This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

No…it wasn’t stolen…but like 2020, you can make a conspiracy theory to fit.
Uncontested and documented, fits very nicely in the category of cheating. How far it would have taken Hillary is unclear. But conspiracy, it is not.
None of that makes any difference.
The physical acts of fraud are easy to do.
You can either just add millions of bogus ballots like from dead people, or you can just throw out millions of ballots as if the people were convicted felons.

The reason why I do not believe the election was stolen has nothing to do with how easy it is.
I do not believe the election was stolen because it would have to be done in multiple states, multiple cities in those states, and by many people at each polling place.
The odds of being able to do that without someone leaking, is very slim.

Your claim the audits prove anything is silly.
It is easy to rig the machines, filter the actual ballots, and have the audits repeat the same false info over and over as many times as you want.
Why you think an audit is at all useful, is beyond me.
You're too smart not to know that the election was in fact stolen, but in summer, when the Democrats illegally/fraudulently suppressed/negated the socialist vote in swing states.

This, along with their year-long scamdemic, threw the election to demented rapist/career criminal Biden.
Actually a truck driver claimed he did and wanted to take a polygraph test to prove it.

Actually video shows ballots being run through the voting machines numerous times....documents ordered to be kept have been deleted....and all sorts if evidence exists....

Democrats can not definitively prove the election was NOT stolen. Instead of trying to do so they deleted files, records, refused to comply, lied, etc...

Neither side can prove their case....but one side has done everything in their power to make sure this was the case.....
That truck driver lied. Had he actually delivered hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, there would have been more ballots than voters, and there weren't. Even worse, he clai.ed he delivered more ballots than the actual number of people who really did vote in person and by mail combined.
None of that makes any difference.
The physical acts of fraud are easy to do.
You can either just add millions of bogus ballots like from dead people, or you can just throw out millions of ballots as if the people were convicted felons.

The reason why I do not believe the election was stolen has nothing to do with how easy it is.
I do not believe the election was stolen because it would have to be done in multiple states, multiple cities in those states, and by many people at each polling place.
The odds of being able to do that without someone leaking, is very slim.

Your claim the audits prove anything is silly.
It is easy to rig the machines, filter the actual ballots, and have the audits repeat the same false info over and over as many times as you want.
Why you think an audit is at all useful, is beyond me.
The machines were audited. Do you ever post anything resembling reality?
You're too smart not to know that the election was in fact stolen, but in summer, when the Democrats illegally/fraudulently suppressed/negated the socialist vote in swing states.

This, along with their year-long scamdemic, threw the election to demented rapist/career criminal Biden.
You mean anyone who has a functioning brain knows it was not stolen, when you produced zero evidence the Democrats suppressed the vote. You don't need to be smart to figure that out. You just have to be truthful and a patriot. You are neither.
You're too smart not to know that the election was in fact stolen, but in summer, when the Democrats illegally/fraudulently suppressed/negated the socialist vote in swing states.

This, along with their year-long scamdemic, threw the election to demented rapist/career criminal Biden.
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Hey, that is your right to choose. Trump was never “my president” and the trail of corruption and institutional wreckage he left behind will haunt us for decades if not forever.
What corruption and institutional Wreckage? Where? Why wasn't Pelosi notified so she wouldn't have to use stupid made up shit to try to impeach trump?
There has been plenty evidence of voter fraud. In any event, Trump or anyone else has the right to state his opinion on the election. The Constitution has not been changed at all, so your claim of damage is preposterous.
There has? Where is it? Yea, anyone can have an opinion on the election. But before you can overturn one you better have concrete evidence. Which you don't have. But there's plenty of bullshit conspiracy theories. Sorry, that won't cut it.
I should have said major voter fraud. Small amounts of fraud alway occur, but they've never been enough to even come close to altering results plus the penalties are stiff if caught.

Do you think maybe there is more fraud that what you read or hear about? How many instances are there that never saw the light of day? I am told it is quite difficult to get a conviction for voter or election fraud because the evidence/proof isn't readily available. So, are we going to assume that no large fraud occurs because nobody knows about it? Should we ignore those statistical anomalies that point to the possibility that something very unusual happened? Every allegation of wrong-doing should be ignored because a judge wouldn't hear the case due to a lack of standing or no jurisdiction? Nothing to see here, move along?

