This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

We conservatives accept it in the same way and spirit as you pseudo-liberal Leftists accepted Trump's four years.

Uh no…you don’t. We may have whined, cried, bitched and marched in pink pussy hats but we didn’t continue to claim fraud after exhausting all court challenges, we didn’t call election officials trying to force them to change the results and we absolutely didn’t form a mob and storm the Capital trying to get the certification stopped. You raised the bar significantly.
I suggest Komrade, that you invest about ten minutes and watch the video I presented in my post you responded to, and maybe learn about types of government and what we actually have here in the USA.
You might also try being honest and drop the propaganda and disinformation.
Another conservative trying to explain away his hatred of democracy.
Since none of that happened in 2020, how is this relevant? But, I am sure I can “find” plenty of instances with snippets of video, and false claims about ordinary activity and make a damn good case.
Actually a truck driver claimed he did and wanted to take a polygraph test to prove it.

Actually video shows ballots being run through the voting machines numerous times....documents ordered to be kept have been deleted....and all sorts if evidence exists....

Democrats can not definitively prove the election was NOT stolen. Instead of trying to do so they deleted files, records, refused to comply, lied, etc...

Neither side can prove their case....but one side has done everything in their power to make sure this was the case.....

This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?​

The absence of proof of guilt does not translate to innocence. At this point, more than a year later from that election there is as yet no definitive proof of illegal voter fraud that shows the election was stolen. Nothing that has been accepted by a federal judge in a court of law according to the rules of evidence. But that does not mean the election was not stolen, only that it hasn't been proved. Yet.
So...any day now?

This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?​

The absence of proof of guilt does not translate to innocence. At this point, more than a year later from that election there is as yet no definitive proof of illegal voter fraud that shows the election was stolen. Nothing that has been accepted by a federal judge in a court of law according to the rules of evidence. But that does not mean the election was not stolen, only that it hasn't been proved. Yet.
Since there is no proof, it will never be proven. Not all cases were dismissed due to lack of standing. Cases were also dismissed due to lack of merit and lack of evidence. And then there were recounts. Every state which recounted matched their original machine tabulation count. Then there were audits. Every audit confirmed there was virtually no foul play involved. All there are, are people fraud -- pretty much all debunked.
Actually a truck driver claimed he did and wanted to take a polygraph test to prove it.

Actually video shows ballots being run through the voting machines numerous times....documents ordered to be kept have been deleted....and all sorts if evidence exists....

Democrats can not definitively prove the election was NOT stolen. Instead of trying to do so they deleted files, records, refused to comply, lied, etc...

Neither side can prove their case....but one side has done everything in their power to make sure this was the case.....

All elections are stolen.
That is because the 2 party system is not legal and denies fair and open elections.
Lets say the single most popular candidate that the whole population would easily elects, decides to run.
But they are illegally forced to choose one party or the other, and that party can decide they don't want them.
Their super delegates can prevent them from getting on the ballots entirely, unless they opt for a third party, which almost never has any chance of winning.
Science strongly suggests the election was stolen, it's a virtual certainty, like the existence of dark energy.
Yeah, but sadly for you, this was your scientist suggesti g that nonsense...

Since there is no proof, it will never be proven. Not all cases were dismissed due to lack of standing. Cases were also dismissed due to lack of merit and lack of evidence. And then there were recounts. Every state which recounted matched their original machine tabulation count. Then there were audits. Every audit confirmed there was virtually no foul play involved. All there are, are people fraud -- pretty much all debunked.

None of that makes any difference.
The physical acts of fraud are easy to do.
You can either just add millions of bogus ballots like from dead people, or you can just throw out millions of ballots as if the people were convicted felons.

The reason why I do not believe the election was stolen has nothing to do with how easy it is.
I do not believe the election was stolen because it would have to be done in multiple states, multiple cities in those states, and by many people at each polling place.
The odds of being able to do that without someone leaking, is very slim.

Your claim the audits prove anything is silly.
It is easy to rig the machines, filter the actual ballots, and have the audits repeat the same false info over and over as many times as you want.
Why you think an audit is at all useful, is beyond me.

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