This country is fucked up. It is your fault. And here's why:


Nov 15, 2010
You glorify the artist. You idolize the movie star. You put the athlete on a pedestal. You give preferred treatment to the politician.

Wake up morons.

It doesn't matter whether or not someone can run fast or catch a ball. Stop paying outragous prices to attend an uncomfortable movie theatre, full of obnoxious peope, to watch a mostly computer edited piece of crap with no substance or story.

Wake the fuck up.

It is your fault for buying jerseys and sneakers and being glued to your televisions on superbowl sunday. Does it really fucking matter who wins? How does it affect your life? It doesn't.

Take it from me, I bet the fucking games and I don't watch them. Because for me, only the outcome matters, not how it came about.

The millions of dollars being paid to entertainers would be better spent being paid to productive members of society.

Stop donating to UNICEF, or feed the children or stupid shit like this. DONATE TO RESEARCH. Cancer research, hiv research, life extention, and whatever other sciences and technologies benefit mankid.

Stop being fucking sheep, you assholes.

Find salvation in my words, for I am the truth.

So only the research scientist is worthy of celebration?

Nothing else mankind does matters?

And keeping children from starving isn't as important as funding reseach to keep sick people alive?

You didn't think this editorial out very deeply, did you?
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Only things that directly or indirectly benefit me are worth doing.

And correct. It is more important to find cures for diseases than donating food.

I thought this out. Did you think this out?

Even scientist find a cure for HIV an cancer do you think they would make it public? Cancer and HIV/AIDS treatment is huge business. I highly doubt they want to stop the gravy train.

So rather feed starving children so I know at least the kids are benefiting from my charity.
Only things that directly or indirectly benefit me are worth doing.

And correct. It is more important to find cures for diseases than donating food.

I thought this out. Did you think this out?


But I dont give a rats ass about you.
Sounds like somebody pissed in DrSporK's Cheerios this morning. What a fucking grouch.
And here I thought DrSpork was gonna' be a lot of fun, but he went crazy instead.

Oh well.
Only things that directly or indirectly benefit me are worth doing.

And correct. It is more important to find cures for diseases than donating food.

I thought this out. Did you think this out?


Read what you JUST wrote. Only YOU matter is what this post is saying. You do not care about anyone but yourself according to what you wrote and you want to give 300 million other people advice on what is important?

Now just imagine if all 300 million JUST want what benefits them? And they don't believe what you want is important or as important as what they want?

By the way? Last I checked one can still donate to charities without effecting the money going to research.
Only things that directly or indirectly benefit me are worth doing.

And correct. It is more important to find cures for diseases than donating food.

I thought this out. Did you think this out?


Read what you JUST wrote. Only YOU matter is what this post is saying. You do not care about anyone but yourself according to what you wrote and you want to give 300 million other people advice on what is important?

Now just imagine if all 300 million JUST want what benefits them? And they don't believe what you want is important or as important as what they want?

By the way? Last I checked one can still donate to charities without effecting the money going to research.

and there, in bold, is the reason our country is fucked up. It may not be all 300 million, but a significant enough number to be noted.
You glorify the artist. You idolize the movie star. You put the athlete on a pedestal. You give preferred treatment to the politician.

Wake up morons.

It doesn't matter whether or not someone can run fast or catch a ball. Stop paying outragous prices to attend an uncomfortable movie theatre, full of obnoxious peope, to watch a mostly computer edited piece of crap with no substance or story.

Wake the fuck up.

It is your fault for buying jerseys and sneakers and being glued to your televisions on superbowl sunday. Does it really fucking matter who wins? How does it affect your life? It doesn't.

Take it from me, I bet the fucking games and I don't watch them. Because for me, only the outcome matters, not how it came about.

The millions of dollars being paid to entertainers would be better spent being paid to productive members of society.

Stop donating to UNICEF, or feed the children or stupid shit like this. DONATE TO RESEARCH. Cancer research, hiv research, life extention, and whatever other sciences and technologies benefit mankid.

Stop being fucking sheep, you assholes.

Find salvation in my words, for I am the truth.


You sound just like a sheep.

Have you ever heard of freedom? It's a quaint little concept that allows people the freedom to choose whether to go to a ballgame, donate to charity, both or neither.

Why do you hate freedom?
Basically this editorial just dismissed as unimportant everything mankind does but scientific research.

Now does that really make sense?

Who are we doing this scientific research for, anyway?

For those people who like baseball games, ballet, and monster trucks.

Like I said, this editorial wasn't very deeply thought out.

Everything that people do is important.

I'm one hell of a lot more dependent on the guys who take care of the garbage than I am an HIV researcher.

And so are the rest of us.

This classist nonsense that some people doing mundane things with their lives don't count is why I complained about the spririt of this editorial.
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The point that the human race can be so much more if it adopted a more star trek type mindset. The mindset that you shouldn't work for money, but you should work to better yourself and humanity as a whole. Sadly, that contradicts human nature though...even I wouldn't subscribe to it even though I admit it would be better than it is now. haha.
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The point that the human race can be so much more if it adopted a more star trek type mindset. The mindset that you shouldn't work for money, but you should work to better yourself and humanity as a whole. Sadly, that contradicts human nature though...even I wouldn't subscribe to it even though I admit it would be better than it is now. haha.

With all due respect, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I KNOW IT IS DUMB. lol. but a dumb point is still a point.

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The Dr has returned to enlighten!

The point is not to prevent freedom. On the contrary, the dr believes in complete freedom for each individual to see or do as he or she sees fit. What I am saying is it is this freedom that has allowed you to be imbeciles.

It is because you are sheep that Barrack Obama has been elected to be the president. You are idiots. You no minds of your own. You pay outragous prices to attend shitty movies? Why? Because you see a commercial for it on television. Because your friends do it. Because you know not of what to do with your time? Buy a fucking book and read it. Take up a martial art class. Improve yourself.

Who gives a shit if Tom bady shows up to your mall? Who gives a shit who Alex Rodriguez is banging. You idiots are so obsessed with the lives of others that you neglect your own.

This is why, under the cove of freedom and sophisticated manipulation and propoganda you have been turned into drones.

Stop giving your money to overpaid actors and sports stars. Stop allowing special treatment for politicians.

Stop being idiots.

of course, this is only useful advice. You may, at your own discretions, continue being compeletely fucking stupid.


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