This is actually happening sooner than I expected ...

Here is the big problem. The retarded Reaganian law should be repealed, that hospitals must save lives without upfront payment.
Here is the big problem. The retarded Reaganian law should be repealed, that hospitals must save lives without upfront payment.

So you'd recommend rifling through the heart attack victim's pockets for his wallet and his insurance card before you restart his heart.

That would be the If I Only Had a Brain school of health care.
Here is the big problem. The retarded Reaganian law should be repealed, that hospitals must save lives without upfront payment.

So you'd recommend rifling through the heart attack victim's pockets for his wallet and his insurance card before you restart his heart.

That would be the If I Only Had a Brain school of health care.

That would actually be faster than socialized care.

For example in New York, hospitals are highly regulated. The government designates hospitals under different levels of funding through their government paid for health care system.

About - SBH Health System

St. Barnabas Hospital is a not for profit hospital, with dozens of approvals.

Screen Shot 2016-09-25 at 9.29.15 PM.png

NCQA Level 3 Patient Centered Medical Home.
NY State Level 1 Trauma.
NY State Stroke Center
NY State AIDS Center
NY State Level 3 Perinatal Center
Federally-designated Community Center

And 90% of all funding is Medicaid and Medicare.

So by every measure this should be the best hospital in New York.

Man found dead in NYC hospital waiting room more than 8 hours after entering

Man found dead in the ER, 8 hours after he arrived.

Is that an isolated incident? Or a pattern?

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Average time from getting into the ER, to being admitted.... Six and half hours. Time to getting a room.... Nine hours.

This is "normal" in the government regulated, 'streamlined', lower cost health care system. This is what Medicare and Medicaid promise for all Americans if we adopt a universal socialized system.

Find your hospital or province's ER wait times to see a doctor

Canada's system has been improving, as they have moved more towards an open free-market system, with private pay-for-service hospitals reducing wait times.

But even now, the average in many cities is over 3 hours, with some up to 5 hours wait.

Now compare that with the US, or better the Ohio Average.

ER Wait Watcher

The average wait time for ER care in Ohio... 20 minutes.

Incidentally, even within just Ohio, the worst wait times are at Metrohealth, which is a public government funded hospital, University Hospitals, which are also publicly funded, and nearly any hospital that promotes Medicare and Medicaid, like Grant Medical Center.

In fact, often when people say "see the wait times in the US are not that great!" are often looking at wait times by government funded hospitals, and then trying to blame private capitalist hospitals.

I have often wondered what the wait times would be if they actually separated all US hospitals into two groups. Ones that are government run, or government funded, and those that are private and privately funded.

I'd be willing to bet a months pay check, that nation wide, the wait times for Gov-pay-gov-run hospitals would be much higher than the average, and the wait times for private-pay-private-run, would be much lower than the average.

But the left is always pushing the wrong way. They don't want more hospital to be like the private ones. They want more to be like the government ones. Longer wait times, not shorter.

Also, you'll notice that all the VA hospitals, are explicitly federally funded... don't post wait times at all. You don't need to know. Funny how if gov-care is so much better, they would want to flaunt how much better they are. Instead, you can't hardly find any information at all, until someone on the inside leaks the damaging evidence to a reporter.
Folks, you keep beating around the bush, and refuse to discuss the problem which is the Jewish control of the financial system, which guarantees inflation.

Healthcare is one of the many areas you are seeing this.
Folks, you keep beating around the bush, and refuse to discuss the problem which is the Jewish control of the financial system, which guarantees inflation.

Healthcare is one of the many areas you are seeing this.

That's right! Jews have a little known genetic network that keeps them all on the same page for conspiracy purposes.
Here is the big problem. The retarded Reaganian law should be repealed, that hospitals must save lives without upfront payment.

So you'd recommend rifling through the heart attack victim's pockets for his wallet and his insurance card before you restart his heart.

That would be the If I Only Had a Brain school of health care.

But don't hospitals get forced to make up their bills randomly, typically in the 6 figures for everything, because they have to treat everyone? Including gang shooting victims which is the majority of their life saving practice?

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