This Can't Be True. Tell Me It's A Lie.

This has been going on for years there.
Some examples

You may remember Al-Aqsa TV. This is the TV station that fills dear little ears with hate, that brought Palestinian children Farfur Mouse and Nahoul Bee. Among its many poisonous features are music videos, such as one showing a four-year-old girl singing a song to her mom, who blows herself up and kills four Israeli soldiers. Afterwards the girl holds a bomb and sings: "I am following Mommy in her steps." Other videos feature children in military uniforms and holding guns.

Now Hammad discloses the Hamas strategy, which some have suspected but few have actually believed: use people, especially women and children, as human shields. If you won't believe me, will you believe a member of Hamas?

Statement from hamas-
This is the transcript of his remarks (but it is worth watching the clip just to hear the hatred in his voice):

[The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life."

Hammad is a leader of the Izzedeen al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, and in 2006 was elected to the Palestinian Parliament as a Hamas representative. He is also director of Al-Aqsa TV, which aired his comments on February 29.

Video at link
Palestinians Admit Using Human Shields
you people understand that the Palestinians are in dire straits .
what they are doing seem horrible to us but to them ( and that's what counts) it's a perfectly logical and reasonable response from their POV.
kinda like the gop and trump.
You are one sick puppy...
you people understand that the Palestinians are in dire straits .
what they are doing seem horrible to us but to them ( and that's what counts) it's a perfectly logical and reasonable response from their POV.
kinda like the gop and trump.
is it any worse than this ?

You argue fact with a cartoon drawing? What's next puppets?
because it is fact ...and it's not a cartoon drawing .
guess in your willful ignorance the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" is meaningless .
being a pseudo intellectual half wit I can see why you are confused
A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.
want fries with that,?
is it any worse than this ?

You argue fact with a cartoon drawing? What's next puppets?
because it is fact ...and it's not a cartoon drawing .
guess in your willful ignorance the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" is meaningless .
being a pseudo intellectual half wit I can see why you are confused
A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.
want fries with that,?
Its a cartoon drawing and nothing more.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007
is it any worse than this ?

You argue fact with a cartoon drawing? What's next puppets?
because it is fact ...and it's not a cartoon drawing .
guess in your willful ignorance the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" is meaningless .
being a pseudo intellectual half wit I can see why you are confused
A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English idiom. It refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image or that an image of a subject conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a description does.
want fries with that,?
Its a cartoon drawing and nothing more.
typical lame ass reaction .
so the you tube clip in the first post is nothing also ,after all it's just a series a of still pictures ...
Facts are truth, which you know nothing about, dear, trollish daws.
You are one sick puppy...
you people understand that the Palestinians are in dire straits .
what they are doing seem horrible to us but to them ( and that's what counts) it's a perfectly logical and reasonable response from their POV.
kinda like the gop and trump.
stating fact is sick ? on what planet.?
And you found hitler's training of youth as such, ok?
Sort of like they did Soros.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007

I have seen that .. kinda like the Hitler youth only with fuzzy animals,
And you found hitler's training of youth as such, ok?
Sort of like they did Soros.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007

I have seen that .. kinda like the Hitler youth only with fuzzy animals,

A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. If I say "fire is hot," I don't care how great your reasoning skills are, if you touch fire your skin will burn (and don't give me that "but people can walk on hot coals!" bull. There's a difference between the transfer of heat through conduction and training one's body to deal with the agonizing pain of said conduction). Now when I say this, I am not speaking a truth, I am speaking a fact. If you say "fire is not hot," you are not lying, you are incorrect. Facts are concrete realities that no amount of reasoning will change. When one acknowledges a fact, they are doing just that. Facts are not discovered, facts are not created, facts are simply acknowledged.

