This is all to setup Prez Biden; You BETTER shutdown if Prez Biden has an outbreak

Biden beating Trump???

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. The Op is one stupid moron.
It's going to happen and you'll whine how the election was rigged against trump. You guys aren't living in one second of reality. The man has been the most incompetent piece of shit that has ever been president. He was impeached and has had an administration rife with scandal. He has never had an approval rating of over 50 percent outside of Rasmussen and we all know that's a joke, and now he's fucking up a situation and it's causing people to die. Yet you think that trump is just going to waltz to victory because you guys have made up a story about Biden while pretending trump is of sound mind. Ha!

Here's your some point Joe has to come out of hiding and speak.
Glad to hear you'll be supporting TRUMP in cutting of funding of the WHO...

Are you fucking retarded? I have to ask this question. So we are cutting funding to WHO because Trump didn't do his job and failed to take action and they made him look bad.

Let me get this straight do you or do you not want TRUMP to listen to the "scientist" advising him?
The experts advising him like Fauci and Brix are the ones listening to the WHO and the WHO got a lot wrong which resulted in people like Fauci giving TRUMP bad/late advice.
It's good that TRUMP didn't rely on Fauci to tell him to ban travel from China back in January just a week after Fauci was declaring the US wouldn't see the same effects from the CV as China.
Stop making excuses for trump. He doesn't listen to his scientists and we all know it.

What has Fauci advised that TRUMP hasn't listened to? Fauci's track record of the death rate has been way off since the beginning yet TRUMP continued to listen to him and follow his advise.
TRUMP going by his own instincts saved lives with the early travel ban of China, and it was TRUMP mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries that has also saved lives, with many people acknowledging such. Where as Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine, but when asked if he was infected with CV if he would take it he said he would.
Fauci only is concerned with deaths from CV, while TRUMP is concerned with deaths from not only CV but also suicide from people losing businesses and jobs.
Trump is a man who inherited a real estate business. Fauci one of the worlds leading doctors. There is much trump hasn't listened to. If he had listened to Fauci, we have a national lockdown. Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine because he knows what it can and cannot do. I doubt if he said he'd take it if he had CV and trump is not concerned about suicides, he is concerned about re opening the economy so he can try running on the economy in this election. People can commit suicide when loved ones die of this disease. Trump didn't save any lives by his travel ban. The virus came to New York from Europe. People were dying in nursing homes who had not seen China but on TV. We don't need trumps instincts because he has been wrong about everything. For example, his Nobel prize winning relationship with Kim Jun Un has made it possible for NK to continue and increase their nuclear program. The claim of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries is not so. In Brazil, they stopped using it because it caused heart problems. The medical pros, and not a man who inherited a real estate business, are saying that further testing must be done to see if hydroxychloroquine as a treatment is safe to use as a vaccination for COVID19.

I'll take my chances with the opinion of medical pros over a man that inherited a real estate business, blew 900 million in a year, blew 10 billion in a decade, set records for bankruptcies and was considered the worst businessman in America at one time.

TRUMP has never suggested HC to be a substitute for a vaccine, pathetic you have to make things up.

As for how the CV got here sure some came from Europe since Europe was following the advice from the WHO and didn't shut down travel with China. TRUMP shut down travel with Europe as soon as advised from Fauci. So your complaint is against Fauci for wanting so late to advise TRUMP on banning travel from other countries.

As for shutting down the country glad to see you acknowledge as POTUS, TRUMP has the authority to shut down and open states.
TUMP didn't shut down the country because he didn't need to. Many states are not having the same problems as states like NY and NJ. Fauci is wanting to slow the spread, Fauci has never said if you shut down the country people will stop becoming infected 100%. So why force a state to shut down if they have low numbers?
There was nothing preventing the governors of NY or NJ to shut down their states and put measures in place as done by CA. They just waited to long and made poor decisions.
TRUMP has made it clear he will let states make their own decisions on reopening and TRUMP will only intervene if he thinks they are making poor decisions.
If governors are incapable of doing their job and running their states they need to resign. What they don't need to do is whine about TRUMP over their own failings.
Glad to hear you'll be supporting TRUMP in cutting of funding of the WHO...

