"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

The L.O.U.T.S. (Loser of The United States) Fucking LOST.....LOST....LOST..

Get the fuck over it. That Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing Orange Draft Dodger LOST....LOST.....LOST.

The Orange Fucking Shit Stain had his petition in Wayne County Michigan To Reject Certification of The Election.....RE-FUCKING-JECTED.


Porter Wright Stops Representing the L.O.T.U.S. In Pennsylvania Has Withdrew The Lawsuit Filed Ju.st Days Earlier.


THE L..O.T.U.S. Campaign Drops Lawsuit In Arizona After Joe iden's Lead Cannot Be Overcome.




45 LOST.


45 LOST.


45 LOST.


The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.

Clinton has spent the last four years telling the whole world (every time she could pull the chardonnay bottle out of her kisser) that she won the election, moron.

No. She hasn’t. Fool.
Yes. Haven't you been watching CNN? You lie.
How stupid this is, and yet we are supposed to be giving you some kind of respect as if you are an adult when doing things like this ???? Now you know good and well that anyone can play the game that you're playing, but who as an adult wants too?
I'm missing sumptin here. I just said libs are usually so ugly the doctor slapped the mom and dumped them in the reject bucket.
Rosie O'Donnell is a typical Lib woman.
How stupid this is, and yet we are supposed to be giving you some kind of respect as if you are an adult when doing things like this ???? Now you know good and well that anyone can play the game that you're playing, but who as an adult wants too?

What's stupid is people like you giving a free pass to posts like what I replied to. Hypocrisy much?
Didn't see the post. Thought it was a stand alone post.
How stupid this is, and yet we are supposed to be giving you some kind of respect as if you are an adult when doing things like this ???? Now you know good and well that anyone can play the game that you're playing, but who as an adult wants too?
I'm missing sumptin here. I just said libs are usually so ugly the doctor slapped the mom and dumped them in the reject bucket.
The you so ugly jokes eh ? And coyote responded with her post next ? I copy the challenge is on.
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.
Who gives a shit if the Biden lovers think trumps presidency was not legit,they obviously are such brainwashed sheep,they believe everything the idiot box in the living room tells them so if they are that stupid,who gives a shot what they think. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.
Who gives a shit if the Biden lovers think trumps presidency was not legit,they obviously are such brainwashed sheep,they believe everything the idiot box in the living room tells them so if they are that stupid,who gives a shot what they think. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
They're gonna find out how bad a Briben presidency is, otherwise if he's not disqualified first, and then they are going to be crying and knashing at the teeth once he pisses them off like nobodies business. They'll be no help for them then, as they will have made their bed, and they will be forced to lye in it.
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.
You get more and more stupid by the minute,the only Rino gops that hate trump are globalists I. League with the democrats like bush,Romney and spacey Einstein,true patriot gops like rams paul,are behind trump Einstein. :laughing0301: :laughing0301::up::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

The United States of America has NEVER been a Democracy. it's part of what made it so great.
Yours are working feverishly to destroy that and install MOB RULE.
You have absolutely no clue how the Constitution protected your rights as well do you? What astounding short shortsightedness on your part.

Clearly, the Left wants to shred the Constitution by confiscating firearms. But you're ok with that one so no complaints.
Clearly the left censors the Right....but again, you're ok with that because your agenda is being propped up

Fools celebrate the loss of others rights, because it's only a matter of time until theirs are as well
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

No, we can also hope that Democrats will pause to consider why 70 million people would rather vote for an unhinged assclown, than to give in to the Democrat's agenda. And then maybe adjust their agenda so isn't offensive to half the country.
You mean the ass loan lying biden the communist lover assclown who can’t utter one sentence without stammering? :auiqs.jpg:
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

He's wrong.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Not really. Everybody is just kind of laughing at you guys.

You said in 2016 Trump had no chance, leading into 2020 you repeated...until election day you posted maybe you were wrong...then around 10 PM all sorts of questionable things began happening. Now you're back to Trump has no chance.

Any reason you think you should be taken serious?

Think hard
Yeah funny how 4 years ago he parroted the msm media version trump had no chance but yet still thinks even after having to do the unthinkable and come to grips with reality to add it he was wrong when it happened,he still thinks the lamestream media he worships as gospel truth,is right again,priceless. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
I sure got the thing and got over it. It was like the flu, and I didn't get the bad symptoms that were talked about, but I did have symptoms regardless. Glad I was healthy enough to get over it, but I know a feller that it took him out. He didn't have anything to bad wrong with him except maybe being a little bit obease, and he had a slight cough that he said he had for a long time. They said he had Covid, and he went into the hospital finally, got placed on the ventilator, and still didn't make it... Not sure if they gave him any of the new drugs for it or not. Not sure why he didn't make it. It was strange.