And here's my thing: I remember the election in Minnesota where Al Franken was losing to Norm Coleman until somebody for 500 ballots in the trunk of somebody's car and wonder of wonders, they were ALL for Franken. Franken became the 60th democrat that passed the ACA. Then as now, minnesota was a blue state and they said there was no fraud. I'll never believe that, just like I'll never believe that OJ Simpson was innocent.

Well…we can thank Mitch for starting down that road then can’t we?

Actually, we can thank Harry Reid for starting us down the road to abolishing the filibuster.

Packing the Supreme Court?

The only people making noise about that are the democrats, Liz Warren in particular. You think the democrats in the Senate wouldn't do that if they had 50 votes for it?

What Trump did that is so damaging to our country was sowing false claims of rigging and massive fraud prior to and after the 2020 election
You don't think the democrats did that back in 2000?

He went so far as to coerce Republican election officials to change their minds, to deliberately build up anger in his base,

Big deal, nothing came of that. Deliberately build up anger? Pure speculation with no basis in fact. IOW, BS.

to create the events that led to January 6th.

It wasn't his fault that the DC rally on that day turned into a 'peaceful protest' at the Capitol that got out of hand. The footage that I've seen of that event was a lot less violent than all the riots that went on across the country in 2020.

By refusing to handover power in a peaceful transfer

He did hand over power in a peaceful transfer. Probably didn't want to, but he did.

by continuing to claim fraud

As is his right under the 1st Amendment.

significantly damaged one our most important institutions of Democracy

Total hyperbole. Nothing was significantly damaged. Nothing.

Nothing the Democrats are currently doing go anywhere near that imo.

You might think so, but plenty of others do not agree. Starting with mandate to get a vaccine, some people believe that is a massive overreach of his Constitutional authority. Ditto the masks that don't matter, and the absolute refusal to do anything about the crisis on the southern border. I could go on, but what's the point. Nothing that Trump did had any lasting damage to our nation. Everything he did can be changed and probably will be before Biden leaves office. BUT - if the democrats get their way that will change. Abolishing the filibuster is not a change that can be undone, once you open that bottle as Harry Reid did, you can't put the genie back in. And we will forever after be a 50 vote +1 gov't with no chance at all of ever going back to cooperation and bipartisanship. Now THAT is lasting damage. One thing about Trump, he did try to work with the Dems. I can't say the same for your side.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.

Everyday something new that shows that the election was stolen
All your whining, your bullshit, your lies, your conspiracy theories & rants as you cry in your beer won't change the fact that Biden beat Trump's ass.

So keep pissing & moaning about it while we laugh at you.
You don't think the democrats did that back in 2000?

No, they didn't. Democrats were crying foul over a poorly designed ballot in one county; not fraud. They got recounts in several counties based on the election being so close, not based on fraud. Then when the safe harbor date approached and the SCOTUS stepped in and put an end to the recounts, Democrats again cried foul, but not fraud. And then Gore conceded.

That was nothing even remotely close to what Trump and the right is doing now.
All your whining, your bullshit, your lies, your conspiracy theories & rants as you cry in your beer won't change the fact that Biden beat Trump's ass.

So keep pissing & moaning about it while we laugh at you.
Keep saying it was not stolen if it makes you feel good.

Who called who the “enemy of the state”?

I can find “enemy of the people”….

There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame...

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018

(And journalists are American citizens too)
So you didnt bother to see what YOUR bitch from San Fran said? She started it, it isnt going to end well with Socialist/Communist/Progressive/Democrats.
Biden won. Conservative crybabies will continue to be upset about it and won’t accept it.

They can throw their little hissy fit all they like - their MAGA tears won’t change reality.
Yep cheaters win, but then again....

Venezuela elections were stolen all the time, look how well it went for those idiots.
No link then. Your concession is noted.
As a Mod you have access to every thread and everyone's records. If you accuse me if never having posted links about this exact thing, of never having created multiple threads about this exact topic,it only proves you are a worthless mod undeserving of being one.

Persons making such claims as this imbicile, which equates to his saying, 'Nuh-uh, Trump did', is as worthless as your comments if they can't say anything else. Tiu can't start a thread with such a pathetic comment, but you will defend such a pathetic post.
You're too smart not to know that the election was in fact stolen, but in summer, when the Democrats illegally/fraudulently suppressed/negated the socialist vote in swing states.

This, along with their year-long scamdemic, threw the election to demented rapist/career criminal Biden.

I tend to agree with that.
I think this is the 2nd time the nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders.

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