This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

Businesses are not your personal piggy bank to be used for an unsustainable spending party.

Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.

So that would raise the total foreign workers to what, 3%? Most pick lettuce, wash dishes, and clean toilets.
Those jobs have already been filled by the uneducated

Not necessarily. In the US, some are touting Americans taking more than one job rather than employers paying a living wage. So it stands that educated people may be taking these jobs to supplement what their primary employer failed to do.

30 million working Americans receive some type of government assistance to compensate for low wages
There are not 30 million second jobs available

That's because illegal aliens are doing them for half the wage.
No, a new truck today costs 10% more than trucks did seven or eight years ago. This is information my employer got from all the salesmen. Plus these trucks breakdown all the time because of all the pollution gadgets in them. As the head mechanic told me at Freightliner, they don't have one computer any longer. Trucks have two to three computers that have to work in sync with each other because of the pollution nonsense. Here up north, we usually don't get winters this mild. Our freezing temperatures play hell on those computers and they are constantly causing problems.

Yes, lower fuel prices are a huge plus, but that was not the case just a few years ago. Everybody was charging fuel surcharges because it was the only way to stay in business.

But only 2% is contributable to environmental devices. Trucks break? They've been doing it forever, but to blame it on computers is somewhat deceptive. Most breakdowns are due do to wiring issues.

Thanks for that response. It tells me you have no idea WTF you're talking about. I've been driving trucks for over 25 years. I know the difference between trucks of yesterday and trucks of today.

My last truck wouldn't start one morning. Penske came out and tried to get it going, but to no success. They towed it to the shop to work on it. Again, no success. They shipped it to the Freightliner dealership. After two weeks of trying to diagnose the problem, no success. They shipped it all the way across the country to the manufacturer.

After six weeks, they finally returned my truck to me. During that time, I drove rentals. I went through five of them because they kept breaking down. When I went to check the oil, what I found is they replaced the whole Fn engine.

Years ago diagnosing a problem was simple. It was pretty similar to a car. Today, with all the technicians and years of training, sometimes they still can't find the problem. It's all due to those idiotic computers that are needed to control all those environmental obstacles that cost everybody money. But then again, look how happy the environmentalists are today!!!
Businesses are not your personal piggy bank to be used for an unsustainable spending party.

Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake
Businesses are not your personal piggy bank to be used for an unsustainable spending party.

Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Businesses are not your personal piggy bank to be used for an unsustainable spending party.

Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud
Businesses are not your personal piggy bank to be used for an unsustainable spending party.

Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud

I'm sure he would be.

What is choice? Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. In the past, I've been told by potential employers the only way I could get the job was to be forced to join the union. If I didn't want to join a union, I couldn't get the job. How un-American can you get?
No, a new truck today costs 10% more than trucks did seven or eight years ago. This is information my employer got from all the salesmen. Plus these trucks breakdown all the time because of all the pollution gadgets in them. As the head mechanic told me at Freightliner, they don't have one computer any longer. Trucks have two to three computers that have to work in sync with each other because of the pollution nonsense. Here up north, we usually don't get winters this mild. Our freezing temperatures play hell on those computers and they are constantly causing problems.

Yes, lower fuel prices are a huge plus, but that was not the case just a few years ago. Everybody was charging fuel surcharges because it was the only way to stay in business.

But only 2% is contributable to environmental devices. Trucks break? They've been doing it forever, but to blame it on computers is somewhat deceptive. Most breakdowns are due do to wiring issues.

Thanks for that response. It tells me you have no idea WTF you're talking about. I've been driving trucks for over 25 years. I know the difference between trucks of yesterday and trucks of today.

My last truck wouldn't start one morning. Penske came out and tried to get it going, but to no success. They towed it to the shop to work on it. Again, no success. They shipped it to the Freightliner dealership. After two weeks of trying to diagnose the problem, no success. They shipped it all the way across the country to the manufacturer.

After six weeks, they finally returned my truck to me. During that time, I drove rentals. I went through five of them because they kept breaking down. When I went to check the oil, what I found is they replaced the whole Fn engine.

