This came to me from a friend.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else's hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don't like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. All liberals/ Dems want to know what has Trump done in the past 4 years? Let me tell you....
The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
This same "clown" lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The "clown" in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The "clown" in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of "tolerance". )
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?
I'll take the "clown" any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn't afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don't need a fatherly figure. I don't need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for.
Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!
God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Feel free to copy/paste, I did.
Yup, whenever I ask a libtard to give examples of his terrible policies, they got nothing.

When they claim he has done nothing or is inept, I point out his record on no wars and standing up to China. There is never any counter argument.

But the radical Marxist left aren’t concerned with facts, they are zealots that only care about pushing their insane socialist communist Agenda, and to destroy America.
This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else's hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don't like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. All liberals/ Dems want to know what has Trump done in the past 4 years? Let me tell you....
The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
This same "clown" lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The "clown" in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The "clown" in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of "tolerance". )
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?
I'll take the "clown" any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn't afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don't need a fatherly figure. I don't need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for.
Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!
God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Feel free to copy/paste, I did.
Donald Trump's African policy is characterized by a certain indifference towards the continent. The announcement of four American soldiers who died fighting Daesh on the border with Mali and Niger, however, demonstrated that in reality the American army is increasing its counterterrorism activities on the continent. This article examines the military policy of the Trump administration
more partisan bs...
another trump troll acting like not a trump troll and trying to rewrite history...
only a trump troll would believe any of this crap...

the best part is when they talk about the middle east...
the place where this orange guy showed up like a mafia boss and shoved some of the most advanced weaponry in the arsenal down through some dictators throat to extort money...
and they call this a "peace policy"...
its called "racketeering" in y neighborhood...
Leon Panetta: “I don't think there's any question that the combination of having a very poor transition where little information was provided to the new administration, and little guidance with regards to any of the policy changes that the administration was enacting, combined with last minute changes that are out there, and placement of individuals in places that really don't make a lot of sense other than to kind of place the Trump stamp on some of these agencies for a period of time, making them career people, as opposed to allowing them to move on. I think it's going to be difficult for the Biden administration to find out where all the bodies are buried.
This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else's hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don't like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. All liberals/ Dems want to know what has Trump done in the past 4 years? Let me tell you....
The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
This same "clown" lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The "clown" in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The "clown" in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of "tolerance". )
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?
I'll take the "clown" any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn't afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don't need a fatherly figure. I don't need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for.
Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!
God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Feel free to copy/paste, I did.
Well, there is the small problem that it's mostly lies, but other than that it's a pretty useless rant.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.

There’s considerable debate over how to measure any reshoring trends and very little data available. It’s often not as simple as a company closing a factory in China and reopening it in Ohio. Moser, for example, includes “partial shifts” of jobs, whereas some other research only includes shifts of entire businesses, and thus, have reached less optimistic conclusions about reshoring trends.

What is clear, however, said Paul, is that the US is seeing more companies that rely on cheap energy — now in abundance in the US — coming back.

“That includes some types of chemical processing, some types of plastics,” said Paul. “I’ve also seen jobs come back in everything from auto parts to textiles in jeans.”

Paul said this trend began about a decade ago. Moser, who also assists companies with information about the benefits of shifting work to the US, said President Barack Obama got the ball rolling.

  • Thread starter
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  • #9
This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else's hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don't like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. All liberals/ Dems want to know what has Trump done in the past 4 years? Let me tell you....
The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
This same "clown" lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The "clown" in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The "clown" in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of "tolerance". )
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?
I'll take the "clown" any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn't afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don't need a fatherly figure. I don't need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for.
Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!
God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Feel free to copy/paste, I did.
Well, there is the small problem that it's mostly lies, but other than that it's a pretty useless rant.
You could perhaps expand on the "lie" part. I am listening.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.

He's lucky he ain't dead- ask JFK

This post is not open for debate.

