This damn heat is unbearable this year.

They are but according to creep the LIAR he was here in KC and it was NICE.

Some people are so damn stupid and they are just determined to argue with you simply because you are "left or right" no matter the subject.
I argue and can be a prick sometimes but I try to dial it down and be real too. Hope you and yours have a great 4th gramps.
Yeah. In Denver we get 105 degrees in early summer and this scary phenomena of a heat being driven UP by clouds , not down, after sunset. I have never seen this before, and it scared me...I still can't believe it. Oh the weather guys had a fancy name for it, I understand science. This IS a example of global warming...I am 60, I have NEVER seen this before. This is phenomenal, totally extraordinary.
I am not sure if it is just because I went back into the field this year rather that the cushy "office" job or if it is really worse but I suspect the latter.
The only upside is my grass is browning so I don't have to mow every 3 days like a usual spring/early summer.
Not sure which is worse tho, an airconditioner that never shuts off, costing a fortune, or the nasty humidity

Likely so. It's a drastic change. I've got problems inside the house, though. I just spent 13 thousand on a new air conditioner and furnace last year, but the guy sold me an air conditioner that was too big. So it doesn't suck humidity out of the house right. At least as far as my own research into it leads me to believe. I don't really understand how that matters, but not my field. That was a waste of money, it seems.

I had a new roof installed yesterday, so maybe that might help to cool it down in here, too. I dunno. They said it probably would.

It's ironic you all were talking about Vegas. My doc keeps telling me I need to move out west where the humidity is lighter. But that's another story. Ha.

Anyway. Yeah. It sucks, the humidity. I'm on the east coast and basically on an island here in Delaware. A lot of humidity and with all of that water surrounding us, it just adds to it. As soon as I sell this place, I'm out.

I've been wearing a straw hat when I work in my yard. That seems to help. Masybe try one on and see if it helps you out. That shade on your face really does help. The air is still horrible, but still. It's something if you're working outdoors.
I am not sure if it is just because I went back into the field this year rather that the cushy "office" job or if it is really worse but I suspect the latter.
The only upside is my grass is browning so I don't have to mow every 3 days like a usual spring/early summer.
Not sure which is worse tho, an airconditioner that never shuts off, costing a fortune, or the nasty humidity

Likely so. It's a drastic change. I've got problems inside the house, though. I just spent 13 thousand on a new air conditioner and furnace last year, but the guy sold me an air conditioner that was too big. So it doesn't suck humidity out of the house right. At least as far as my own research into it leads me to believe. I don't really understand how that matters, but not my field. That was a waste of money.

I had a new roof installed yesterday, so maybe that might help to cool it down in here, too. I dunno. They said it probably would.

It's ironic you all weretalking aboutVegas. My doc keeps tellinmg me ? need to move out west where the humidity is lighter. But that's another story. Ha.

Anyway. Yeah. It sucks, the humidity. I'm on the east coast and basically on an island here in Delaware. A lot of humidity with all of that water surrounding us. As soon as I sell this place, I'm out.

I've been wearing a straw hat when I work in my yard. That seems to help. Masybe try one on and see if it helps you out. That shade on your face really does help. The air is still horrible, but still. It's something if you;re working outdoors.

1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.
I am not sure if it is just because I went back into the field this year rather that the cushy "office" job or if it is really worse but I suspect the latter.
The only upside is my grass is browning so I don't have to mow every 3 days like a usual spring/early summer.
Not sure which is worse tho, an airconditioner that never shuts off, costing a fortune, or the nasty humidity

Likely so. It's a drastic change. I've got problems inside the house, though. I just spent 13 thousand on a new air conditioner and furnace last year, but the guy sold me an air conditioner that was too big. So it doesn't suck humidity out of the house right. At least as far as my own research into it leads me to believe. I don't really understand how that matters, but not my field. That was a waste of money, it seems.

I had a new roof installed yesterday, so maybe that might help to cool it down in here, too. I dunno. They said it probably would.

It's ironic you all were talking about Vegas. My doc keeps telling me I need to move out west where the humidity is lighter. But that's another story. Ha.

Anyway. Yeah. It sucks, the humidity. I'm on the east coast and basically on an island here in Delaware. A lot of humidity and with all of that water surrounding us, it just adds to it. As soon as I sell this place, I'm out.

I've been wearing a straw hat when I work in my yard. That seems to help. Masybe try one on and see if it helps you out. That shade on your face really does help. The air is still horrible, but still. It's something if you're working outdoors.
What ton is your ac? If it never shuts off it is too small or your filters are full.
Problem I have is my house faces east/west so the windows are always facing the sun and acting like magnifying glasses. I bought theatre black out curtains but they make it too dark.
1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.

Yeah. Seems to be the case. That's Home Depot for ya. They just send whatever contractor out and they proceed to selling you the most expensive one without really caring about how it works. And I donlt know jack squat nothing about air conditioners. At least not enough to ask important questions like this one.