A truth on the other hand, is almost the opposite. Truths are those things that are not simply acknowledged, but must be discovered, or created. If I say "God exists," and I possess strong reasoning for the affirmative of that statement, then God really does exist, that is a reality. However, if another individual possesses strong reasoning for the negative, and because of this reasoning they believe that God does not exist, then that is also a reality. If we were to debate our ideologies, and my reasoning appeared stronger than theirs, they may choose to adopt my belief that God does exist. If they do, then the existence of God is just as true as the nonexistence of God which they believed a week ago. Truths, as opposed to fact, are much more fluid and malleable than their empirical counterparts.

I win.
And avoidance and deflection once again noted. I repeat, did you find hitler's training of youth, ok?
(Let's see what deflection or trollish post he will probably go with this time)
And you found hitler's training of youth as such, ok?
Sort of like they did Soros.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007

I have seen that .. kinda like the Hitler youth only with fuzzy animals,

A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. If I say "fire is hot," I don't care how great your reasoning skills are, if you touch fire your skin will burn (and don't give me that "but people can walk on hot coals!" bull. There's a difference between the transfer of heat through conduction and training one's body to deal with the agonizing pain of said conduction). Now when I say this, I am not speaking a truth, I am speaking a fact. If you say "fire is not hot," you are not lying, you are incorrect. Facts are concrete realities that no amount of reasoning will change. When one acknowledges a fact, they are doing just that. Facts are not discovered, facts are not created, facts are simply acknowledged.

A truth on the other hand, is almost the opposite. Truths are those things that are not simply acknowledged, but must be discovered, or created. If I say "God exists," and I possess strong reasoning for the affirmative of that statement, then God really does exist, that is a reality. However, if another individual possesses strong reasoning for the negative, and because of this reasoning they believe that God does not exist, then that is also a reality. If we were to debate our ideologies, and my reasoning appeared stronger than theirs, they may choose to adopt my belief that God does exist. If they do, then the existence of God is just as true as the nonexistence of God which they believed a week ago. Truths, as opposed to fact, are much more fluid and malleable than their empirical counterparts.

I win.
Was I right or was I right! Ha!
He now states false equivalence to his own analogy. You can't make this stuff up, folks!
And you found hitler's training of youth as such, ok?
Sort of like they did Soros.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007

I have seen that .. kinda like the Hitler youth only with fuzzy animals,
false equivalence...
And avoidance and deflection once again noted. I repeat, did you find hitler's training of youth, ok?
(Let's see what deflection or trollish post he will probably go with this time)
And you found hitler's training of youth as such, ok?
Sort of like they did Soros.

Jul 15, 2007 · Nahoul the Bee Replaces Farfour - Hamas Mickey Mouse - and Vows to Continue on His Path of Martyrdom and Jihad Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) July 13, 2007

I have seen that .. kinda like the Hitler youth only with fuzzy animals,

A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. If I say "fire is hot," I don't care how great your reasoning skills are, if you touch fire your skin will burn (and don't give me that "but people can walk on hot coals!" bull. There's a difference between the transfer of heat through conduction and training one's body to deal with the agonizing pain of said conduction). Now when I say this, I am not speaking a truth, I am speaking a fact. If you say "fire is not hot," you are not lying, you are incorrect. Facts are concrete realities that no amount of reasoning will change. When one acknowledges a fact, they are doing just that. Facts are not discovered, facts are not created, facts are simply acknowledged.

A truth on the other hand, is almost the opposite. Truths are those things that are not simply acknowledged, but must be discovered, or created. If I say "God exists," and I possess strong reasoning for the affirmative of that statement, then God really does exist, that is a reality. However, if another individual possesses strong reasoning for the negative, and because of this reasoning they believe that God does not exist, then that is also a reality. If we were to debate our ideologies, and my reasoning appeared stronger than theirs, they may choose to adopt my belief that God does exist. If they do, then the existence of God is just as true as the nonexistence of God which they believed a week ago. Truths, as opposed to fact, are much more fluid and malleable than their empirical counterparts.

I win.

Why ask me now what I think about it or anything else ?
You've already made endless assumptions and accusations .
Proving it doesn't much matter what I think about it.

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