I beg to differ- posting it makes it open- now, the debate? may be rhetorical bullshit, as are most political debates?, none the less, posting makes the first sentence wrong-
Trump thought the idiom of his personality would allow him to project an image that is not truth only hyperbole and the OP shows how his friends are in need of self assurance and intelligence by claiming falsehoods as being the truth.
There’s considerable debate over how to measure any reshoring trends and very little data available. It’s often not as simple as a company closing a factory in China and reopening it in Ohio. Moser, for example, includes “partial shifts” of jobs, whereas some other research only includes shifts of entire businesses, and thus, have reached less optimistic conclusions about reshoring trends.
In a Global Economy, the jobs won't *come back*- the US Tertiary economy has raised the level of poverty world wide- and it started long before Obama- every POTUS can be credited with one thing- over reaching his authority. Period.
Trump thought the idiom of his personality would allow him to project an image that is not truth only hyperbole and the OP shows how his friends are in need of self assurance and intelligence by claiming falsehoods as being the truth.
LOL- man, you are shallow and stupid- and you do it in public- SMH
Trump thought the idiom of his personality would allow him to project an image that is not truth only hyperbole and the OP shows how his friends are in need of self assurance and intelligence by claiming falsehoods as being the truth.
LOL- man, you are shallow and stupid- and you do it in public- SMH
Your obsession with me tends to be on the sincerely sickening side of obsessions.
This post is not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else's hatred, rhetoric and outright lies for the last four years, so now I am having my say. If you don't like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I am not a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, a racist bigot, is in bed with China and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. All liberals/ Dems want to know what has Trump done in the past 4 years? Let me tell you....
The "arrogant" in the White House brokered four Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The "buffoon" in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The "racist" in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The "liar" in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The "buffoon" in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The "fool" in the White House neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The "xenophobe" in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of businesses back to the US, and revived the economy.
This same "clown" lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The "clown" in the White House fast-tracked the development of multiple COVID Vaccines which are now available or will be soon. And yet we still don't have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The "clown" in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
I got it, you don't like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise. (Ah, the left. The party of "tolerance". )
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer? By the way, where is Hunter?
I'll take the "clown" any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn't afraid to kick some butt when needed. I don't need a fatherly figure. I don't need a liar. That's what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and the New York Times are for.
Call me a chump, a racist, or part of the basket of deplorables. I do not care!
God bless Donald Trump - the best, most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Feel free to copy/paste, I did.

There was a news black out on all that stuff, Trump accomplishments were ignored and so many Americans have no idea. All they heard from the liberal news media was negative coverage 24/7.
Trump thought the idiom of his personality would allow him to project an image that is not truth only hyperbole and the OP shows how his friends are in need of self assurance and intelligence by claiming falsehoods as being the truth.
You are focused on the man, not the leader that encouraged you to return to principles that made our country unique in the world. The country was self-sufficient, self-governing and self-confident. Now we will go back to warring. Fear is a great motivator and enemies must be subdued. That man understood that wars are destructive to everything and everyone but a tiny nucleus of aristocracy that profits from it.

We will be going to war again soon enough under the guise that that bad man caused it. Wait for it.
Yup, whenever I ask a libtard to give examples of his terrible policies, they got nothing.

When they claim he has done nothing or is inept, I point out his record on no wars and standing up to China. There is never any counter argument.

But the radical Marxist left aren’t concerned with facts, they are zealots that only care about pushing their insane socialist communist Agenda, and to destroy America.

But when us real Conservatives do all you hear is .....

Trump thought the idiom of his personality would allow him to project an image that is not truth only hyperbole and the OP shows how his friends are in need of self assurance and intelligence by claiming falsehoods as being the truth.
Yup, whenever I ask a libtard to give examples of his terrible policies, they got nothing.

When they claim he has done nothing or is inept, I point out his record on no wars and standing up to China. There is never any counter argument.

But the radical Marxist left aren’t concerned with facts, they are zealots that only care about pushing their insane socialist communist Agenda, and to destroy America.

According to them he's done nothing in four years. You point out what that piece says and they say its lies.

Well Biden is now the POTUS and on his first day he screwed every tax payer in the country. None of the lefty loons want to comment on that. We are in for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris rule. I'm looking forward to every lefty loon on this board defending that jack ass. I'll enjoy the hell out of it.

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