This Is Are Story

Jeez, the way the black community is butchering the English language clearly isn't working out for them. Slang is cool and all, but youre supposed to grow out of that, and I know in my household I wasn't allowed to use any kind of slang around adults. Proper manners and speaking ability was important in my family. Im not seeing any of that in the black community. I know you aren't supposed to talk about it, but we see how they often are in public. Loud and obnoxious, and frequently causing trouble, all while displaying a poor grasp of English. Its not all of them that act like that, but an alarming number of them do. You know im not lying!

The black community is really dropping the ball when it comes to raising their children properly. Clearly the terrible fatherless household rate among black people has had a tremendously negative impact on them. Its spiraling out of control. Each generation is worse off than the last. What the fuck is going to resurrect that failing culture?
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Jeez, the way the black community is butchering the English language clearly isn't working out for them. Slang is cool and all, but youre [sic] supposed to grow out of that, and I know in my household I wasn't allowed to use any kind of slang around adults. Proper manners and speaking ability was [sic] important in my family. Im [sic] not seeing any of that in the black community. I know you aren't supposed to talk about it, but we see how they often are in public. Loud and obnoxious, and frequently causing trouble. Its [sic] not all of them that act like that, but an alarming number of them do. You know im [sic] not lying!

Learn the language, punk.
Jeez, the way the black community is butchering the English language clearly isn't working out for them. Slang is cool and all, but youre [sic] supposed to grow out of that, and I know in my household I wasn't allowed to use any kind of slang around adults. Proper manners and speaking ability was [sic] important in my family. Im [sic] not seeing any of that in the black community. I know you aren't supposed to talk about it, but we see how they often are in public. Loud and obnoxious, and frequently causing trouble. Its [sic] not all of them that act like that, but an alarming number of them do. You know im [sic] not lying!

Learn the language, punk.

You actually took the time to whine about punctuation, and then you call me a punk? PUNK? Honestly, could you work on your insults? :lol:
Seems like they would be able to spell just by using text on their phones. embarassing. Jeez.
Jeez, the way the black community is butchering the English language clearly isn't working out for them. Slang is cool and all, but youre [sic] supposed to grow out of that, and I know in my household I wasn't allowed to use any kind of slang around adults. Proper manners and speaking ability was [sic] important in my family. Im [sic] not seeing any of that in the black community. I know you aren't supposed to talk about it, but we see how they often are in public. Loud and obnoxious, and frequently causing trouble. Its [sic] not all of them that act like that, but an alarming number of them do. You know im [sic] not lying!

Learn the language, punk.

You actually took the time to whine about punctuation, and then you call me a punk? PUNK? Honestly, could you work on your insults? :lol:

You're lucky I didn't call you a ne'er-do-well for "butchering the English language" that way.
Does anyone think there wasn't a teacher or administrator at the school tasked with overseeing the planning and whatnot of the senior prom? Sounds to me like something the adults would surely do and, if so, the glaring grammar error went unnoticed by that person or persons too.

The blind leading the blind in a Chicago academic environment. Take a bow, school board, you've earned it.

the goals of the liberal education system

is not to turn out intelligent young adults who can think for themselves

but rather turn out children unlikely to question

the liberal agenda accept the idea that the government is here to

take care of your every need

Hey- this is the Party of "education" and "science".

The things Conservatives don't believe in. Just ax rdean.

The politician didn't carve the stone, did he?
Clumsy attempt try to distort and misdirect..

oh,'s from huffpo....never mind. :doubt:

his job was to approve the final product.

just like the o/p screed.

you're welcome.

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