Are you fucking retarded? I have to ask this question. So we are cutting funding to WHO because Trump didn't do his job and failed to take action and they made him look bad.

Let me get this straight do you or do you not want TRUMP to listen to the "scientist" advising him?
The experts advising him like Fauci and Brix are the ones listening to the WHO and the WHO got a lot wrong which resulted in people like Fauci giving TRUMP bad/late advice.
It's good that TRUMP didn't rely on Fauci to tell him to ban travel from China back in January just a week after Fauci was declaring the US wouldn't see the same effects from the CV as China.
Stop making excuses for trump. He doesn't listen to his scientists and we all know it.

What has Fauci advised that TRUMP hasn't listened to? Fauci's track record of the death rate has been way off since the beginning yet TRUMP continued to listen to him and follow his advise.
TRUMP going by his own instincts saved lives with the early travel ban of China, and it was TRUMP mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries that has also saved lives, with many people acknowledging such. Where as Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine, but when asked if he was infected with CV if he would take it he said he would.
Fauci only is concerned with deaths from CV, while TRUMP is concerned with deaths from not only CV but also suicide from people losing businesses and jobs.
Trump is a man who inherited a real estate business. Fauci one of the worlds leading doctors. There is much trump hasn't listened to. If he had listened to Fauci, we have a national lockdown. Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine because he knows what it can and cannot do. I doubt if he said he'd take it if he had CV and trump is not concerned about suicides, he is concerned about re opening the economy so he can try running on the economy in this election. People can commit suicide when loved ones die of this disease. Trump didn't save any lives by his travel ban. The virus came to New York from Europe. People were dying in nursing homes who had not seen China but on TV. We don't need trumps instincts because he has been wrong about everything. For example, his Nobel prize winning relationship with Kim Jun Un has made it possible for NK to continue and increase their nuclear program. The claim of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries is not so. In Brazil, they stopped using it because it caused heart problems. The medical pros, and not a man who inherited a real estate business, are saying that further testing must be done to see if hydroxychloroquine as a treatment is safe to use as a vaccination for COVID19.

I'll take my chances with the opinion of medical pros over a man that inherited a real estate business, blew 900 million in a year, blew 10 billion in a decade, set records for bankruptcies and was considered the worst businessman in America at one time.

TRUMP has never suggested HC to be a substitute for a vaccine, pathetic you have to make things up.

As for how the CV got here sure some came from Europe since Europe was following the advice from the WHO and didn't shut down travel with China. TRUMP shut down travel with Europe as soon as advised from Fauci. So your complaint is against Fauci for wanting so late to advise TRUMP on banning travel from other countries.

As for shutting down the country glad to see you acknowledge as POTUS, TRUMP has the authority to shut down and open states.
TUMP didn't shut down the country because he didn't need to. Many states are not having the same problems as states like NY and NJ. Fauci is wanting to slow the spread, Fauci has never said if you shut down the country people will stop becoming infected 100%. So why force a state to shut down if they have low numbers?
There was nothing preventing the governors of NY or NJ to shut down their states and put measures in place as done by CA. They just waited to long and made poor decisions.
TRUMP has made it clear he will let states make their own decisions on reopening and TRUMP will only intervene if he thinks they are making poor decisions.
If governors are incapable of doing their job and running their states they need to resign. What they don't need to do is whine about TRUMP over their own failings.

Look, if you want to worship trump do it. I am not going to. Nor am I going to listen to his medical opinion on what drug to use for this virus. If I want to ask trump something, I'll ask him what technique did he use that helped him be so sucessful in promoting an image of himself that wasn't real. Other than that fuck trump. He shut down travel to Europe after the virus was here. His inaction has cost most of the over 24,000 lives that have been lost so far. There is no looking at what trump has done and trying to find the good,. This is not about the governors, it is about trumps failure to lead this country in a national emergency. COVID19 Is in every state and it doesn't matter what the numbers are. There is no excuse for this. Every other president who handled a federal emergency did not try blaming the governors because his leadership was wack. So you stay stupid, but don't expect me to do the same. Trump needs to be removed from office and I am going to do my part to maKe that happen this November.
Biden beating Trump???

