This damn heat is unbearable this year.

Also don't close bedroom doors in your house as it prevents the air from cycling properly. Vacuum your return air vents and CHANGE YOUR FILTER FREQUENTLY.
Also hose off the outside unit radiator
Did you get triple-tabs? Oh, you're up North, probably have a steep-pitch roof.

Architectural shingles. I don't know what triple tabs are. Ha.

Yeah, your roofing needs are different up there. I have a plan to do mine in metal. Kinda glad you brought this up. I think you got a good roof for where you are. Here, triple-tabs are needed, there's a lotta that sideways rain n stuff.

Types of Roof Shingles | Different Types & Styles, Benefits
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Yeah, your roofing needs are different up there. I have a plan to do mine in metal. Kinda glad you brought this up.

Old tin roof sounds good when it rains. We used to have one of those when we lived in the sticks back in the late 60s early 70s.

Ah well. I just can't wait to sell this thing and head out west where it's less humid.

Yeah, your roofing needs are different up there. I have a plan to do mine in metal. Kinda glad you brought this up.

Old tin roof sounds good when it rains. We used to have one of those when we lived in the sticks back in the late 60s early 70s.

Ah well. I just can't wait to sell this thing and head out west where it's less humid.

I had something like that right outside my window in a place that rained a lot in summer. Impossible to sleep with that noise. though it wasn't just rain, it was someone a-hole with a pipe sticking out from the 6th floor that would hit the roof down below.
I am not sure if it is just because I went back into the field this year rather that the cushy "office" job or if it is really worse but I suspect the latter.
The only upside is my grass is browning so I don't have to mow every 3 days like a usual spring/early summer.
Not sure which is worse tho, an airconditioner that never shuts off, costing a fortune, or the nasty humidity

Likely so. It's a drastic change. I've got problems inside the house, though. I just spent 13 thousand on a new air conditioner and furnace last year, but the guy sold me an air conditioner that was too big. So it doesn't suck humidity out of the house right. At least as far as my own research into it leads me to believe. I don't really understand how that matters, but not my field. That was a waste of money, it seems.

I had a new roof installed yesterday, so maybe that might help to cool it down in here, too. I dunno. They said it probably would.

It's ironic you all were talking about Vegas. My doc keeps telling me I need to move out west where the humidity is lighter. But that's another story. Ha.

Anyway. Yeah. It sucks, the humidity. I'm on the east coast and basically on an island here in Delaware. A lot of humidity and with all of that water surrounding us, it just adds to it. As soon as I sell this place, I'm out.

I've been wearing a straw hat when I work in my yard. That seems to help. Masybe try one on and see if it helps you out. That shade on your face really does help. The air is still horrible, but still. It's something if you're working outdoors.
What ton is your ac? If it never shuts off it is too small or your filters are full.
Problem I have is my house faces east/west so the windows are always facing the sun and acting like magnifying glasses. I bought theatre black out curtains but they make it too dark.
It could also be a problem with the ducting. If the airflow isn't distributed right there is imbalance and efficiency will suffer.
I am not sure if it is just because I went back into the field this year rather that the cushy "office" job or if it is really worse but I suspect the latter.
The only upside is my grass is browning so I don't have to mow every 3 days like a usual spring/early summer.
Not sure which is worse tho, an airconditioner that never shuts off, costing a fortune, or the nasty humidity

Likely so. It's a drastic change. I've got problems inside the house, though. I just spent 13 thousand on a new air conditioner and furnace last year, but the guy sold me an air conditioner that was too big. So it doesn't suck humidity out of the house right. At least as far as my own research into it leads me to believe. I don't really understand how that matters, but not my field. That was a waste of money, it seems.

I had a new roof installed yesterday, so maybe that might help to cool it down in here, too. I dunno. They said it probably would.

It's ironic you all were talking about Vegas. My doc keeps telling me I need to move out west where the humidity is lighter. But that's another story. Ha.

Anyway. Yeah. It sucks, the humidity. I'm on the east coast and basically on an island here in Delaware. A lot of humidity and with all of that water surrounding us, it just adds to it. As soon as I sell this place, I'm out.

I've been wearing a straw hat when I work in my yard. That seems to help. Masybe try one on and see if it helps you out. That shade on your face really does help. The air is still horrible, but still. It's something if you're working outdoors.
What ton is your ac? If it never shuts off it is too small or your filters are full.
Problem I have is my house faces east/west so the windows are always facing the sun and acting like magnifying glasses. I bought theatre black out curtains but they make it too dark.
It could also be a problem with the ducting. If the airflow isn't distributed right there is imbalance and efficiency will suffer.
If his house is really old you may be right. Our builder put air ducts in the garage. Stuffed them with insulation.
Also don't close bedroom doors in your house as it prevents the air from cycling properly. Vacuum your return air vents and CHANGE YOUR FILTER FREQUENTLY.
Also hose off the outside unit radiator
LOL probably one of the better OP threads I've come across this evening as it is actually pertinent & informative, lol. Refreshing change, no pun intended, tks Gramps...
1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.

