This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud

I'm sure he would be.

What is choice? Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. In the past, I've been told by potential employers the only way I could get the job was to be forced to join the union. If I didn't want to join a union, I couldn't get the job. How un-American can you get?
Too bad more union jobs are not available

Workers got better pay and benefits when unions were strong. Now, companies put one worker against the other to see who will work for the least

I agree, but you can't blame companies for that, blame the American people.

In the last several decades, we've become consumed with cheap. We don't care where our products are made, how many Americans we put out of work, what kind of quality of products we are buying, as long as they are cheap.

Manufacturers only cater to their customers, so they do whatever they can to make products cheaper. They pay lower wages, move out of the country, or invest in automation.

In the perfect world, we would have cheap quality products and plenty of good paying American jobs, but you can't have all of these things. We have to pick one.

So collectively, we chose cheap imported goods over good paying jobs. If you want to scream and yell at anybody, park outside of a Walmart store and yell at the customers. Those people are mostly responsible for the decay of unions and good paying jobs.
And it isn't like Nike shoe prices dropped when we started making them in china. They should only cost $15 but Nike charges as much as we are willing to pay.

The CEO and shareholders keep the savings. They don't pass on the savings to us. Neither does Walmart. I find better deals at meijers and Kroger's.

WalMart is number one today and has been number one for quite some time now. They're doing something right.

What does Nike pay for advertisements? What are they paying the sports figures that do their commercials?

NKE Revenue Growth Rate Comparisons Company Industry Sector S&P 500
Y / Y Revenue Growth (Q3 MRQ) 5.41 % 3.88 % -5.53 % -8.3 %
Q / Q Revenue Growth (Q3 MRQ) 8.16 % 17.76 % -0.72 % -1.61 %
Y / Y Revenue Growth (Q3 TTM) 7.72 % 4.7 % -3.44 % -5.37 %
Seq. Revenue Growth (Q3 TTM) 1.41 % 1.03 % -1.42 % -1.9 %
Revenue 5 Year Average Growth 9.98 % 8.97 % 5.02 % 3.93 %
Expected Revenue Growth (Y/Y) - -15.27 % -5.05 % 3.7 %

Nike (NKE) Growth Rates Comparisons, Sales, Income, EPS
The difference is that they all want to raise taxes on themselves for the good of the country

Wealthy Republicans want to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor to pay for it

Why do they need to raises taxes for the good of the country? If they're so concerned about the country, why can't they just right a check for the amount they think they should be paying?
What a silly response

The one percent have 38% of our nations wealth. Pay more if you feel like it is not a solution

Wealthy Democrats are willing to raise their own taxes. Wealthy Republicans want them cut and want the poor to make do with less

Who cares if Democrat hypocrites are willing to force everyone to pay more? What's obvious is that they aren't willing to write uncle Sam a check. Republicans oppose tax increases because they know the money will be used for no good purpose.

BTW, the wealth belongs to them, not "our nation."
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I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
But won't they just raise the prices of their goods and services if we force them to hire expensive American workers?

Or won't they leave and move their operations to India or mexico if we don't allow them to hire who they want?

Why don't we just let the market decide?

Do my stupid arguments sound familiar? They should. I learned them from you

The ability to move off-shore and still benefit from American Legislation such as Patents, Security and Tax write-offs is due to MNCs handing over Legislation to Politicians at Banqets and Barbeques.
Without undue influence, it would be more expensive to move away.
Once again, Most of today's MNCs were doing quite well before Reagan.
No, it's not. It has the seventh largest economy in the world by GDP, but that has no relevancy now does it.

Want to try again?

Ever been to Brazil? No?, I have.

Brazil is a developing country. Brazil continues to be poor on measures of educational achievement, income, health, and safety. Which makes it third world.

Which still has nothing to do with the posted article
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..

No, it's not. It has the seventh largest economy in the world by GDP, but that has no relevancy now does it.

Want to try again?

Ever been to Brazil? No?, I have.

Brazil is a developing country. Brazil continues to be poor on measures of educational achievement, income, health, and safety. Which makes it third world.

Which still has nothing to do with the posted article

You are the one that brought up Brazil. I just corrected your ignorance.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..


It's because the middle class is cash strapped by the rich and wealthy.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..


It's because the middle class is cash strapped by the rich and wealthy.

Typical liberal stupidity. If someone else has a dollar, it doesn't mean you have one less.

Unless you used that dollar to buy something from them. Then you paid for something you got and shouldn't be complaining.

The middle class is cash strapped because every time the morons in the government try and make things "fair" they're the ones who get the bill. The poor are useful pawns of the Democratic party, so they're protected. The rich buy congressmen from both parties so they're protected.

When you figure out a government strong enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take from you everything you have. Let us know.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..


It's because the middle class is cash strapped by the rich and wealthy.

Really? Well I'm middle-class and I fail to see how anybody from the rich and wealthy class has an effect on me. Wish I could say that with the Obama regime, but I can't. I have way less money in my bank account because of him and is Commie healthcare plan.

I'm not worried about the wealthy having more money. Their wealth doesn't affect me. I'm more worried about Democrat leadership, because they do financially affect me.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..


It's because the middle class is cash strapped by the rich and wealthy.

Typical liberal stupidity. If someone else has a dollar, it doesn't mean you have one less.

Unless you used that dollar to buy something from them. Then you paid for something you got and shouldn't be complaining.

