"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

Anyone else notice how often Trump haters have Satanic, Childish, or 3rd grade Avatars?

It's a reflection of their mental depravity

Ever notice how the Seig Heil Yelling, Goosstepping, Russian Loving, Blut Und Boden Shouting Groppenfurhrer followers so dead from the neck up they refuse to accept the reality that their
5-Deferment Draft-Dodging Pussy Grabbing Shit for Brains Hero LOST!!!!!
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Can you point to even a single case of ANY hospital getting prosecuted for this fraud?

Can you explain why 300,000 more Americans are dead this year since pandemic started compared to last year?

Can you explain why death increases are seen at ALL counties hit by Covid-19?
Explain away the 95% or higher survival rates from the damned thing. In no way should we be shutting down this country for a virus with a 95% or higher survival rate. It's mostly political, and the Democrats have proved it.

Prove that the death rates are caused purely by Covid-19. You can't do it, but you are sure trying to convince for political reasons that the deaths are caused purely by Covid-19.

It can't be proven by the average American, and that is what has been known all along. Not saying it ain't a real thing, because they said I had it, but it was no different than getting the flu, and in my case it might have been lighter than getting the flu. I'm old too.

We can't even prove the deaths are in the numbers being claimed, but if the lying media says it, then it must be true... Pffft.

Where are the thousands of reports from grieving families that have lost loved ones unexpectedly ? What about the grave sites where as one would think that we would be seeing tents all over them, and funeral homes being inundated with services as they scramble to customize their services to deal with the overwhelming death rates from this out of control pandemic ? Where are all the news reports about all this mess. We should be inundated with reports from all areas mentioned. Things aren't adding up.

Dumbass, if only 95% survive then that means by the time everyone catches it we are talking about well over 10 MILLION dead.

Now maybe YOU don't mind that, but most sane people do and understand that to save all these lives we need to put up with some inconvenience and economic cost untill there is a vaccine or cure.
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

The United States of America has NEVER been a Democracy. it's part of what made it so great.
Yours are working feverishly to destroy that and install MOB RULE.
You have absolutely no clue how the Constitution protected your rights as well do you? What astounding short shortsightedness on your part.

Clearly, the Left wants to shred the Constitution by confiscating firearms. But you're ok with that one so no complaints.
Clearly the left censors the Right....but again, you're ok with that because your agenda is being propped up

Fools celebrate the loss of others rights, because it's only a matter of time until theirs are as well
The leftest dogs have gotten with the assistance media lap dogs the easy part of fixing the election done up to date. With > 50 million well armed American's blocking their path of getting Trump out of office forcefully I can't help but wonder who is going to assist those libs in achieving their goal. I'm certainly not advocating violence by any means, however that seems to be the left's manifest goal. Kudos to our president for not asking the support of his millions of constituents both domestic and abroad for their all out support.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Can you point to even a single case of ANY hospital getting prosecuted for this fraud?

Can you explain why 300,000 more Americans are dead this year since pandemic started compared to last year?

Can you explain why death increases are seen at ALL counties hit by Covid-19?
Blame shifting would be one explanation. There are three ways to look at it:

1). Covid-19 does not exist and is only a hoax.
2). Covid-19 does exist and is ravaging the globe and most of us are gonna' die.
3). Covid -19 is not a hoax but it is being manipulated (such as the statistics) for political leverage.

That is some seriously stupid false option list. Clueless.

Statistics are more or less consistent THROUGHOUT THE THE WORLD. You have to be seriously detached from reality to believe a conspiracy theory that broad.
180,000+ new cases in the US yesterday, or as Trump says, "We're rounding the corner."

Oh yeah, well where are all those new cases going, otherwise what hospitals are they at ?? Tell us are they sick, are they running over the resources of the hospital's, are critical care units all over the nation strained beyond breaking point ? What happens to these unbelievable phenomenal numbers of people getting this Covid-19 now ?? Where they at ? Home in quarantine ? Where are they ? How do you hide hundreds of thousands of people sick with a supposed deadly disease ? Where are they at ?? Oh their in the numbers right ? Hmmm just like in the numbers of ballots cast that just showed up with Bidens vote on them ?? What happened to the Trump ballots ??? Oh yeah they were there, because plenty voted early, and according to the lines they were riddled with Trump supporters voting early as well, and I know plenty that mailed their Trump votes in. So where are they ??

My son's school system started sending kids back to school JUST DAYS BEFORE the election, inspite of spikes in the virus. The teachers unions are in on the fraud and though they had America by the balls...or pussy...or both. They thought a unanimous Biden win was set in stone. They werent really that concerned about Coronavirus, they were only worried about the election and used fear and mandating to hold America hostage.

