"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?
Clinton cheated and still couldn't win---------she lost.

Trump was cheated both times-----------he shouldn't concede.
She didn’t cheat. That is another unsubstantiated claim.
I dont feel that she necessarily did either and I hate that bitch like the worst toothache. It's not really the candidate who cheats anyway...its the shadow organization that nominates them and uses "owned" media to manipulate their popularity and that of their opponent. They thought that would work. It didnt, but they raised it several octaves higher over the next four years and THEN invented the COVID scam among other things to attempt to pry Trump's grip off their booty prize. As their desperation increases, so does the audacity of their methods.
The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. - Herbert Spencer

No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

The history of government management of money has, except for a few short happy periods, been one of incessant fraud and deception. -- economist Fredrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. - Thomas Sowell

The most refreshing thing you find in government is competence, because it is so rare. - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” French economist and statesman Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)

Plunder exactly describes Joe Biden with his evil spawn, Hunter.
Plunder exactly describes Hillary and Bill Clinton with their Clinton Charitable (sick) Foundation, which raked in $140,000,000 from Russia in return for the purchase of 20% of America's uranium.
Plunder exactly describes Barack and Butch Obama, who raked the public over the coals even before his elevation to the U.S. Senate and presidency.
Plunder exactly describes Al Gore who lies for millions and sells books filled with lies to the gullible and frightened. Even the Unabomber had a well worn copy of Gore's book in his rathole cabin when he was arrested for murdering people with package bombs.

"I was standing on the bow of a ship anchored (sic) in the Aral Sea, fifty miles from any water." - Al Gore, who flies around the world, ordering others NOT to drive or use any evil fossil fuel

Nota bene: Ships are not "anchored" when they are sitting on dirt.

Gore flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and now lives close to the ocean, as he lectures everyone on the rising sea level. But then so do the Obamas.

Anyone else whose character you want to attack? Seems you have forgotten the dead and infected Americans, and those who everyday are testing positive and/or being hospitalized and those who die every few minutes (oh, I'm sure you believe these statistic are a hoax) and you must believe Donald Trump is hated for telling the truth.
We have proven time and time again it is a hoax,that all these deaths you are referring to,the majority are from something else ruled as covid. you trolls keep ignoring that whistleblowing doctors have come forward saying hospitals are receiving huge payoffs to rule anything from a gunshot would to the head to a fatal car accident as covid.ignoring how every major msm media outlet is deleting facts they come out with thst don’t go along with the official version and risking losing their jobs by going public.you trolls have the fucked up logic of the idiot box in the living room says it to be true,it must.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

Can you point to even a single case of ANY hospital getting prosecuted for this fraud?

Can you explain why 300,000 more Americans are dead this year since pandemic started compared to last year?

Can you explain why death increases are seen at ALL counties hit by Covid-19?
Blame shifting would be one explanation. There are three ways to look at it:

1). Covid-19 does not exist and is only a hoax.
2). Covid-19 does exist and is ravaging the globe and most of us are gonna' die.
3). Covid -19 is not a hoax but it is being manipulated (such as the statistics) for political leverage.

That is some seriously stupid false option list. Clueless.

Statistics are more or less consistent THROUGHOUT THE THE WORLD. You have to be seriously detached from reality to believe a conspiracy theory that broad.

The Nazis had fake hospitals to make it look like Jews were actually being cared for instead of gassed when inspected by the Red Cross. They fooled people for awhile and that was like 80 years ago! That was before globalism, before the internet, before Reality TV, before the U.N. and even before the CIA. And you dont think that by now they are able to launch propaganda campaigns on a much much MUCH wider deeper and more effective scale???? How fucking naive can you be?
Because he is part of the Trump administration, that has proven since Day #1 (“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, both in person and around the globe.”) that blatant, obvious lies are inconsequential.

Let me help you. God knows you need it.
1. SO WHAT if it was not the largest audience! So WHAT!
Who was harmed? Nobody.
Here's a thought. Perhaps one of Trump's staff members TOLD him it was the largest audience. He wasn't necessarily lying. He was stating what he BELIEVED to be true, UNLIKE Norma McCorvey who
2. Testified under penalty of perjury that she "had been raped".
She was not. It was a bald faced lie that has resulted in the butchery of 90,000,000 unborn babies as a result of her very real and deadly lie.

Do you get it now?

Other malicious and deadly lies by you Democrats include:
"you're racists"
"you're fascists"
"you're stupid"
"you're anti-scientific"

Your lies kill thousands every year, in Chicago, in St. Louis, in Washington, D.C. and New York City and Los Angeles.