The middle class is cash strapped because every time the morons in the government try and make things "fair" they're the ones who get the bill. The poor are useful pawns of the Democratic party, so they're protected. The rich buy congressmen from both parties so they're protected.

When you figure out a government strong enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take from you everything you have. Let us know.

The middle-class is also cash strapped because they don't earn enough money and have more things to spend money on.

I think back to when I was a teen in the 70's. Most families were one car families. We ate at home almost all of the time. We had one color television set for entertainment. In the summer time, everybody went outside for enjoyment.

When I look at what I'm paying a year for cable television, internet connections, cell phone bills, it's easy to see how much more money we spend today on entertainment than we did years ago. Add to that eating fast food a couple times a week, we can go through money pretty quickly.
-Death of the unions
-Anti-trust laws not being enforced
-Shitty trade deals
-A lowering of the standards in education
-Less money for science, r&d and education

All reasons behind the collapse of our middle class
No, it's not. It has the seventh largest economy in the world by GDP, but that has no relevancy now does it.

Want to try again?

Ever been to Brazil? No?, I have.

Brazil is a developing country. Brazil continues to be poor on measures of educational achievement, income, health, and safety. Which makes it third world.

Which still has nothing to do with the posted article

You are the one that brought up Brazil. I just corrected your ignorance.

Still dodging the question.....
Typical liberal stupidity. If someone else has a dollar, it doesn't mean you have one less.

Unless you used that dollar to buy something from them. Then you paid for something you got and shouldn't be complaining.

The middle class is cash strapped because every time the morons in the government try and make things "fair" they're the ones who get the bill. The poor are useful pawns of the Democratic party, so they're protected. The rich buy congressmen from both parties so they're protected.

When you figure out a government strong enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take from you everything you have. Let us know.

For years businesses have been playing the 'we need more money to pay our employees.' Problem is, it never paid the employees, it paid the business person.

The business person took the dollar from the worker.

Walmart is one of the great examples of this by convincing government to subsidize their stores so that they could afford to hire. Problem is, Walmart paid so little that their employees qualified for public assistance. So once again, the employer took from the employee and from tax payers.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.

I'm not going to jump onto this bandwagon so quickly. First of all, 85,000 jobs per year is not a lot in the big picture of things. Secondly, in many cases the jobs being filled by foreigners is due to the fact that these companies can't find Americans to fill those jobs. I won't rule out the idea completely though, because as in most everything, there are multiple factors that drive most events or situations. BTW, my stepson's girlfriend recently was hired on by NEST and is being paid a six figure salary.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
And then corporations wonder why sales are dropping and the economy stagnation is eating into their portfolios...

It's because these workers don't buy American automobiles... same theory with foreign low wage earners..


It's because the middle class is cash strapped by the rich and wealthy.

Typical liberal stupidity. If someone else has a dollar, it doesn't mean you have one less.

Unless you used that dollar to buy something from them. Then you paid for something you got and shouldn't be complaining.

The middle class is cash strapped because every time the morons in the government try and make things "fair" they're the ones who get the bill. The poor are useful pawns of the Democratic party, so they're protected. The rich buy congressmen from both parties so they're protected.

When you figure out a government strong enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take from you everything you have. Let us know.
If a business makes ten dollars through your labor and you used to get three and now you get have one less
Typical liberal stupidity. If someone else has a dollar, it doesn't mean you have one less.

Unless you used that dollar to buy something from them. Then you paid for something you got and shouldn't be complaining.

The middle class is cash strapped because every time the morons in the government try and make things "fair" they're the ones who get the bill. The poor are useful pawns of the Democratic party, so they're protected. The rich buy congressmen from both parties so they're protected.

When you figure out a government strong enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take from you everything you have. Let us know.

For years businesses have been playing the 'we need more money to pay our employees.' Problem is, it never paid the employees, it paid the business person.

The business person took the dollar from the worker.

Walmart is one of the great examples of this by convincing government to subsidize their stores so that they could afford to hire. Problem is, Walmart paid so little that their employees qualified for public assistance. So once again, the employer took from the employee and from tax payers.

The employer can't take anything from the employee because there was nothing of the employee that was rightfully theirs.

Walmart can't put people on public assistance because Walmart is not our government. Our government offered government assistance to those who decided on making lower wages or working part-time.

What Walmart is in charge of however is bringing products to their customers at a price that attracts them to their stores. That's it.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.

I'm not going to jump onto this bandwagon so quickly. First of all, 85,000 jobs per year is not a lot in the big picture of things. Secondly, in many cases the jobs being filled by foreigners is due to the fact that these companies can't find Americans to fill those jobs. I won't rule out the idea completely though, because as in most everything, there are multiple factors that drive most events or situations. BTW, my stepson's girlfriend recently was hired on by NEST and is being paid a six figure salary.

That's total bullshit. If 85,000 doesn't make much of an impact, then how come whenever I go on any job I'm almost always one of the few white faces working there? I'm always surrounded by H1-B coolies wherever I am. There are plenty of qualified Americans sitting on the unemployment line, but the H1-B coolies will work for half the wage that Americans demand. That is the only reason corporations want these H1-Bs. Their claims are utterly dishonest. The recent case at Disney is a classic example of how the program works. I've heard this same story time and time again.
The answer:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

^ Best wage to starve 50MM people to death


Central Planning! Wow! Nobody ever tried that before!!

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