"This election is illegitimate" - US Election Commission Chairman

The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?

Maybe that's the problem. You're waiting for your thought masters to tell you the proof exists, and you'll be waiting forever. They like you ignorant and gullible, just like you are now.

Perhaps you should use the Internet you're connected to for something besides porn and spouting nonsense in the mistaken belief that you're being brilliant, and actually RESEARCH.

Just a thought.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?

Trump can't be the biggest victim in the history of victims, or deserve more sympathy than anyone in the history of sympathy, unless we pretend his election was never accepted. Now that he has lost, he's the victim of the biggest voter fraud in the history of voter fraud. Get with the program!

Poor, poor Don.
LOL! Liberal men are so effeminate and ugly. Pity them.

girlie man.jpg

Trump makes me uncomfortable.jpg
#114: Founding fathers did not pray constantly. Nothing fails Like prayer. Required reading is Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American.

America's God and Country by William J. Federer
841 pages refuting your atheist lies and nonsense

The answer is an obvious and resounding "NO!"

“If there is anything in my thoughts or style to commend, the credit is due to my parents for instilling in me an early love of the Scriptures. If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” - Daniel Webster
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Murderous rampages to deastroy a free nation are not crazy. They are a pointed execution of destruction and chaos to fulfill the Alinsky pattern of getting rid of a strong leader by creating opportunities to marginalize him, encourage old close rivals and satisfy them he will no longer be a threat to their political ambitions with believable lies, then swoop in and take the country over. The Communists in Russia simply murdered the Czar, the Czarina, and their children, one of whom was a babe in arms, and likely one on the way the royal pair had not announced. The murder scene is said to have been one of the sickest scenes known to the Western world. And the Communists exulted themselves and the men who did the unthinkable, kind of like Nancy Pelosi's satisfied grin as she tore up the House of Representatives' copy of President Trump's State of the Union address in the not too distant past, and single-handedly set back respect for the womens' movement by at least a century.
Clearly, if this election should by any chance go to the Left, the consequences will be severe.

The consequences are going to be severe either way. No matter how it turns out, half the country is going to think their vote was for nothing. No matter what the courts rule, and no matter what the recounts are, a whole lot of people will have zero confidence in our election process. And that ain't good. No matter who gets sworn in come Jan 20, half the country is going to believe his presidency is illegitimate.

Possibly, but as more and more Republicans accept the fact that Democracy is being destroyed by Trump and his fellow travelers, we may come out of this election into the light. We can only hope that the 70 million or so voters for Trump see the light sometime in the near future.

The United States of America has NEVER been a Democracy. it's part of what made it so great.
Yours are working feverishly to destroy that and install MOB RULE.
You have absolutely no clue how the Constitution protected your rights as well do you? What astounding short shortsightedness on your part.

Clearly, the Left wants to shred the Constitution by confiscating firearms. But you're ok with that one so no complaints.
Clearly the left censors the Right....but again, you're ok with that because your agenda is being propped up

Fools celebrate the loss of others rights, because it's only a matter of time until theirs are as well

Not to worry - Uncle Joe ain't grabbin' yer damn guns.
Censorship? Trump believes the media are the "enemy of the people" ..
He'd lock up or kill journalists who disagree with him if he could and you know it -
Very Stalin or Putinesque wouldn't you say?

Woulda shoulda coulda....HE DIDN'T

meanwhile....Facebook and Twitter DID Censor Trump and many on the Right

So you fooked your own face again.


Too bad Facebook didn’t censor Putin in 2016. We’d likely have avoided the Dotard and saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the process.
That's a stupid crock of bullcrap. Do better.
The Communists in Russia simply murdered the Czar, the Czarina, and their children, one of whom was a babe in arms, and likely one on the way the royal pair had not announced. The murder scene is said to have been one of the sickest scenes known to the Western world.
There was said to be a secret code of three L's at that scene, representing the agony of a man torn apart by some cruel instrument in the private parts.

Roman L or l
Greek uppercase Λ, lowercase λ
Hebrew ל
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The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.

"You'd better do what we tell you RIGHT NOW, or you won't be liked any more!!!!"

Pretty sure a couple of weeks ago, you were telling us how "the American people" hated Republicans because we're all racist, sexist, homophobe, bigots with no redeeming qualities, anyway.

At some point, you're going to have to realize that peer pressure stops working when it's constantly assuring us that we're completed hated.

What are you talking about? Nutbag.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.

Clinton has spent the last four years telling the whole world (every time she could pull the chardonnay bottle out of her kisser) that she won the election, moron.

No. She hasn’t. Fool.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Biden won, and he won big. It wasn’t even close. It will end up being 306 electoral votes, and over 8 million popular votes.

That’s an ass kicking of epic proportions, and a clear mandate.
Biden and the left could actually be a security threat to the United States. By everything we've seen in their actions, heard out of their own mouths about their agenda's, about their loyalties, their ideologies, their culture, and their want to control everything against the majorities will by government power, should be putting up red flags all over the place.

Then you have the capitulators trying to make excuses about how it won't be so bad, and how Biden is actually a moderate that won't take the nation to the extreme left. Best do their homework.

By his race baiting, pandering, and going along with anything that was asked or said (even him being ok about 8 year olds engaging in transgenderism, otherwise if their parents or parent help them to believe that they are a boy instead of a girl (if were born a girl) or a girl instead of a boy (if we're born a boy), but at 8 years old ????? Come on mannnnnn.