Now to my Ignore List you go with the other vile Leftists.
ciao brutto
Yes. The Dems say Regular Americans are Anti-Science. Yet they believe in more than 2 sexes. Instead of the FACT that some folks are just SICKOS.
The left grows more and more in denial each day that it is losing its intellectual grip over the American people, and needs to resort to increasingly extreme and absurd measures to hold on. The "grip" is lost by the fact that they care far more what moderates and conservatives think than moderates and conservatives care what they think. That fact needs to continue to be asserted and demonstrated until they are starved to death.
Speaking to Newsmax, Chairman Trainor said, “Despite winning a court order which allows the Trump campaign to send observers to watch ballot counting in Pennsylvania from six feet away ballot watchers ‘have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way.’”

yet we have this in reality and in real time happening in a court case with a real judge...

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court agreed Monday to take up a case brought by President Trump’s campaign claiming election observers in Philadelphia weren’t allowed to watch ballot counting from a close enough distance.

Which means there were observers they just wanted to be closer...Why do these people lie when they know they can be exposed for their lying?
Why would this person stick his neck out for an outcome that, if false, would come back to castrate him?

If he makes this claim, he will be destroyed by the Left. To make this statement, he must believe Trump is in the right and will prevail. It would be the only scenario that saves his arse.
Trump is busting his balls.
Well this has to be about the stupidest answer possible, Trump bullies this man into slapping the Left? So he is more afraid of a drowning POTUS than he is of the Godless, burn, loot, and riot murderous Left? LOL

Yeah sure, okay.
It just depends what yer future suck-up plans be.
60 feet away from the Democrats was a slap in the face, Mr. Moonglow. The Republicans needed to read the evidence. That was denied them in their hate Republican training. And you know how unjust that was.
Aww, poor baby. You should start practicing now ... President Biden.
Nope. As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over till it's over."

On January 20, 2021 at 12 noon, it will be over for Trump. It's automatic, and can't be stopped, delayed, or over ruled. At which time the orange traitor will be subject to arrest and prosecution. I suggest you ready yourself for that, because it isn't going to be a reality tv show. Just reality.
Why, I think you must be thrilled to look forward to something like that.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Trey Trainor is correct. This election is massively illegitimate. He saw the goods in Pennsylvania. It is horrifying the rest of the nation has to suffer on account of a few bad apples in leadership of big commie states to cancel votes they don't like and replicating eDemocrat votes while sidelining Republican votes in order to achieve a goal to defraud voters out of the best President we've had in years and forking over Joe ,"hiding" Biden in his place who will shortly cede his job to Feminazis due to his mental issues of dementia confusion and past extortion escapades in the Ukraine and China. He is for sale, and in doing so, Biden is heading for selling out the American for what he likes best--stolen cash from political office weight-braggadocio.
180,000+ new cases in the US yesterday, or as Trump says, "We're rounding the corner."

If you got one foot in a casket and another on a banana peel, China virus is deadly.

Other than that, NO! Why don't you start blaming the Chinese for this. 80 million Communist Chinese sympathizers voted.
Speaking to Newsmax, Chairman Trainor said, “Despite winning a court order which allows the Trump campaign to send observers to watch ballot counting in Pennsylvania from six feet away ballot watchers ‘have not been allowed into the polling locations in a meaningful way.’”

yet we have this in reality and in real time happening in a court case with a real judge...

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court agreed Monday to take up a case brought by President Trump’s campaign claiming election observers in Philadelphia weren’t allowed to watch ballot counting from a close enough distance.

Which means there were observers they just wanted to be closer...Why do these people lie when they know they can be exposed for their lying?
Why would this person stick his neck out for an outcome that, if false, would come back to castrate him?

If he makes this claim, he will be destroyed by the Left. To make this statement, he must believe Trump is in the right and will prevail. It would be the only scenario that saves his arse.
Trump is busting his balls.
Well this has to be about the stupidest answer possible, Trump bullies this man into slapping the Left? So he is more afraid of a drowning POTUS than he is of the Godless, burn, loot, and riot murderous Left? LOL

Yeah sure, okay.
It just depends what yer future suck-up plans be.
60 feet away from the Democrats was a slap in the face, Mr. Moonglow. The Republicans needed to read the evidence. That was denied them in their hate Republican training. And you know how unjust that was.
Aww, poor baby. You should start practicing now ... President Biden.
Nope. As Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over till it's over."

On January 20, 2021 at 12 noon, it will be over for Trump. It's automatic, and can't be stopped, delayed, or over ruled. At which time the orange traitor will be subject to arrest and prosecution. I suggest you ready yourself for that, because it isn't going to be a reality tv show. Just reality.
Why, I think you must be thrilled to look forward to something like that.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Trey Trainor is correct. This election is massively illegitimate. He saw the goods in Pennsylvania. It is horrifying the rest of the nation has to suffer on account of a few bad apples in leadership of big commie states to cancel votes they don't like and replicating eDemocrat votes while sidelining Republican votes in order to achieve a goal to defraud voters out of the best President we've had in years and forking over Joe ,"hiding" Biden in his place who will shortly cede his job to Feminazis due to his mental issues of dementia confusion and past extortion escapades in the Ukraine and China. He is for sale, and in doing so, Biden is heading for selling out the American for what he likes best--stolen cash from political office weight-braggadocio.
Amazing that 5 or 6 states shut it down pronto as Trump was leading. Plan B being initiated.