He's the only one we know that got it, and didn't make it, but everyone else that got it had gotten over it.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

No one with an honest loyalty to this country gives any f~cks what any trump appointee thinks about anything. They are all worthless traitors for Russia.
3 years looking nothing found to support this RUSSIA claim.

Yet you believe it.

Not even 2 weeks since the election you refuse to allow your side the same examination ability.
You just humiliated the troll to no end..lol
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.
As more and more republicans? WTH? Hun, Trump got MORE votes this time than last time------

The dem propaganda arm, called the media, did all they could to get america to hate Trump but given the vote numbers----they failed miserably. They only succeeding in saying the most weak minded and have ruin their own reputations in the process.
You nailed it. :thankusmile: :up::clap::clap::clap::clap:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
I sure got the thing and got over it. It was like the flu, and I didn't get the bad symptoms that were talked about, but I did have symptoms regardless. Glad I was healthy enough to get over it, but I know a feller that it took him out. He didn't have anything to bad wrong with him except maybe being a little bit obease, and he had a slight cough that he said he had for a long time. They said he had Covid, and he went into the hospital finally, got placed on the ventilator, and still didn't make it... Not sure if they gave him any of the new drugs for it or not. Not sure why he didn't make it. It was strange.

He's the only one we know that got it, and didn't make it, but everyone else that got it had gotten over it.
Yeah everybody I talk to thst tells me they know someone that had it,they all got over it,that feller you knew I know had they not put him on a ventilator and he knew my doctor,bless his heart,he would not have died.that’s what these hospitals do is they put you on the ventilator which is not good for you then you die

These stupid ass trolls who keep parroting the msm lies prove what stupid ass idiots they are, there were thousands of citizens in germany protesting this lined up like sardines with no masks,there are no known major cases of them dying after that. How we know that? There are at least a thousand doctors in Germany that are behind the doctors here in the United States backing them up saying it is far far less deadly than they claim it to be. Thst you have far more people thst die each year from car accidents than covid.these doctors live in Germany,so they know better than ANY of us on this board,the truth that there wereno known major cases of people dying from covid when those thousands gathered in Germany to protest,they will ALL tell you there were not thousands lined up in hospitals after that as the lamestream media claimed happened.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Take that and eat shit you lying stupid ass fuck BIden america haters,shove that one up your asses.:ahole-1::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
I sure got the thing and got over it. It was like the flu, and I didn't get the bad symptoms that were talked about, but I did have symptoms regardless. Glad I was healthy enough to get over it, but I know a feller that it took him out. He didn't have anything to bad wrong with him except maybe being a little bit obease, and he had a slight cough that he said he had for a long time. They said he had Covid, and he went into the hospital finally, got placed on the ventilator, and still didn't make it... Not sure if they gave him any of the new drugs for it or not. Not sure why he didn't make it. It was strange.

He's the only one we know that got it, and didn't make it, but everyone else that got it had gotten over it.
Yeah everybody I talk to thst tells me they know someone that had it,they all got over it,that feller you knew I know had they not put him on a ventilator and he knew my doctor,bless his heart,he would not have died.that’s what these hospitals do is they put you on the ventilator which is not good for you then you die

These stupid ass trolls who keep parroting the msm lies prove what stupid ass idiots they are, there were thousands of citizens in germany protesting this lined up like sardines with no masks,there are no known major cases of them dying after that. How we know that? There are at least a thousand doctors in Germany that are behind the doctors here in the United States backing them up saying it is far far less deadly than they claim it to be. Thst you have far more people thst die each year from car accidents than covid.these doctors live in Germany,so they know better than ANY of us on this board,the truth that there wereno known major cases of people dying from covid when those thousands gathered in Germany to protest,they will ALL tell you there were not thousands lined up in hospitals after that as the lamestream media claimed happened.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Take that and eat shit you lying stupid ass fuck BIden america haters,shove that one up your asses.:ahole-1::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:
Yeah I heard that also about the ventilators, and that they aren't the remedy at all in the situation. In fact they were counter productive in the situation. Glad I didn't go to a hospital... Wow. Probably be dead now.

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