This is a disgrace. Fort hood shooter still receiving salary has earned so far $278K

It's part of the process, it's the way the law is written. It's unbelieveable the sick bastard isn't ambient room temperature of course, but he has to be convicted first.

Why that hasn't happened yet escapes me, it's beyond just politics as far as I can tell, and has more to do with global PR.

You must have forgot. He grew a beard. Military law requires him to be clean shaven. Hasan claims a religious obligation to keep his beard. A judge agreed that his religion obligates him to keep his beard. The judge also recognized and upheld military rules regarding no beard. So he can't be tried.

Court-martial him for the beard, dishonorably discharge him. That means he no longer gets paid...they try him, convict him, and shoot him.

That would absolutely do it. This whole thing stinks. 4 years and still no official trial and sentence and the oxygen thief is still getting paid.

It boogles the mind.
This is a disgrace. Fort hood shooter still receiving salary has earned so far $278K

Remember the Constitution? Yes, it is a disgrace - but it's the law - until he's convicted.

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