This election proves Democrats want division.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If you really wanted to unify the country this is what you would not do. You would not block independent observers from viewing the vote count process. You would not ignore a Supreme Court justice order to stop counting votes. You not ignore issues with a vote counting software. You would not dismiss reports of large blocks of ballots entirely marked for Joe Biden. The leaders of your party would not make snarky statements like "Go home Donald. You lost." You wouldn't call for an "enemies list" to be created. The media would not make childish insulting statements like "Donald Trump is now like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the Sun". And you would certainly not declare Biden the winner before the election is certified.

Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.
Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.
Being blamed for absolutely everything bad that happens, might have something to do with it.
they arent blamed for everything even though a lot of it is their fault,,,

but thats irrelevant to the hatred they insist on showing towards those that disagree with them,,,
If you really wanted to unify the country this is what you would not do. You would not block independent observers from viewing the vote count process. You would not ignore a Supreme Court justice order to stop counting votes. You not ignore issues with a vote counting software. You would not dismiss reports of large blocks of ballots entirely marked for Joe Biden. The leaders of your party would not make snarky statements like "Go home Donald. You lost." You wouldn't call for an "enemies list" to be created. The media would not make childish insulting statements like "Donald Trump is now like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the Sun". And you would certainly not declare Biden the winner before the election is certified.

Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.
Right wingers and their Hoaxes do even less to unify our Union.

If you really wanted to unify the country this is what you would not do. You would not block independent observers from viewing the vote count process. You would not ignore a Supreme Court justice order to stop counting votes. You not ignore issues with a vote counting software. You would not dismiss reports of large blocks of ballots entirely marked for Joe Biden. The leaders of your party would not make snarky statements like "Go home Donald. You lost." You wouldn't call for an "enemies list" to be created. The media would not make childish insulting statements like "Donald Trump is now like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the Sun". And you would certainly not declare Biden the winner before the election is certified.

Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.

They want division and complete and total control....
Right wingers and their Hoaxes do even less to unify our Union.
The point is, this election would have been an opportunity to listen and work through the ballot issues across multiple states. Instead we have a Democrat rush to judgement trying to coverup and ignore the issues and prematurely declare Biden the winner.
Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.
Being blamed for absolutely everything bad that happens, might have something to do with it.
they arent blamed for everything even though a lot of it is their fault,,,

but thats irrelevant to the hatred they insist on showing towards those that disagree with them,,,

If you really wanted to unify the country this is what you would not do. You would not block independent observers from viewing the vote count process. You would not ignore a Supreme Court justice order to stop counting votes. You not ignore issues with a vote counting software. You would not dismiss reports of large blocks of ballots entirely marked for Joe Biden. The leaders of your party would not make snarky statements like "Go home Donald. You lost." You wouldn't call for an "enemies list" to be created. The media would not make childish insulting statements like "Donald Trump is now like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the Sun". And you would certainly not declare Biden the winner before the election is certified.

Democrats want division and they have demonstrated that very clearly in the 2020 election.
The religion of the statist left is based upon a 'them vs us' ideology. The religion is deeply rooted in power & control(PC) & is often referred to as a true groupthink cult. As with all sects/cults(Heavens Gate, nazism, marxism communalism etc (they are all of the same make up) the statist left centers on idolatry of a supreme 'leader', the more charisamatic the better(i.e. Adolf Hitler types). Again with ALL cults the members tend to be busy bodies which fosters narcissism making the members very aggressive/cunning for P/C.
You have both the range/trajectory & windage zeroed like you are landing those rounds dead center on target as DIVISION & also DECEIT is there main tactics to weaken a body of folks so they can take power & control over them, it's actually called 'Divide & Conquer' & is both a military & political offensive tactic. D&C gets a body of people fighting among themselves weakening them so the statist left can conquer them by siding with the weaker of the divided groups. Then the weaker group & the statist left combine forces then attack the now weaker 'opponent' & conquer them. An example of statist left deceit is; P/olitically C/orrect is code for P/ower & C/ontrol.

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