This is an Example of Why Single Payer Health Insurance is a NOGO


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have been on Maryland Unemployment for a few months now, and I was happy to hear about the additional $600 I would get each week, but Reality has kicked me in the ass.

Though I am due about $3000 from MD UI, it has not come, nor can I contact anyone with MD UI Department of Labor, nor the governors office. This week was the first week I could not file for the week ending 4-18, the message being that I had already filed for April 11th, which is a totally different week.

Now this is when we have alternatives to Unemployment like a job, lol. How indifferent would the Goobermint snails be were they the only game in town?

Also, while my wife and I will get by, we are not desperate, many people are and the ineptitude/incompetence of the MD government is just mind blowing.


Most government does not respond quickly to new environments or new problems. All the MD UI Labor people had to do was add some more money for a few weeks and extend the qualifying period.


Imagine what an absolute cluster fuck converting MEDICARE, which is singularly designed for a small demographic of our population, but being assigned the responsibility for the whole country?

They would not be off the ground for months if not years.

When you look at how the VA has been till Trump took over,, and what it is likely to return to when he leaves office and a Democrat comes back in, the thought of Single Payer is essentially the equivalent of genocide for America's elderly.
I feel your pain.....

But remember when you hear about a politician "cutting spending to the bone", this is what she/he is talking about; hour long waits on hold when you HAVE to contact state agencies, multiple hour long waits in person to get a drivers license. I have to go to the Secretary of State's office next week; I've already told my employer that I likely won't be in that evening because I anticipate it to be an all day affair.

Normally we don't have to deal with state bureaucracies very often so the pain of these budget cuts is usually only felt by those on state assistance. Now that more "mainstream" Americans are...the shortcomings are more noticeable.

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