This Is Awkward: Catholic Edition

it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.
Are known homosexuals allowed in the priesthood?

I have no idea; I'm not Catholic.

I did hear that God has a plan & that God's plan is perfect so, I guess priest diddling little boys must be part of that great landscape.
The Catholic Church has nothing to do with Christianity... The Catholic Church represents the Catholic Church and only the Catholic Church

oh, sure they don't; that's why they have a bunch of Christians as members
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.

so, what are you saying? God is a homosexual?
Well, he does seem to have made quite a few of them.
The religion of homosexuality/transgender/Baby Rappers Is man-made… 100%
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians
it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.

so, what are you saying? God is a homosexual?
Well, he does seem to have made quite a few of them.

Yes; I also believe MANY were 'born that way' which I personally have no issue with

Republicans on the other hand sure seem to have an issue with it
The fantasy “born this way” resides in sick peoples minds... because there is no gay gene to be found... fact
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians

it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.

so, what are you saying? God is a homosexual?
Well, he does seem to have made quite a few of them.
He doesn't "make them."

At "best," they were born with a birth defect. They are still required to live by His Commandments.

I thought that 'book' stated something to effect that I knew you before you were born.

If true, then God made a lot of homos; jus' sayin'
Sin is a fact of life, Man-made…
it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.
Are known homosexuals allowed in the priesthood?

I have no idea; I'm not Catholic.

I did hear that God has a plan & that God's plan is perfect so, I guess priest diddling little boys must be part of that great landscape.
The Catholic Church has nothing to do with Christianity... The Catholic Church represents the Catholic Church and only the Catholic Church

oh, sure they don't; that's why they have a bunch of Christians as members
Na, not really
Martin Luther - Wikipedia
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.

so, what are you saying? God is a homosexual?
Well, he does seem to have made quite a few of them.
He doesn't "make them."

At "best," they were born with a birth defect. They are still required to live by His Commandments.

I thought that 'book' stated something to effect that I knew you before you were born.

If true, then God made a lot of homos; jus' sayin'
Sin is a fact of life, Man-made…

did man make sin, did God make sin, or did Satan make sin?

I like Canadian Whisky myself
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
Islam is the most violent cult the planet has ever seen... fact
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians

Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
so, what are you saying? God is a homosexual?
Well, he does seem to have made quite a few of them.
He doesn't "make them."

At "best," they were born with a birth defect. They are still required to live by His Commandments.

I thought that 'book' stated something to effect that I knew you before you were born.

If true, then God made a lot of homos; jus' sayin'
Sin is a fact of life, Man-made…

did man make sin, did God make sin, or did Satan make sin?

I like Canadian Whisky myself
You’ll find your answer in the book of Genesis....
it is common knowledge that priest in general prefer to diddle little boys, all while feigning to save souls

it's a sordid bidness but God ordained it so, gotta have some sexual gonna on
Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand.
Are known homosexuals allowed in the priesthood?

Anyone who doubts it need only Google up a Tim Russert Meet the Press segment in which Tim interviewed Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, president of the University of Norte Dame, and another priest whose name I don’t recall. During a discussion of gays in the Catholic seminaries, one of them pegged it at something like 30-40% but the other one disagreed, claiming it was more like 60%! Which at the time nearly caused me to fall out of my chair.
Evidently you have no idea what free will is...given your nonsesnse on this thread that's no surprise

earlier you stated, "You seem clueless on religious matters...just sayin"

Why would you, or anyone state such? You don't know me, you don't know my history.

I was raised in the SBC, read the bible front to back, backwards & forwards likely more times than you have had sex, left the SBC & joined the COC only to discover they are more NUTZ than the SBC.
I eventually left the church & religion in general because the bible is so full of contradictions it could make a record player spin records round & round.

If you desire to have a 'civilized' conversation then maybe reserve your judgement of my knowledge of 'religion' in general; jus' sayin'

But yet you struggle with free will?


Again; you attribute some thing to me that I did not state. You are obviously brain dead as you do not LISTEN.

Communication is about learning different ideas but obviously you do not desire to discover anything outside of your own comfort zone. That is what most would consider a 'closed mind' and I'm being gentle, as you likely have little, to any mind.

Have a nice conversation; with yourself.

I may as well. You're as stupid as a stump on religion

Yes; internet forums seem to be full of folks like you; memberS willing to pretend to be adults yet here you sit behind the comfort of your little computer keyboard & call your fellow forum members third grade names, all while you feign religion.

It is no wonder that Christians in America are being gunned down like the demons they claim to desire saving; just like the priests that love to fvck little bois.
Happy religion.
Christianity is not a religion, it’s a faith.
Islam and the Catholic Church are religions, man-made
if 'the church' would just get real about human sexuality they would understand that humans have desires but 'the church' is living in a 2,500 year old cave; oh, happy, happy
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians

Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

if one cannot play well with others then there is a bully on the play ground
But yet you struggle with free will?


Again; you attribute some thing to me that I did not state. You are obviously brain dead as you do not LISTEN.

Communication is about learning different ideas but obviously you do not desire to discover anything outside of your own comfort zone. That is what most would consider a 'closed mind' and I'm being gentle, as you likely have little, to any mind.

Have a nice conversation; with yourself.

I may as well. You're as stupid as a stump on religion

Yes; internet forums seem to be full of folks like you; memberS willing to pretend to be adults yet here you sit behind the comfort of your little computer keyboard & call your fellow forum members third grade names, all while you feign religion.

It is no wonder that Christians in America are being gunned down like the demons they claim to desire saving; just like the priests that love to fvck little bois.
Happy religion.

Ah it comes out you're a bigot

Listen up toad I've forgotten more on religion than you'll ever know.

It's completely obvious you're yapping out your ass

Oh, great; there you go again, claiming your religious superiority yet you continue to act as if Satan has your soul.
That is priceless. I'm sure you will enjoy being rejected @ The Pearly Gates & burning in Hell like the hypocrite you clearly demonstrate yourself to be.
Predestination - Wikipedia
The Catholic Church is much like Islam, a bunch a statue Worshipping control freaks...

any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians

Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

if one cannot play well with others then there is a bully on the play ground
Getting along is way overrated
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians as an example
any cult will exercise a certain level of control; just look at any cult. The Branch Davidians

Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

if one cannot play well with others then there is a bully on the play ground
Getting along is way overrated

well then, The White House may be able to help you.

Trump; he is a bully.

Melania; she rails against bullies.

It's a 'house divided'

A White House divided.
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism

if one cannot play well with others then there is a bully on the play ground
Getting along is way overrated

well then, The White House may be able to help you.

Trump; he is a bully.

Melania; she rails against bullies.

It's a 'house divided'

A White House divide.
Political correctness is for pussies, It has no place in reality

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