They are so big, fat and out of control like someone in a diabetic stupor they cant manage their own sneak attacks anymore. Like a reeling fucking drunk who says "I'm (hic!) fine! I jush hab a couple (hic!)" as he staggers out the door hanging on to the door frame.
My grands have been back in school since the correct date in which school was suppose to normally resume in America. Yes, they went into private school, but it's been right on schedule with in person teaching. No incidents of virus except one, and they took a week off, cleaned the school, quarantined the one adult that contacted the virus who knows where, and resumed school. It is the way that it is supposed to work, but America has since lost it's mind. The grands are doing great, learning, and are enjoying their school and friends just like they are supposed too.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Biden won, and he won big. It wasn’t even close. It will end up being 306 electoral votes, and over 8 million popular votes.

That’s an ass kicking of epic proportions, and a clear mandate.
Biden and the left could actually be a security threat to the United States. By everything we've seen in their actions, heard out of their own mouths about their agenda's, about their loyalties, their ideologies, their culture, and their want to control everything against the majorities will by government power, should be putting up red flags all over the place.

Then you have the capitulators trying to make excuses about how it won't be so bad, and how Biden is actually a moderate that won't take the nation to the extreme left. Best do their homework.

By his race baiting, pandering, and going along with anything that was asked or said (even him being ok about 8 year olds engaging in transgenderism, otherwise if their parents or parent help them to believe that they are a boy instead of a girl (if were born a girl) or a girl instead of a boy (if we're born a boy), but at 8 years old ????? Come on mannnnnn.

Then you have the new rehtoric of them reversing Trump's important foreign policy initiatives in which rolled back the mistakes of the past in which before hand made this nation highly vulnerable to attacks, and it weakened our strength upon the world stage in many ways.

Yep, it has all been a product of the leftist ridiculous thinking, and their bullcrap in which they believe, and it has never been steeped in reality.

This situation going on in this election, otherwise if fraud by the Democrats is proven, and they are attempting to steal this election for nefarious purposes, then homeland security, the FBI, the CIA should be all over it. They should do their jobs regardless of partisan politic's, and all in order to protect this nation from the things that are security threats. Many questions need answering, and investigation's initiated if we actually have a security threat in play here that is caused by these new Democrats.

The only question is when the obvious loser will concede. The election wasn't even very close.

Security threat? You never even vetted your reality-TV conman. He couldn't get a security clearance if he bribed the investigators.
Oh is that your criteria for claiming him a threat, because he was a reality TV celeb ??? We are way beyond your petty bullcrap with Biden.

No, I'm saying anyone who doesn't even vet their reality-TV conman is full of crap when it comes to security threats. I don't know if he's a threat any more than you do. Hell, I don't even know how many of his corporate entities were established for the payment of hush money. Because people get paid not to talk about hush money. Trumpers are the most gullible people in the world.
You think a celebrity billionaire is more of a threat to the nation than a career political lawyers? Really? Trump has done nothing wrong to the nation---Biden on the other hand, is known to have taken bribes and covered for his pedophile son.
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The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Can you point to even a single case of ANY hospital getting prosecuted for this fraud?

Can you explain why 300,000 more Americans are dead this year since pandemic started compared to last year?

Can you explain why death increases are seen at ALL counties hit by Covid-19?
Explain away the 95% or higher survival rates from the damned thing. In no way should we be shutting down this country for a virus with a 95% or higher survival rate. It's mostly political, and the Democrats have proved it.

Prove that the death rates are caused purely by Covid-19. You can't do it, but you are sure trying to convince for political reasons that the deaths are caused purely by Covid-19.

It can't be proven by the average American, and that is what has been known all along. Not saying it ain't a real thing, because they said I had it, but it was no different than getting the flu, and in my case it might have been lighter than getting the flu. I'm old too.

We can't even prove the deaths are in the numbers being claimed, but if the lying media says it, then it must be true... Pffft.

Where are the thousands of reports from grieving families that have lost loved ones unexpectedly ? What about the grave sites where as one would think that we would be seeing tents all over them, and funeral homes being inundated with services as they scramble to customize their services to deal with the overwhelming death rates from this out of control pandemic ? Where are all the news reports about all this mess. We should be inundated with reports from all areas mentioned. Things aren't adding up.

Dumbass, if only 95% survive then that means by the time everyone catches it we are talking about well over 10 MILLION dead.

Now maybe YOU don't mind that, but most sane people do and understand that to save all these lives we need to put up with some inconvenience and economic cost untill there is a vaccine or cure.
Your numbers aren't adding up to the reported mortality rates, so whose the real dumb ace here ? Uh that bee's you for pushing your Democrat leftist hackery on this country for political purposes.
The L.O.U.T.S. (Loser of The United States) Fucking LOST.....LOST....LOST..

Get the fuck over it. That Russian Loving, Pussy Grabbing Orange Draft Dodger LOST....LOST.....LOST.

The Orange Fucking Shit Stain had his petition in Wayne County Michigan To Reject Certification of The Election.....RE-FUCKING-JECTED.


Porter Wright Stops Representing the L.O.T.U.S. In Pennsylvania Has Withdrew The Lawsuit Filed Ju.st Days Earlier.


THE L..O.T.U.S. Campaign Drops Lawsuit In Arizona After Joe iden's Lead Cannot Be Overcome.




