This Film Review Belongs In 'Politics'!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.The success of the Left, and, it has been inordinately successful, is based, largely, on human nature. The Left has tapped into the desire of many to have all of their shortcomings explained in such a way that anything lacking in their lives is not their fault.

"You're the victim of big greedy corporations!"
"The wealthy don't pay their fair share!"
"The man is keeping you down."
"Occupy Wall Street!"

And even though, deep down, people know it's is comforting to have the excuse for lack of success, for not quite having as much as someone else.

2. And, with near total control of the dissemination of information, they can provide a rationale for those who need ...'reassurance.'
Propaganda, talking points, served in slick and glossy form.
There is a clever sort of propaganda in which only half the story, half the pertinent facts, are divulged.
It gives the reader, or viewer, a jaundiced sense of what is being explained.

Which brings me to the most exciting film of 2015...."The Big Short."

I just read this, from "The Foundation For Economic Education," and it was exactly what I stated while walking out of the theater:

"The Big Short is an entertaining movie, and it accurately describes important aspects of the housing bubble, but the film might give viewers the erroneous impression that private greed is the ultimate explanation. In reality, government intervention crippled the market’s normal mechanisms for limiting mistakes on the front end and heavily punishing mistakes on the back end."
The Big Short Misleads on Ratings Agencies | Robert P. Murphy

3. As for the cinema itself, it was magnificently done!
Gritty, fast paced, New York City....scenes jumping from one to another....almost a sort of Damon Runyonesque/private detective movie feel.

And, there was a sense that the director was familiar with John Dos Passos' trilogy, as he shuffled in specific events and headlines of the times, celebrities giving that documentary and the "being there" sensation.

And....believe it or not, a building to an explosive dénouement, akin to a James Bond-nuclear bomb about to explode anticipation.

4. Now....the disingenuous element: there was a template, a political theme, that was perfectly done as only Hollywood can do......

From mid-19th century, Progressives have instilled in the electorate the view that a big, unlimited government, stocked with experts and bureaucrats, would not only know what's best for all, but they would be honest and self-less.
It represents the 'explanation as to why one should always vote Liberal/Progressive/Democrat'....only they can protect you from the greedy rich!

And this was the theme, the subtext, behind "The Big Short."
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

When your language falls to gutter level I take it as a sign that the truth of the post irritates Liberal sensibilities.... recognize that it reveals what you Leftists would rather not see the light of day.


There'll be more.
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

When your language falls to gutter level I take it as a sign that the truth of the post irritates Liberal sensibilities.... recognize that it reveals what you Leftists would rather not see the light of day.


There'll be more.

If we all stipulate that yes indeed you are an irritating harpy, will you shut up about it?
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

When your language falls to gutter level I take it as a sign that the truth of the post irritates Liberal sensibilities.... recognize that it reveals what you Leftists would rather not see the light of day.


There'll be more.

If we all stipulate that yes indeed you are an irritating harpy, will you shut up about it?

So glad you posted that.

Gee.....another Liberal hoping to silence opposing voices.

What could be better proof that, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.
"The Big Short" provides an 'explanation as to why one should always vote Liberal/Progressive/Democrat'....after all, the are the only ones who can protect you from the greedy rich!

And this was the theme, the subtext, behind "The Big Short."

The NYTimes can get behind that theme, after all, that is its usual narrative.....

5. " A true crime story and a madcap comedy, a heist movie and a scalding polemic, “The Big Short” will affirm your deepest cynicism about Wall Street while simultaneously restoring your faith in Hollywood.

... the film sets itself a very tall order. It wants not only to explain the financial crisis of 2008 ... but also to make the dry, complex abstractions of high finance exciting and fun. Celebrity cameos (from Margot Robbie, Anthony Bourdain and Selena Gomez, among others) are turned into miniseminars on the finer points of credit-default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. The story swerves and swings from executive suites and conference rooms to hectic Manhattan streets and desolate Florida subdivisions. The performances, the script and the camera itself seem to be running on a cocktail of Red Bull, Adderall and mescaline."

“...The Big Short” will affirm your deepest cynicism about Wall Street..."
So saith the house organ of Democrat Liberals.....
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

When your language falls to gutter level I take it as a sign that the truth of the post irritates Liberal sensibilities.... recognize that it reveals what you Leftists would rather not see the light of day.


There'll be more.

If we all stipulate that yes indeed you are an irritating harpy, will you shut up about it?

So glad you posted that.

Gee.....another Liberal hoping to silence opposing voices.

What could be better proof that, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

No. I'd just like to see you grow up and post like an adult.
"The Big Short" provides an 'explanation as to why one should always vote Liberal/Progressive/Democrat'....after all, the are the only ones who can protect you from the greedy rich!

And this was the theme, the subtext, behind "The Big Short."

The NYTimes can get behind that theme, after all, that is its usual narrative.....

5. " A true crime story and a madcap comedy, a heist movie and a scalding polemic, “The Big Short” will affirm your deepest cynicism about Wall Street while simultaneously restoring your faith in Hollywood.