Years ago diagnosing a problem was simple. It was pretty similar to a car. Today, with all the technicians and years of training, sometimes they still can't find the problem. It's all due to those idiotic computers that are needed to control all those environmental obstacles that cost everybody money. But then again, look how happy the environmentalists are today!!!

I agree! I bought a Lincoln Navigator 1998 new. It was a awesome car, except anything that could have gone with the computered parts of the car did, almost had to give that car away.

Washer and dryer same thing.
Workers wages are not the personal piggy bank of employers.

For decades, employers have been raising prices claiming higher wages, except the higher revenue never made it past the employers pocket.

Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud

I'm sure he would be.

What is choice? Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. In the past, I've been told by potential employers the only way I could get the job was to be forced to join the union. If I didn't want to join a union, I couldn't get the job. How un-American can you get?
Too bad more union jobs are not available

Workers got better pay and benefits when unions were strong. Now, companies put one worker against the other to see who will work for the least
This is the Reagan phone. To your point, this is what should be issued.

Welcome to 2015, dinosaur!


You said Reagan phone is what people should be entitled to and I provided one.
Workers are free to give notice and leave if they are not happy, or hell grow a pair and start their own business.
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud

I'm sure he would be.

What is choice? Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. In the past, I've been told by potential employers the only way I could get the job was to be forced to join the union. If I didn't want to join a union, I couldn't get the job. How un-American can you get?
Too bad more union jobs are not available

Workers got better pay and benefits when unions were strong. Now, companies put one worker against the other to see who will work for the least

I agree, but you can't blame companies for that, blame the American people.

In the last several decades, we've become consumed with cheap. We don't care where our products are made, how many Americans we put out of work, what kind of quality of products we are buying, as long as they are cheap.

Manufacturers only cater to their customers, so they do whatever they can to make products cheaper. They pay lower wages, move out of the country, or invest in automation.

In the perfect world, we would have cheap quality products and plenty of good paying American jobs, but you can't have all of these things. We have to pick one.

So collectively, we chose cheap imported goods over good paying jobs. If you want to scream and yell at anybody, park outside of a Walmart store and yell at the customers. Those people are mostly responsible for the decay of unions and good paying jobs.
No, a new truck today costs 10% more than trucks did seven or eight years ago. This is information my employer got from all the salesmen. Plus these trucks breakdown all the time because of all the pollution gadgets in them. As the head mechanic told me at Freightliner, they don't have one computer any longer. Trucks have two to three computers that have to work in sync with each other because of the pollution nonsense. Here up north, we usually don't get winters this mild. Our freezing temperatures play hell on those computers and they are constantly causing problems.

Yes, lower fuel prices are a huge plus, but that was not the case just a few years ago. Everybody was charging fuel surcharges because it was the only way to stay in business.

But only 2% is contributable to environmental devices. Trucks break? They've been doing it forever, but to blame it on computers is somewhat deceptive. Most breakdowns are due do to wiring issues.

Thanks for that response. It tells me you have no idea WTF you're talking about. I've been driving trucks for over 25 years. I know the difference between trucks of yesterday and trucks of today.

My last truck wouldn't start one morning. Penske came out and tried to get it going, but to no success. They towed it to the shop to work on it. Again, no success. They shipped it to the Freightliner dealership. After two weeks of trying to diagnose the problem, no success. They shipped it all the way across the country to the manufacturer.

After six weeks, they finally returned my truck to me. During that time, I drove rentals. I went through five of them because they kept breaking down. When I went to check the oil, what I found is they replaced the whole Fn engine.

Years ago diagnosing a problem was simple. It was pretty similar to a car. Today, with all the technicians and years of training, sometimes they still can't find the problem. It's all due to those idiotic computers that are needed to control all those environmental obstacles that cost everybody money. But then again, look how happy the environmentalists are today!!!

I agree! I bought a Lincoln Navigator 1998 new. It was a awesome car, except anything that could have gone with the computered parts of the car did, almost had to give that car away.

Washer and dryer same thing.

My last American made car was my last American made car. After 30,000 miles, my mechanic drove it more than I did. That's when I switched to Toyota, and I've never had a problem since: no more garage bills, no more tow trucks, no being late for work all the time.