45 LOST.


45 LOST.


45 LOST.


Ever thought that it isn't Trump but that you might have some serious issues going on with yourself.
There are three ways to look at it:

1). Covid-19 does not exist and is only a hoax.
2). Covid-19 does exist and is ravaging the globe and most of us are gonna' die.
3). Covid -19 is not a hoax but it is being manipulated (such as the statistics) for political leverage.

That is some seriously stupid false option list. Clueless.

Statistics are more or less consistent THROUGHOUT THE THE WORLD. You have to be seriously detached from reality to believe a conspiracy theory that broad.
Did you not read what I wrote or do you not understand English?
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?
Clinton cheated and still couldn't win---------she lost.

Trump was cheated both times-----------he shouldn't concede.
She didn’t cheat. That is another unsubstantiated claim.
She cheated-----------what the frick do you call the clinton FBI harassment of TRUMP and everyone around him? Think that they weren't trying to influence the election before, during, and after the election? Remember who paid for the steal dossier and who gave it to the FBI........

And don't even get me started on the illegals that the clintons have brought in and encourage in over the years to vote here

Or of all the cheating that the dems do every year................and then conveniently hide their heads in the sand when anyone tries to bring up.

Oh and do you wanna talk about Bernie Bro seth rich and why he is no longer around--I mean the real reason not the blatant lie that the Clinton FBI tries to feed us.
Anyone else notice how often Trump haters have Satanic, Childish, or 3rd grade Avatars?

It's a reflection of their mental depravity

Ever notice how the Seig Heil Yelling, Goosstepping, Russian Loving, Blut Und Boden Shouting Groppenfurhrer followers so dead from the neck up they refuse to accept the reality that their
5-Deferment Draft-Dodging Pussy Grabbing Shit for Brains Hero LOST!!!!!
It's those such as yourself coupled with your comments that degrade all intelligent people of conscious. BTW sparky, had you possessed minutiae of intellect you would have known Biden was a "draft dodger" the same as Trump. Now it really doesn't take much smarts to Google that.
180,000+ new cases in the US yesterday, or as Trump says, "We're rounding the corner."

The test is only correct 10% of the time. How can they come up with numbers if they can't test it, don't know what it is.

Just yesterday Elon Musk had himself tested 4 times, same day, same test, same clinic, same nurse. 2 positive, 2 negative.
180,000+ new cases in the US yesterday, or as Trump says, "We're rounding the corner."

The test is only correct 10% of the time. How can they come up with numbers if they can't test it, don't know what it is.

Just yesterday Elon Musk had himself tested 4 times, same day, same test, same clinic, same nurse. 2 positive, 2 negative.
Makes me wonder about my test. I was tested for the regular flu, and the Covid at the same time. Oh wow I came down with Covid out of the two test given.. Hmmmmm.
It looks like fun. Peaceful protests yo!

There are three ways to look at it:

1). Covid-19 does not exist and is only a hoax.
2). Covid-19 does exist and is ravaging the globe and most of us are gonna' die.
3). Covid -19 is not a hoax but it is being manipulated (such as the statistics) for political leverage.

That is some seriously stupid false option list. Clueless.

Statistics are more or less consistent THROUGHOUT THE THE WORLD. You have to be seriously detached from reality to believe a conspiracy theory that broad.
Did you not read what I wrote or do you not understand English?

I read it and well understood the ridiculous false choice therein, hence my reply.

Any other silly questions?
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.

"You'd better do what we tell you RIGHT NOW, or you won't be liked any more!!!!"

Pretty sure a couple of weeks ago, you were telling us how "the American people" hated Republicans because we're all racist, sexist, homophobe, bigots with no redeeming qualities, anyway.

At some point, you're going to have to realize that peer pressure stops working when it's constantly assuring us that we're completed hated.

What are you talking about? Nutbag.

Consider the possibility that you don't understand because you're an idiot, not because of me.

You're gabbling at us about how "the American people" are getting angry because President Trump is daring to avail himself of the proper legal procedures in a disputed election, rather than simply knuckling under and giving you what you want. The intention is to cow us into silence and capitulation. That's called "peer pressure" amongst educated people, so I realize that the likes of you might not be aware that your childish manipulations have an actual name.

The problem is that dipshits like you have been trying to use the same peer pressure for years now, telling us how "the American people" hate us because we're bad, bad, BAD people through and through, in an attempt to make us shut up about every damned thing that you demand but can't make an actual case for.

You've already shot your wad on your junior high attempts to intimidate us, moron. If you're right and "the American people" already think we're the next best thing to the devil, how are we now supposed to believe that they're going to think even worse of us?
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.

Clinton has spent the last four years telling the whole world (every time she could pull the chardonnay bottle out of her kisser) that she won the election, moron.

No. She hasn’t. Fool.

Yes, she has. Fucktard.
Did you not read what I wrote or do you (Leftist) not understand English?

Friend, cast not pearls before swine.
Go from the presence of a foolish man.

It's futile. Ignore such people. You waste time and energy every time you respond to their boundless hatred and ignorance.

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