Then you have the new rehtoric of them reversing Trump's important foreign policy initiatives in which rolled back the mistakes of the past in which before hand made this nation highly vulnerable to attacks, and it weakened our strength upon the world stage in many ways.

Yep, it has all been a product of the leftist ridiculous thinking, and their bullcrap in which they believe, and it has never been steeped in reality.

This situation going on in this election, otherwise if fraud by the Democrats is proven, and they are attempting to steal this election for nefarious purposes, then homeland security, the FBI, the CIA should be all over it. They should do their jobs regardless of partisan politic's, and all in order to protect this nation from the things that are security threats. Many questions need answering, and investigation's initiated if we actually have a security threat in play here that is caused by these new Democrats.
The American people are close to moving from being mildly annoyed by the Trump failure to concede to be angry at the Trump failure to concede.

Now would be a good time for you morons to choose another path.
Just when did the fuckin' DEMOCRATS concede the 2016 Election? How about you goddam commies choose another path. I am not annoyed at all. I want 72 Million Trump voters to show Biden the same courtesy that filthy Dems showed Trump.

On election night. Bitch.
Liar. They NEVER gave up. Do you forget the Re-Counts? The phony Russia crap? Impeachment over a Phone call? BLAMING Trump for Covid? All Democrats are rancid traitors.

Clinton conceded on election night. You’re a moron.
No. The Bitch never conceeded. Those "Jill Stein" recounts were funded by HITLERY. After 4 years of trying to make Trump quit, you stupid Communists finally figured how to cheat an election. Just change the RULES.

Good grief. You guys constantly revise history in order to try and justify Trump's behavior.

Clinton conceded.

November 9 2016.

She called Trump and conceded. Period.

When will Trump stop tearing our country apart?
Clinton told Biden not to concede no matter what as if she knew the fix was in early on.
Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Biden won, and he won big. It wasn’t even close. It will end up being 306 electoral votes, and over 8 million popular votes.

That’s an ass kicking of epic proportions, and a clear mandate.
Biden and the left could actually be a security threat to the United States. By everything we've seen in their actions, heard out of their own mouths about their agenda's, about their loyalties, their ideologies, their culture, and their want to control everything against the majorities will by government power, should be putting up red flags all over the place.

Then you have the capitulators trying to make excuses about how it won't be so bad, and how Biden is actually a moderate that won't take the nation to the extreme left. Best do their homework.

By his race baiting, pandering, and going along with anything that was asked or said (even him being ok about 8 year olds engaging in transgenderism, otherwise if their parents or parent help them to believe that they are a boy instead of a girl (if were born a girl) or a girl instead of a boy (if we're born a boy), but at 8 years old ????? Come on mannnnnn.

Then you have the new rehtoric of them reversing Trump's important foreign policy initiatives in which rolled back the mistakes of the past in which before hand made this nation highly vulnerable to attacks, and it weakened our strength upon the world stage in many ways.

Yep, it has all been a product of the leftist ridiculous thinking, and their bullcrap in which they believe, and it has never been steeped in reality.

This situation going on in this election, otherwise if fraud by the Democrats is proven, and they are attempting to steal this election for nefarious purposes, then homeland security, the FBI, the CIA should be all over it. They should do their jobs regardless of partisan politic's, and all in order to protect this nation from the things that are security threats. Many questions need answering, and investigation's initiated if we actually have a security threat in play here that is caused by these new Democrats.

Not that Leftists care or anything, but the Federal Election Commission Chairman has gone on record to declare that this election is illegitimate.

This should restart the rioting and looting and arson by Biden's crazies.

Biden won, and he won big. It wasn’t even close. It will end up being 306 electoral votes, and over 8 million popular votes.

That’s an ass kicking of epic proportions, and a clear mandate.
Biden and the left could actually be a security threat to the United States. By everything we've seen in their actions, heard out of their own mouths about their agenda's, about their loyalties, their ideologies, their culture, and their want to control everything against the majorities will by government power, should be putting up red flags all over the place.

Then you have the capitulators trying to make excuses about how it won't be so bad, and how Biden is actually a moderate that won't take the nation to the extreme left. Best do their homework.

By his race baiting, pandering, and going along with anything that was asked or said (even him being ok about 8 year olds engaging in transgenderism, otherwise if their parents or parent help them to believe that they are a boy instead of a girl (if were born a girl) or a girl instead of a boy (if we're born a boy), but at 8 years old ????? Come on mannnnnn.

Then you have the new rehtoric of them reversing Trump's important foreign policy initiatives in which rolled back the mistakes of the past in which before hand made this nation highly vulnerable to attacks, and it weakened our strength upon the world stage in many ways.

Yep, it has all been a product of the leftist ridiculous thinking, and their bullcrap in which they believe, and it has never been steeped in reality.

This situation going on in this election, otherwise if fraud by the Democrats is proven, and they are attempting to steal this election for nefarious purposes, then homeland security, the FBI, the CIA should be all over it. They should do their jobs regardless of partisan politic's, and all in order to protect this nation from the things that are security threats. Many questions need answering, and investigation's initiated if we actually have a security threat in play here that is caused by these new Democrats.

The only question is when the obvious loser will concede. The election wasn't even very close.

Security threat? You never even vetted your reality-TV conman. He couldn't get a security clearance if he bribed the investigators.

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