I think we should hand to hand recount every vote in this country. Every fraud vote prosecuted.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

This election smells worse than Joy Behar's snatch. Not that that I ever smelt it, but it has to be hazardous.
80 F million of you terds voted to raise your taxes. And then raising ours. You should be deported.

Anyone else notice how often Trump haters have Satanic, Childish, or 3rd grade Avatars?

It's a reflection of their mental depravity

Ever notice how the Seig Heil Yelling, Goosstepping, Russian Loving, Blut Und Boden Shouting Groppenfurhrer followers so dead from the neck up they refuse to accept the reality that their
5-Deferment Draft-Dodging Pussy Grabbing Shit for Brains Hero LOST!!!!!
It's those such as yourself coupled with your comments that degrade all intelligent people of conscious. BTW sparky, had you possessed minutiae of intellect you would have known Biden was a "draft dodger" the same as Trump. Now it really doesn't take much smarts to Google that.
180,000+ new cases in the US yesterday, or as Trump says, "We're rounding the corner."

The test is only correct 10% of the time. How can they come up with numbers if they can't test it, don't know what it is.

Just yesterday Elon Musk had himself tested 4 times, same day, same test, same clinic, same nurse. 2 positive, 2 negative.
Makes me wonder about my test. I was tested for the regular flu, and the Covid at the same time. Oh wow I came down with Covid out of the two test given.. Hmmmmm.
It would sure help America if fools would realize this is nothing but a friking sham orchestrated by the leftist media curs in an attempt to get rid of Trump. The latter are the real enemies of the American people.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

This election smells worse than Joy Behar's snatch. Not that that I ever smelt it, but it has to be hazardous.
Did you not read what I wrote or do you (Leftist) not understand English?

Friend, cast not pearls before swine.
Go from the presence of a foolish man.

It's futile. Ignore such people. You waste time and energy every time you respond to their boundless hatred and ignorance.
I agree with this, because it's been the battle of the two sides on this site for years, and they just remain the same.
The left grows more and more in denial each day that it is losing its intellectual grip over the American people, and needs to resort to increasingly extreme and absurd measures to hold on. The "grip" is lost by the fact that they care far more what moderates and conservatives think than moderates and conservatives care what they think. That fact needs to continue to be asserted and demonstrated until they are starved to death.
Yes, starved to death in the sense that they become so weak that they no longer have a hold on the American people like they think that they do now.
Oh good Lord, now stores are reinstating purchase limit's, so Biden is already creating panic with his stupidity and bullcrap. Unbelievable.... Everybody run out and buy all the toilet paper now, yeah make sure you libs do that again. I never changed one bit of my life, and yes I got the dam Covid even after wearing a mask, and using hand sanitizer. Pffft. I tire of the bullcrap really I do.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?
Clinton cheated and still couldn't win---------she lost.

Trump was cheated both times-----------he shouldn't concede.
She didn’t cheat. That is another unsubstantiated claim.
I dont feel that she necessarily did either and I hate that bitch like the worst toothache. It's not really the candidate who cheats anyway...its the shadow organization that nominates them and uses "owned" media to manipulate their popularity and that of their opponent. They thought that would work. It didnt, but they raised it several octaves higher over the next four years and THEN invented the COVID scam among other things to attempt to pry Trump's grip off their booty prize. As their desperation increases, so does the audacity of their methods.
There is no invention or scam about Covid.
So the leftist curs want to believe. Just remember if the SDHTF the preponderance of these yellow backed liberal writers will be hiding up ur mommy's skirts. Whereas the majority of us will be waiting for u locked and loaded. Better cool your heals libbers and quit forcing the issues u can't possibly win with a gaggle of mealy mouthed cowardly liberals pushing you on from behind in safety.
There is no invention or scam about Covid.

Keep saying that over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Who can refute your repetitive repetition. I mean, come on man.

You spread fear and panic. Medical doctors have refuted your fear and panic again and again, thousands of times.

So the leftist curs want to believe. Just remember if the SDHTF the preponderance of these yellow backed liberal writers will be hiding up ur mommy's skirts. Whereas the majority of us will be waiting for u locked and loaded. Better cool your heals libbers and quit forcing the issues u can't possibly win with a gaggle of mealy mouthed cowardly liberals pushing you on from behind in safety.

Y'all just fort up in the house and wait.

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