Yeah. Seems to be the case. That's Home Depot for ya. They just send whatever contractor out and they proceed to selling you the most expensive one without really caring about how it works. And I donlt know jack squat nothing about air conditioners. At least not enough to ask important questions like this one.

I should have just hired a local mom and pop place.

Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.
Unless you are installing it yourself and know what you are buying/doing, and it is a good product. They do sell some alright stuff and have good deals if you know what you are buying. I'd never even consider having home despot install anything themselves ever though. You might get someone who knows what they are doing but it is too much of a crapshoot.
Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.

I got my roof from Home Depot, too. Ha. But they sent Mexicans for the roof, as opposed to uppity yuppy who sold me the air conditioner. Those Mexican guys knocked that roof out like champions. And didn't leave not one speck of debris behind.

But, yeah, it was expensive.

Did you get triple-tabs? Oh, you're up North, probably have a steep-pitch roof.

About the could plant a line of Norfolk Island pines on the east and west sides of the house. If my yard wasn't so funky-shaped, I would on the west side. I already have shade on the east after 9 AM.
Pines are nice and low maintenance (no leaves). Sappy fuckers though and a pain to climb if you happen to crash your remote control plane in one.
1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.

Yeah. Seems to be the case. That's Home Depot for ya. They just send whatever contractor out and they proceed to selling you the most expensive one without really caring about how it works. And I donlt know jack squat nothing about air conditioners. At least not enough to ask important questions like this one.

I should have just hired a local mom and pop place.

Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.
Unless you are installing it yourself and know what you are buying/doing, and it is a good product. They do sell some alright stuff and have good deals if you know what you are buying. I'd never even consider having home despot install anything themselves ever though. You might get someone who knows what they are doing but it is too much of a crapshoot.
Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.

I got my roof from Home Depot, too. Ha. But they sent Mexicans for the roof, as opposed to uppity yuppy who sold me the air conditioner. Those Mexican guys knocked that roof out like champions. And didn't leave not one speck of debris behind.

But, yeah, it was expensive.

Did you get triple-tabs? Oh, you're up North, probably have a steep-pitch roof.

About the could plant a line of Norfolk Island pines on the east and west sides of the house. If my yard wasn't so funky-shaped, I would on the west side. I already have shade on the east after 9 AM.
Pines are nice and low maintenance (no leaves). Sappy fuckers though and a pain to climb if you happen to crash your remote control plane in one.

That's what a yard man I was talking to told me. The Norfolk Island Pines don't make a big mess. I cut a big one down not long ago, biggest one I've seen.
Did you get triple-tabs? Oh, you're up North, probably have a steep-pitch roof.

Architectural shingles. I don't know what triple tabs are. Ha.

Yeah, your roofing needs are different up there. I have a plan to do mine in metal. Kinda glad you brought this up.
Fuck that shit. Ting ting ting hot hot hot

Eh, my plan is a bit different, light colored metal, air pocket between it and the wood via furring strips, (probably 1x4s)
I am from Indiana and the humidity can be absolutely miserable, but I spent 3 weeks in August of 74 in Lebanon, Mizzouri and it was the absolutely the worst... Camping while working, building a Barn and a garage in a land locked 40 acre plot. The only saving grace was a really nice crik… Water temp was nothing but heaven on earth and really shady... When we weren't pounding 16 and 20 penny nails, we were in the crik…
Truth be known I could probably still be arrested for being in the wrong place at the right time... Fellow that owned the 40 acres was a chemist and made some very, lets just say some inappropriate substances...
Anyway the buildings were completed, the Chemist got married and no one went to jail... :04:...
I just realized the OP is in KC. The temp today was 97° not 110° and the forcast for tomorrow is 87° with lower to mid 90s for the next week. My phone gives the the weather there because I go there a couple of times a month.
Did you see the word HEAT INDEX in the op or are you being retarded on purpose?

Yesterday was 102 real temp. Day before was even hotter.
Last week was cool. I was there. Stayed at the Westin because I had early meetings.
Now you are just STRAIGHT UP LYING.


Bound for ignore
Lol, I'm not the one lying here, although I would calls what you are doing as exaggerating rather than lying.

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