... the film sets itself a very tall order. It wants not only to explain the financial crisis of 2008 ... but also to make the dry, complex abstractions of high finance exciting and fun. Celebrity cameos (from Margot Robbie, Anthony Bourdain and Selena Gomez, among others) are turned into miniseminars on the finer points of credit-default swaps and collateralized debt obligations. The story swerves and swings from executive suites and conference rooms to hectic Manhattan streets and desolate Florida subdivisions. The performances, the script and the camera itself seem to be running on a cocktail of Red Bull, Adderall and mescaline."

“...The Big Short” will affirm your deepest cynicism about Wall Street..."
So saith the house organ of Democrat Liberals.....

And why exactly should people NOT be cynical about Wall Street?
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

Certainly a far more intuitive post than I've come to expect from you.
She's bitching because a movie had a point of view? Gee, what do conservatives want, some sort of government bureau that can review movies before they're released to make sure they have the 'proper' point of view?

That is scary.

When your language falls to gutter level I take it as a sign that the truth of the post irritates Liberal sensibilities.... recognize that it reveals what you Leftists would rather not see the light of day.


There'll be more.

If we all stipulate that yes indeed you are an irritating harpy, will you shut up about it?

So glad you posted that.

Gee.....another Liberal hoping to silence opposing voices.

What could be better proof that, in the market place of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

No. I'd just like to see you grow up and post like an adult.

Nah....what you'd like is to see me fall in line with other Lock-Step Liberals, and worship the great god, government.

Don't hold your breath....

WAIT.....hold your breath.
“...The Big Short” will affirm your deepest cynicism about Wall Street..."
So saith the house organ of Democrat Liberals, the NYTimes.....

They portray it as a cautionary tale of what happens when the greedy rich are not watched carefully.
That's the take-away from this flick.

What do Liberals, the folks who brought you "Occupy Wall Street," with the support of the President, and the Speaker of the House....encourage you to do?
Why,....kill the rich, of course.
And eat 'em, too!

As the NYTimes puts it:

"....a terrifically enjoyable movie that leaves you in a state of rage, nausea and despair. What is to be done with those feelings is the great moral and political challenge Mr. McKay has set for the audience, which I hope is vast and various. I don’t condone mob violence and I’m supposed to keep my political opinions to myself, but as soon as I’m done writing this I’m going out to the garage to look for a pitchfork."


They're kiddin'.....

....aren't they?
6. The political theory behind the film:

" ... there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and that the people need to hand the reins over to them. They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think.

It’s an approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt to politicize peoples’ lives.”
Nazis: Still Socialists, by Jonah Goldberg, National Review

Against who, or what, are those self-less bureaucrats, politicians, academics, and experts in all things, protecting the people?
Why....the greedy, ethics-less wealthy!

For shorthand, the meme is 'Wall Street," or "the 1%ers."

And that's the view from "The Big Short" and why this film review belongs in "Politics."
7. If one is to believe the narrative of the film, banks faked the documentation on bundles of mortgages, claiming the highest ratings when they knew full well that large numbers of those mortgages were awarded based on 'ninja' loans
[No Income, No Job, (and) no Assets ]
.....folks who should not have been given loans....and could be expected to default.

BTW,,,,,not a word about government putting pressure on to give those loans.

Then, the institutions that were watchdogs on those rating simply rubber stamped the bogus rating, because if they didn't....the banks wouldn't use them, and they'd lose the fees.

Get it? The mortgage meltdown was caused by those greedy, ethics-less wealthy.
Wall Street.....the 1%ers.

Never by government!

That is actually the 'lesson' taught by 'The Big Short.'
And benificent, all-good big government had noting to do with was away on vacation while those greedy rich folks scammed everyone.

The Big Short.....slick, well-done propaganda.
8. Think this happens in the over-regulated economy, the one Franklin Roosevelt co-opted by invading the private housing market, or the one Democrats coerced banks to give undeserved loans via the CRA??

Really? Are you that much of a simpleton?

"The Big Three credit ratings agencies are Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s, which together account for some 95 percent of the market. They were an essential part of the housing boom and bust. The Big Short leads viewers to believe that shortsighted greed is the ultimate explanation for why the ratings agencies gave their blessing to dangerous products.

In one scene, a woman working for a major agency says that if her company doesn’t grant a triple-A rating, the Wall Street bank (which is their customer) will simply take the financial product in question down the street to a competitor to get a high rating from them.

This can’t be the full story. After all, why doesn’t every financial product get a triple-A rating? Why doesn’t every company bring its corporate bonds to, say, Moody’s, and demand a triple-A rating or else they’ll walk down the street to Fitch?

If the ratings agencies were completely off base, making ridiculous announcements that had no relationship to the underlying facts (about the solvency of the debt issuer, etc.), then the financial community would stop taking their evaluations seriously. So the reality can’t be quite as crude as the movie suggests." The Big Short Misleads on Ratings Agencies | Robert P. Murphy

Ya' think? But, hey....lots of Liberals learned their history from Oliver Stone, and their politics from Jon Stewart.
The film only explored some aspects of the greed involved. It did not, for instance, explore LIBOR manipulation, or deeply examine the rampant housing speculation that happened on main street.
The film only explored some aspects of the greed involved. It did not, for instance, explore LIBOR manipulation, or deeply examine the rampant housing speculation that happened on main street.

"The film only explored some aspects...."


And the significant point is what it "LEFT" out......

Maybe you missed this:
"....the film might give viewers the erroneous impression that private greed is the ultimate explanation. In reality, government intervention...."

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