This happening at AMC theaters during the viewing Sound of Freedom across country.

Yeah, crazy huh? Almost as crazy as Hillary getting 2 billion to run for president then calling half the nation "deplorables" and not even visiting many of the "flyover" states, because, you know, she didn't need any votes from there! Almost as crazy as Bud Lite being the biggest selling beer in the USA largely supported by conservative southern baptist country types switching instead to some gay pansie freak dressed up in woman's clothing as their new spokesmodel.
She was more than right about the deplorables....we call them MAGAts now.
Yeah, crazy huh? Almost as crazy as Hillary getting 2 billion to run for president then calling half the nation "deplorables" and not even visiting many of the "flyover" states, because, you know, she didn't need any votes from there! Almost as crazy as Bud Lite being the biggest selling beer in the USA largely supported by conservative southern baptist country types switching instead to some gay pansie freak dressed up in woman's clothing as their new spokesmodel.
Here's the reason American iconic corporate companies are going all woke. They have no choice. The big iconic companies like Budweiser, Disney, Jack Daniels, Target, etc etc are doing it is because the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM control them. Those corporations directly rely on the funding through via the World Economic Forum and that institution (globalist kabal or blackrock) operate with three distinct social initiatives.

One is called CEI, ESG, DEI. Those corporations totally rely on the funding from the World Economic Forum through our banks and they have to do what those directives tell them. There is a very nefarious reason why that is.

To obliterate the middle class in America. All but entirely gone in California as we speak.

The question after watching that trailer is why did Hollywood (Disney) buy and lock it away in a vault for no one to see? The movie was made 5 years ago. Steps were taken and mass road blocks were put in the way and now that it's released all of a sudden the theaters where THAT MOVIE is being played in running into mass problems. Not with the other movies mind you. THAT ONE.


Remember, it's a true story. Totally true story.

Disney execs are part of the cabal
Here's the reason American iconic corporate companies are going all woke. They have no choice. The big iconic companies like Budweiser, Disney, Jack Daniels, Target, etc etc are doing it is because the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM control them. Those corporations directly rely on the funding through via the World Economic Forum and that institution (globalist kabal or blackrock) operate with three distinct social initiatives.

One is called CEI, ESG, DEI. Those corporations totally rely on the funding from the World Economic Forum through our banks and they have to do what those directives tell them. There is a very nefarious reason why that is.

To obliterate the middle class in America. All but entirely gone in California as we speak.

Ah yes, Klaus Schutz and his Nazi WEF and their lapdogs Blackrock. Time for companies to either go broke or cut their ties with WEF and go it alone before the EU Nazis take over again.
So the argument is that AMC, which desperately needs money, is showing a film in thousands of theaters, but intentionally sabotaging the shows?

You obviously don't know what esg scores are and how in today's world they represent companies finances and investability that goes beyond just consumer dollars. Which is understandable, a lot of people have no idea what day is.

It takes him a minute or two before he gets into it but he gives a solid foundation of how esg scores work.

What you need is better internet and cell phone service, so that your communities have a means of interaction/communication with more than just their small number of equally ignorant neighbors and townies.
Liberal Democrat pretending that he/she is superior to people with differing political opinions. What a laugh. Your tribe is a group-think collective incapable of independent thought.
AMC and groomers seem to have a thing going.
And with movie theaters struggling all over the US you know they're desperate when they refund tickets and screw with the film itself.

Umm... if AMC didn't really want people to see this movie, then why did they even bother to put it in their theaters to begin with?
Sound of Freedom shows normal Americans what conservatives have been saying about the democrat pedophile party is true.


It is no mystery why democrats are so excited about undocumented children being brought to them by the cartels, and why they then going missing.


The Q is strong in you.
My wife said this weekend that she wanted to go to the movies but that a nearby theater had — wait for it — an air conditioner breakdown. So, we aborted the movies plan this weekend.

We are also in the Carolinas.

I smell something fishy. One time. Meh. Stuff happens. Two times? Maybe just a coincidence. But so many instances? Come on. Something is being orchestrated.

What you smell is the stench of your own diaper needing to be changed. Explain this, Welshy, if there really is a conspiracy with regards to this movie, how did it make $45 million over the last week?
The left has gone full retard over it ...gee wonder why the agent was a hero on 60 minutes a few years ago

The Q stuff really makes em look like desperate groomers :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It's evil clown world on white house grade coke level

White House grade ...I hear that's really good shit




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