The best thing about a Toyota is that they hold their value long after you bought them.
I've been saying this for years. Unfortunately most of the Republican candidates have been talking about expanding this program. Hopefully they can be re-educated before one of them gets elected:

This Is a Real Reason Why Middle-Class Incomes Remain Stagnant

H-1B visas are used by large corporations to bring into the United States cheap foreign workers who typically have college degrees. Corporations like this because they can control these foreign workers, and keep wages low for Americans by hiring foreigners. H-1B visas are a big reason why real wages in our country have not increased for the average worker.

Each year, companies are allowed to import 65,000 new hires from foreign countries, plus another 20,000 who have received a degree from an American university. The result over the past decade has been to staff corporations with hundreds of thousands of foreigners in good jobs that should have gone to Americans. Many middle-aged Americans with families to support, particularly in hi-tech fields such as computers, are unable to find a good job today because of this terrible program. Now things are getting even worse. Some companies are misusing this program in order to lay off American workers and send their jobs overseas, after the foreigners are trained here in how to do the work. This results in an offshoring of thousands of jobs, which are then permanently lost to our country.

Despite this, misguided candidates for president support expanding H-1Bs, which would take even more jobs away from Americans. Marco Rubio, for example, introduced a bill earlier this year in the U.S. Senate that would triple the number of new H-1B visas allowed annually. Any economist will confirm that as unemployment decreases in our country, real wages should be increasing. But this is not happening and the H-1B visa program to bring cheap foreign labor into our country is the reason why. It is time to end H-1B visas, not expand them.
But won't they just raise the prices of their goods and services if we force them to hire expensive American workers?

Or won't they leave and move their operations to India or mexico if we don't allow them to hire who they want?

Why don't we just let the market decide?

Do my stupid arguments sound familiar? They should. I learned them from you
An individual may be able to do that but not an entire workforce. There are not that many jobs or businesses available
Workers are better off to band together and demand a bigger slice of the pie that they bake

And then the company moves out of state or the country where people not only don't make those demands, but are working for much less than Americans are working for today.
Ah yes...

The "right to work"gambit Republicans developed to destroy unions
Every man for himself

Reagan would be proud

I'm sure he would be.

What is choice? Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. In the past, I've been told by potential employers the only way I could get the job was to be forced to join the union. If I didn't want to join a union, I couldn't get the job. How un-American can you get?
Too bad more union jobs are not available

Workers got better pay and benefits when unions were strong. Now, companies put one worker against the other to see who will work for the least

I agree, but you can't blame companies for that, blame the American people.

In the last several decades, we've become consumed with cheap. We don't care where our products are made, how many Americans we put out of work, what kind of quality of products we are buying, as long as they are cheap.

Manufacturers only cater to their customers, so they do whatever they can to make products cheaper. They pay lower wages, move out of the country, or invest in automation.

In the perfect world, we would have cheap quality products and plenty of good paying American jobs, but you can't have all of these things. We have to pick one.

So collectively, we chose cheap imported goods over good paying jobs. If you want to scream and yell at anybody, park outside of a Walmart store and yell at the customers. Those people are mostly responsible for the decay of unions and good paying jobs.
And it isn't like Nike shoe prices dropped when we started making them in china. They should only cost $15 but Nike charges as much as we are willing to pay.

The CEO and shareholders keep the savings. They don't pass on the savings to us. Neither does Walmart. I find better deals at meijers and Kroger's.
The difference is that they all want to raise taxes on themselves for the good of the country

Wealthy Republicans want to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor to pay for it

Why do they need to raises taxes for the good of the country? If they're so concerned about the country, why can't they just right a check for the amount they think they should be paying?
The difference is that they all want to raise taxes on themselves for the good of the country

Wealthy Republicans want to slash their own taxes and cut benefits to the poor to pay for it

Why do they need to raises taxes for the good of the country? If they're so concerned about the country, why can't they just right a check for the amount they think they should be paying?
What a silly response

The one percent have 38% of our nations wealth. Pay more if you feel like it is not a solution

Wealthy Democrats are willing to raise their own taxes. Wealthy Republicans want them cut and want the poor to make do with less

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