This is a hardened aircraft shelter

Was it a bunker buster? If so the shed and the plane are gone.

Again, they didn't use nuclear weapons. At least I hope not.

A nuclear bunker buster would be the only thing capable of cracking one of these open.
Wrong, again. The Tomahawk is capable of penetrating hardened targets with a 1000 pound conventional warhead. I know most Russian technology lags behind American tech since the fucking Russians have to steal it....and that takes time. American technology, of course, is fucking awesome!


BGM-109 Tomahawk - Smart Weapons
Tomahawk attacks high value targets such as electrical generating facilities, command and control nodes, and weapons assembly/storage facilities. Thus, making Tomahawk the weapon of choice to strike reinforced, hardened targets.

Tomahawks have a 99% reliability rating .. Best in the world for that kind of weapon..

At what range were the tests? Over 500km?

The 99% refers to them launching. Once they are in the air you program them to hit where you want. They can hit a window from 1000 km away. That's what makes them "precision". You really don't know anything do you?

Actually the target package is loaded before launch.

Yeah, I know. I was typing fast. The new Block IV missiles can be reprogrammed in flight however.
The one thing I do have a question about is... if chemical weapons were one of the targets of this attack, could the secondary missiles after the primary explosions work to blow up and burn up the exploded chemical ammunitions? Is that maybe why they launched so many within such a small window of time?
Sarin agent is non-persistent, so it will evaporate quickly and burn off. A barrage of heat/fire/concussion explosions would lessen the spread of the chemical by burning it.

I was just thinking that might be a reason for why the missile launch happened like it did.

Its a good bet they thought it through too. Reduce the area of "incidental involvement" or collateral damage
During the critical early days of a regional conflict, Tomahawk, in conjunction with other land attack systems and tactical aircraft, denies or delays forward movement of enemy forces, neutralize the enemy's ability to conduct air operations, and suppress enemy air defenses. In addition, Tomahawk attacks high value targets such as electrical generating facilities, command and control nodes, and weapons assembly/storage facilities. Thus, making Tomahawk the weapon of choice to strike reinforced, hardened targets.

BGM-109 Tomahawk - Smart Weapons
Malcolm Nance just said the cruise missiles are designed to destroy the air craft bunkers and storage buildings... Maybe Onyx knows more than he does? :lmao:
On "jamming" cruise missiles ...

US cruise missiles use a combined GPS/INS system. They get GPS signals, but they also have an inertial navigation system (INS). The two systems compliment each other. GPS is low-bias and high-noise, INS is high-bias and low-noise, put them together, you get a low-bias low-noise system

How does one jam GPS? Two ways. There are noise generators, that just flood the GPS frequencies with static. If the missile loses the GPS signal for any reason, it keeps flying on INS alone. Any INS will drift away from true over time, but it takes significant time for a significant drift. If the jammer is just at the airbase, that's just a few seconds of signal loss, so no significant drift.

There are also spoofers, which receive the incoming GPS signal, delay it a few microseconds, and rebroadcast it at a higher power. You don't have to know the GPS crypto codes for that, as you're not decoding the signal, you're just rebroadcasting it. Since the decoded GPS position depends on the time delay of the signal, that would cause an erroneous position calculation if a GPS receiver used the spoofed signal. A "dumb" GPS (like every consumer model) will be fooled by such things. You can bet Tomahawks have much smarter GPS units, smart enough to know not to lock on to a spoofed signal just because it's present and very strong.
I totally agree with this information. Military Hangars are highly durable and can withstand any conditions similar to the launching of the chemical weapons as mentioned here. There are many portable military hangars available in different organizations and Aviatech is one of them. Their design offers unbeatable convenience and affordability and it has a short set-up time.

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