This is America now?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

Looks like she has a solid case.


I'll donate too.

She should start a petition to have the politicians involved in her removal removed from office.



Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
Lol I love how you people take these anecdotal stories and say dramatic shit like “This is America now?”. Don’t give me these anecdotes. You want to move me? Show me statistics. Show me statistics that support a narrative. Otherwise, why should anyone care?
Unfortunately, yes, this is America now. What we once were, we are no more. Evil has spread everywhere. Pedo's are protected, a woman who sucker her way to VP will wind up POTUS, China will own us, new wars will start, work camps will be the new cages for dessenting voices and in general...filth will prevail.

The more I see and hear, the more I get depressed. I just flat out don't want to be here on this beautiful but dying earth any more.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

Dear Azog:

I think it's crazy that someone gets fired for doing their job.


Chris Krebs.
Show me statistics that support a narrative. Otherwise, why should anyone care?

Billy, you would probably claim the stats are not true. Black privilege in hiring, voter fraud, and particularly committing a crime against Europeans and their heritage, especially with Black politicians and those affiliated with Black organizations is pretty much off the charts across the country not to mention internationally.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
I read the article. Here's several problems I have. First. It's vague on what the reason for the termination was. The lawyer of Green claims it was because of the arrests she made. Fine, that is the job of a lawyer. The city claims it's because of an undisclosed personal matter. Also fine. What you are doing is claiming you know who's speaking the truth. How do you know?

As for her claim she was upholding the law. Also in the article was the fact that the court threw out the charges she filed. Something that lessens that narrative.

Now for the title of your OP. You are objecting to public officials getting fired for doing their jobs? Let me tell you that's some hypocrisy you are showing. You are a Trump supporter. Someone who hasn't fired one person for doing their job but dozens. And unlike this case their is no ambiguity as to the motives of these firings since the guy you are supporting is very upfront about it.
Show me statistics that support a narrative. Otherwise, why should anyone care?

Billy, you would probably claim the stats are not true. Black privilege in hiring, voter fraud, and particularly committing a crime against Europeans and their heritage, especially with Black politicians and those affiliated with Black organizations is pretty much off the charts across the country not to mention internationally.
Um okay try me. Give me statistics. See if I deny them. I’ll wait. Prove your shit.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
You may have to flee Boston !!
I guess you could move to Phoenix
If you think that this case is outrageous, you ain't seen nothing yet!

Just wait until the inauguration of the 46th President in two months.

If you want to keep your job, you had better turn a blind eye to anything that is done by certain folks.

It is as simple as that.

And some people keep saying that America has a bright future! Amazing!
Whatever America is, that's what it is at this very moment only.

Maybe instead of thinking that everything is a "war" with "winners" and "losers", and that every result is final and intractable, we can look at this as a process to be managed carefully and thoughtfully.

No one has a crystal ball. Life is complicated. Ya never know. Shit happens. Maybe we're wrong about our predictions now and then.

I'm guessing that notion might be too complicated for some.
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Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.

She's about as black as I am.


The link that Zoggy the Troll links to has a paywall, so here's a link that tells the whole story.

The police chief of Portsmouth, Virginia, was fired Monday in what she suggested was a politically motivated move moments before criminal charges were dropped against a prominent state senator and several local Black leaders accused of conspiring to damage a Confederate statue during a protest this year.

The latest twist in the case involving state Sen. Louise Lucas, a high-ranking Democrat who is Virginia's most senior Black legislator, drew praise from members of her own party who condemned the charges.

Lucas said in a statement Tuesday that the Portsmouth Police Department "made a mockery of the criminal justice system" by filing "obscure felony charges against me and other Portsmouth citizens and in so doing, they created a scandalous national embarrassment for our city."

But a dismissal motion filed by the Portsmouth Commonwealth Attorney's Office said there was "no proper evidence" to support the charges that the plaintiffs' actions "rise to the level of felony destruction of property or conspiracy." Video from the scene and other digital evidence were also unreliable, according to the motion.
In dismissing the charges Monday, a judge also questioned why police went around local prosecutors to bring charges.

City leaders had initially questioned Greene's involvement in investigating the Confederate protest because of an unspecified conflict of interest. Local activists and clergy leaders called for her resignation or firing.
In September, Greene, who became police chief in 2019, took an indefinite leave of absence. Rallies were also held in her support.

So, um, yeah, sounds like she was fired for cause.
Whatever America is, that's what it is at this very moment only.

Maybe instead of thinking that everything is a "war" with "winners" and "losers", and that every result is final and intractable, we can look at this as a process to be managed carefully and thoughtfully.

No one has a crystal ball. Life is complicated. Ya never know. Shit happens. Maybe we're wrong about our predictions now and then.

I'm guessing that notion might be too complicated for some.

No problem, Mac, no matter what the outcome, you'll be here saying, "That just proves what I've been saying all along is right". It's what happens when you have a theory and you force all the evidence to fit the theory.

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
Lol I love how you people take these anecdotal stories and say dramatic shit like “This is America now?”. Don’t give me these anecdotes. You want to move me? Show me statistics. Show me statistics that support a narrative. Otherwise, why should anyone care?
Don’t derail the thread. You lost your shit over Floyd. One anecdotal case and tried to burn the country down. Hypocrite. You are a shitty guitar player

Police chief fired for doing her job and arresting vandals. Oh and before you cry racism, she is a black woman.

What a disgrace. How can this stand? Even the leftists here must agree this is wrong! If she has a GoFundme page, I will definitely donate.

You don’t like it? I don’t care.
I read the article. Here's several problems I have. First. It's vague on what the reason for the termination was. The lawyer of Green claims it was because of the arrests she made. Fine, that is the job of a lawyer. The city claims it's because of an undisclosed personal matter. Also fine. What you are doing is claiming you know who's speaking the truth. How do you know?

As for her claim she was upholding the law. Also in the article was the fact that the court threw out the charges she filed. Something that lessens that narrative.

Now for the title of your OP. You are objecting to public officials getting fired for doing their jobs? Let me tell you that's some hypocrisy you are showing. You are a Trump supporter. Someone who hasn't fired one person for doing their job but dozens. And unlike this case their is no ambiguity as to the motives of these firings since the guy you are supporting is very upfront about it.
She was fired for arresting vandals. It was very clear. Not sure what you read? Your conflation is comical.

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