I should have just hired a local mom and pop place.
1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.

Yeah. Seems to be the case. That's Home Depot for ya. They just send whatever contractor out and they proceed to selling you the most expensive one without really caring about how it works. And I donlt know jack squat nothing about air conditioners. At least not enough to ask important questions like this one.

I should have just hired a local mom and pop place.

Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.
1 size larger AC means it will cycle on less, saving electricity and AC life.

I never thought about the humidity factor, though. Makes sense.

The longer it runs, the more air it dries out.

Yeah. Seems to be the case. That's Home Depot for ya. They just send whatever contractor out and they proceed to selling you the most expensive one without really caring about how it works. And I donlt know jack squat nothing about air conditioners. At least not enough to ask important questions like this one.

I should have just hired a local mom and pop place.
Too big should not cause you problems. Perhaps a larger than necessary bill but that's it.

If you have the right ton for your square footage check your filters
Wow, we don't seem to be having the heat problem, currently. It's been in the 60's during the day & 50's at night for about a week or so. Before that, we had 80's & 90's. I had been expecting thunder & lightening with the changes, but no such luck.. It's supposed to clear up & get warmer (70's/80's) sometime next week. Either way, thankfully we don't get the humidity
Wow, we don't seem to be having the heat problem, currently. It's been in the 60's during the day & 50's at night for about a week or so. Before that, we had 80's & 90's. I had been expecting thunder & lightening with the changes, but no such luck.. It's supposed to clear up & get warmer (70's/80's) sometime next week. Either way, thankfully we don't get the humidity

Grrrr. I'm sending you our weather with my mind! :FIREdevil:

It's about 84 and humid right now. In the middle of the night.
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What ton is your ac? If it never shuts off it is too small or your filters are full.
Problem I have is my house faces east/west so the windows are always facing the sun and acting like magnifying glasses. I bought theatre black out curtains but they make it too dark.

I dunno. Ha.

It's one of those furnace/ac combos. The furnace is on top and the ac is on the bottom. It's inside the house, unlike my old one which was outside wit hreturns inside on the floors. Though, there is a big ass airconditioner looking thing outside. But it's not the actual air conditioner. It's something else. Condenser, maybe they called it?

But, no, it doeasn't hardly run. Just once in a while it kicks on. It's not really hot in here. It's just humid as heck.
Wow, we don't seem to be having the heat problem, currently. It's been in the 60's during the day & 50's at night for about a week or so. Before that, we had 80's & 90's. I had been expecting thunder & lightening with the changes, but no such luck.. It's supposed to clear up & get warmer (70's/80's) sometime next week. Either way, thankfully we don't get the humidity

Grrrr. I'm sending you our weather with my mind! :FIREdevil:

It's about 84 and humid right now.

Anything over can keep it & all the humidity as well :47:
Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.

I got my roof from Home Depot, too. Ha. But they sent Mexicans for the roof, as opposed to uppity yuppy who sold me the air conditioner. Those Mexican guys knocked that roof out like champions. And didn't leave not one speck of debris behind.

But, yeah, it was expensive.
Yes, you probably would have saved at least 5 grand.

Folks, never, ever buy major stuff from Home Depot, it's always more expensive.

Central AC, roofing, flooring, gutters, all way more expensive, and often inferior quality.

I got my roof from Home Depot, too. Ha. But they sent Mexicans for the roof, as opposed to uppity yuppy who sold me the air conditioner. Those Mexican guys knocked that roof out like champions. And didn't leave not one speck of debris behind.

But, yeah, it was expensive.

Did you get triple-tabs? Oh, you're up North, probably have a steep-pitch roof.

About the could plant a line of Norfolk Island pines on the east and west sides of the house. If my yard wasn't so funky-shaped, I would on the west side. I already have shade on the east after 9 AM.
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What ton is your ac? If it never shuts off it is too small or your filters are full.
Problem I have is my house faces east/west so the windows are always facing the sun and acting like magnifying glasses. I bought theatre black out curtains but they make it too dark.

I dunno. Ha.

It's one of those furnace/ac combos. The furnace is on top and the ac is on the bottom. It's inside the house, unlike my old one which was outside wit hreturns inside on the floors. Though, there is a big ass airconditioner looking thing outside. But it's not the actual air conditioner. It's something else. Condenser, maybe they called it?

But, no, it doeasn't hardly run. Just once in a while it kicks on. It's not really hot in here. It's just humid as heck.
Check your filter. Also if you are a plant nut they create humidity.
You could also try cracking a garage door a few inches to recycle some air.
Too big should not cause you problems. Perhaps a larger than necessary bill but that's it.

If you have the right ton for your square footage check your filters

Okay. I'll do that. Tomorrow. It's moving in on my bed time. Thanks.

I think I'm around 3500 sq feet. Either 35 or 38. I forget what with the garage and all.

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