This happening at AMC theaters during the viewing Sound of Freedom across country.

The question after watching that trailer is why did Hollywood (Disney) buy and lock it away in a vault for no one to see? The movie was made 5 years ago. Steps were taken and mass road blocks were put in the way and now that it's released all of a sudden the theaters where THAT MOVIE is being played in running into mass problems. Not with the other movies mind you. THAT ONE.


Remember, it's a true story. Totally true story.

You try to make it sound like they bought just that movie; but they actually bought 20th Century Fox which had distribution rights at the time.
mass road blocks were put in the way and now that it's released all of a sudden the theaters where THAT MOVIE is being played in running into mass problems.
My town has an NCG run theaters, it is playing this movie, and if the number of user reviews is any indication of the folks going to see the film?

The only flick that is getting more attendance currently, is;


This is followed by. . .


. . .and a distant third. . . .


(But, the new Mission Impossible flick just landed, and it has a meta score about +20 than those two bottom ones, and Tom Cruise, so, by the weekend? Who knows?)

And Barbie. That movie is going to curbstomp among the women folk. Even the Wife who hates the Barbie dolls is getting a pack of mamma bears to go see it. I am just waiting for Last Voyage of the Demeter and Napoleon.
Has one stinking loud and proud biden voter expressed their disgust in any way of the true story of the sex trafficking? Not one? Huh....

Any of them ask why Disney locked it in a way in a vault for 5 years determined to never let it out? No, but they laughed about it.

Hate them yet? What will it take?
We have a scary matching experience. Mom dropped me off at the theater (different local one). It was the first time I went to a movie by myself. She thought it was a nature film. Me and oceans are NOT a thing...
How the Sailor Got Popeyes

I almost drowned in the Pacific when I was 7. I've hated salt water ever since. I've dipped in the South China Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico and quickly went back to the beach after a few disgusting minutes.
She was more than right about the deplorables....we call them MAGAts now.
Demonic Debutantes

Both sides are trying to hide the fact that Hillary's attitude was nothing more than the Marie Antoinette attitude of a spoiled rich-girl snob. To that guillotine fodder, right and wrong only means what side of the tracks people were born on.

There's nothing wrong with being racist, sexist, homophobic, and xenophobic. You'll never hear the Republican snobs answer the sorority girl with that.
Uhhh...there was lots of video footage showing what happened. :cuckoo:

Uh, no, there were a handful, on tiktok of all places, that the A/C was out. Out of 100K who saw it on Saturday alone. You should know not to believe anything you see on tiktok. I saw one of a guy unlocking a car with a AA battery.
What you need is better internet and cell phone service, so that your communities have a means of interaction/communication with more than just their small number of equally ignorant neighbors and townies.
You're demented. Tell Satan we're coming for him.
There is such a judgement coming onto this country, this world
They THINK they know Jesus. They'll find out who He really is very soon. He is EAGER to return and bring divine JUDGEMENT

I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!

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