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. The Op is one stupid moron.
It's going to happen and you'll whine how the election was rigged against trump. You guys aren't living in one second of reality. The man has been the most incompetent piece of shit that has ever been president. He was impeached and has had an administration rife with scandal. He has never had an approval rating of over 50 percent outside of Rasmussen and we all know that's a joke, and now he's fucking up a situation and it's causing people to die. Yet you think that trump is just going to waltz to victory because you guys have made up a story about Biden while pretending trump is of sound mind. Ha!

Here's your some point Joe has to come out of hiding and speak.
Not a problem for me. But it will be for trump.

You live in fact free world where people make shit up about democrats and think they can push the lie on everybody. Biden is just fine. At least he can say the word origin and trump was slurring away yesterday. So concern yourself with trumps mental capacity, because he's fucking up in a national emergency and it's costing lives.

Mr. Biden is not a well man. No matter how much it is sugar coated. He is the Uncle Walter dummy with a myraid of hands in his back controlling him if he is elected President. Age affects people differently. And I still wonder if he really wanted to do this.
What has Fauci advised that TRUMP hasn't listened to? Fauci's track record of the death rate has been way off since the beginning yet TRUMP continued to listen to him and follow his advise.
TRUMP going by his own instincts saved lives with the early travel ban of China, and it was TRUMP mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries that has also saved lives, with many people acknowledging such. Where as Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine, but when asked if he was infected with CV if he would take it he said he would.
Fauci only is concerned with deaths from CV, while TRUMP is concerned with deaths from not only CV but also suicide from people losing businesses and jobs.

Trump is only concerned about his own re-election and that he can't hold rallies anymore to stroke his fragile ego.

We have more dead than any other county because he didn't listen to Fauci and the other doctors.
Yes, Trump is a narcissistic asshole that at times says the dumbest shit you have ever heard and does head scratching shit but that does not mean you should replace him ( Trump ) with Joe Biden who think this is 1984 and Mondale is going to beat Reagan...

You go younger, and more vibrant but alas you will disagree because let face it the DNC owns you...

Reagan didn't ignore a plague that killed tens of thousands of people and caused the worst recession in history.
What has Fauci advised that TRUMP hasn't listened to? Fauci's track record of the death rate has been way off since the beginning yet TRUMP continued to listen to him and follow his advise.
TRUMP going by his own instincts saved lives with the early travel ban of China, and it was TRUMP mentioning hydroxychloroquine as a treatment working in other countries that has also saved lives, with many people acknowledging such. Where as Fauci has downplayed hydroxychloroquine, but when asked if he was infected with CV if he would take it he said he would.
Fauci only is concerned with deaths from CV, while TRUMP is concerned with deaths from not only CV but also suicide from people losing businesses and jobs.

Trump is only concerned about his own re-election and that he can't hold rallies anymore to stroke his fragile ego.

We have more dead than any other county because he didn't listen to Fauci and the other doctors.

Link to where he didn't listen to Fauci?
I see thru this nonsense. This is the MAGA crowd led by Trump laying a trap for President Biden. He’ll win, Get sworn in. Then March 2021 obviously this will flare back up. But after this shutdown, no one will want to do it again and we wont bc “the economy” is hurting.

So we wont. And more people will die in 2021 than 2020. Then FORMER Prez Trump will smear President Biden for it and set up his re-run in 2024.

Sorry Trumptards I see thru this shit. Under President Biden next year you all BETTER demand the same safety, life saving shutdown that we have done for Trump. If not you’ll be a hypocrite forever
This is what I truly envy about liberals and their visionary messages... the drugs they take are the best...

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