact support one person plus one.

What percentage of minimum wage workers have a nonworking dependent?
They will attract and retain the services of higher quality workers and the lower ones will be forced to flock to the $7.25 an hour. Higher pay for the employees will create a better work environment. Looking down upon those who flip burgers is an elitist point of view. The business needs workers. They want to keep their good workers. I would rather have a good worker and pay them more than to pay less quality employees who move on constantly. In the end, why does anybody really care if they are paying their employees more. Isn't it good news to hear workers making more money rather than less? Or is that anit worker mentality out and about?
A minimum wage job should never be called a "JOB" for one cannot comfortably live on their own making it. Minimum wage jobs are for kids and those looking to work a job that doesn't require a lot of high productivity. But no American should look upon them as a way to support oneself.
So, liberals claim if the minimum wage is increased to $15.00 an hour. Will the liberals agree to end all entitlements? Except for the disabled. Liberals state that $15.00 an hour is a liveable wage, but what they don't realize, that everything it takes to live will go up also.

You don't understand economics yet you continue to tell liberals they don't understand. LOL

FYI - Raising minimum wage causes prices to fall & employment to rise.

Actually it's a good point. If they did that I would be on board.
Discussions about "raising the minimum wage" are rather pointless because they all start with the unsupportable premise that there is a rational basis for having a government-mandated minimum wage. But there is none.

It is a politician's wet dream but makes no sense in rational economic terms. It allows politicians to say, "Look what I'm doing for the POOR and DOWNTRODDEN!" while it costs him nothing to do it, and probably does more to harm the "poor and downtrodden" than anything else. Indeed, the higher the minimum wage, the more harm comes to people with no education, no experience, and no skills - not surprisingly the group most deserving of the title of "poor and downtrodden"

How many HS dropouts are going to be hired by this burger joint at $15? Why the fuck would they hire a gangbanger when they have a stack of applications from people with MFA degrees? If the MW were $15 per hour, what would be the unemployment rate in Detroit for minority youth?

100%? Certainly close to it.

I offer one observation and one question:

Question: Let's say I have a company and would like something done that has an economic value to me of, say, $4/hour. Say it's sweeping the sidewalk in front of my grocery store. It adds nothing to my bottom line but is a nice gesture and keeps the neighborhood looking tidy. And let us say further that there are local high school kids who are looking for something to do after school, who are willing to sweep my sidewalks for $4/hr.

One of the "rights" alluded to in the Ninth Amendment of the Constitution* is the "right of contract." That is, the right of people to make enforceable contractual commitments with each other, without interference from the Federal Government.

So my question is this: On what basis does the United States Federal Government PROHIBIT me and one of those high school kids from entering into a CONTRACT that both of us finds desirable? And who benefits from this PROHIBITION? It's not worth 7.25/hr to me or $10/hr. It's just something I would find desirable (not necessary). At those rates, I'll just not do it, or I'll send out a clerk to do it once in a while. Who benefits from the existence of the Minimum Wage in this case?

And my observation is this: For every person employed in this country, you MUST assume that that employment is THE BEST OPTION THE PERSON HAS for selling his or her time and effort for financial gain. When it comes to their own best financial interest, you must assume that people behave rationally. If the SEIU thinks that Suzy Tenderloin is being exploited by BarfBurgers, Inc., what fucking business is it of theirs? It's the best job she has available to her. Their interference could very well get Suzy fired for insubordination, or have her hours cut as the hourly rates go up, or to lose her job entirely, as BarfBurger has to cut staff in reaction to the higher rates. The SEIU refuses to acknowledge one very vital point: The Employer is NOT GOING TO EAT THE COST of higher rates! The amount that he can't pass on to his customers is going to be eliminated through reduction in compensated hours, one way or another. Net gain: ZERO!

If there were no minimum wage (or if the Federal Government were forced to adhere to the Constitution and ignore activity that is not part of "interstate commerce"), compensation would be entirely set by market conditions, and people would be paid according to their economic value. This radical concept applies to more than a hundred million people in the U.S. right now - those of us who are gainfully employed in the private sector and making more than MW. What a concept!

Without a MW, employers would have to GIVE SOME THOUGHT to how much a job is worth and how much they have to pay for the level of performance that they need. People would have to GIVE SOME THOUGHT to how much they were willing to work for, and not just accept skut wages because "everybody here starts at minimum wage."

Our Beloved President and his minions claim to be deeply concerned about the problem of unemployment among minority yoot. The BEST thing they could do for them would be to eliminate the minimum wage.

I have spoken.

* Ninth Amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
The reason the US population votes in LIBs is b/c they are shit scared of having a GOP government.
Now the majority of the population are 'Takers' depending on the 'Makers' to keep putting tax money into the pot.
This isn't news to anyone.
The teachers unions fucked the education system which is still cranking out illiterates.
The Liberal Indoctrination Centres taught the kids that "everyone deserved a trophy". Which has now resulted in The Culture Of Entitlement". Which in turn means millions of semi illiterates expect to make twice what is economically sustainable making fucking fries!
Oh the wonderful irony!
A fucking burger joint employing their entire staff with a minimum of a degree.
What until the LIBs get their heads around that reality.
Next Bobo will want to enforce 'affirmative action' dictating that only a certain number of burger joint employees can have a degree.
Plain old Socialism. You wait.
"You have twenty employees at your burger joint. That means that you have to employee at least six functionally illiterates who the teacher's union 'streamed' through high school."!
Well bully for them.

I'm glad they feel they are able to do that and still stay in business.

I am also glad that they have the freedom to pay what they want to pay.

Shouldn't other businesses have the same right to determine what they want to pay their employees?
Well bully for them.

I'm glad they feel they are able to do that and still stay in business.

I am also glad that they have the freedom to pay what they want to pay.

Shouldn't other businesses have the same right to determine what they want to pay their employees?
Let's wait and see how good their business decision turned out in six months.
I'll bet you a million bucks when they fold up you'll put up a hundred excuses why they went broke.
"Ya but if their supplier hadn't messed up their bun order that time everything would have been fine".
Can't wait for the burger joint owner to open another outlet after losing his shirt on this one. Bet you a million bucks he won't be paying his employees twice the national average.

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