(This Is Bad) 61% Of Independent Voters Want Obama To Prove His Eligibility


May 29, 2010
The independents are what put him in office and according to this poll, 61% want him to prove his eligibility. The poll revealed that he has a major problem of if he is a legitimate president and this constitutional issue is not going away. It seems that it is escalating, especially with Donald Trumph questioning his eligibility in the MSM last week. Obama has got to resolve this mess out of the respect of the American Voters.

Wenzel Strategies » Polls

Not even one person in 10 believes Barack Obama has shown that he is eligible to be president of the United States, according to a stunning new scientific poll that also reveals political Independents have less tolerance than even Republicans for his efforts to obfuscate the issue.

"The shocking result in this survey is that just 9 percent said they believe Obama has met the requirements to prove he was born in the United States and is therefore qualified to be president," said Fritz Wenzel, chief of Wenzel Strategies, which conducted the assessment.

"Even when you combine those who say such questions are not valid with those who believe he has satisfied the requirements, it still falls short of equaling the percentage who said he should step forward and prove his birth origin once and for all," he said.

“What is most interesting is the response on this question of Independent voters: Fully 61 percent of Independents said they want Obama to prove once and for all his birth origin, which is a higher percentage than even among Republicans. Men are also somewhat more skeptical than women,” Wenzel said.

“At a time when this country faces dramatic problems both here at home and around the world, it does harm to Obama’s credibility and undermines the confidence of the American people to have this question hanging out there,” Wenzel explained. “One can only imagine the storm of controversy that might ensue if we discover definitively after his presidency is over that he was not qualified to hold office. The resignation of Richard Nixon would pale by comparison in terms of undermining public confidence in government.

(Emphasis added: This is what Hawaii Governor Neil Albercrombie said he was afraid of , that it would harm Obama in the 2012 campaign and that's why he wanted to end the controversy by showing the real birth certificate)

“A corollary issue to the Obama birth certificate is the question about Obama’s refusal to release educational records, which could hold some clue as to his birth origin and early citizenship,” Wenzel said. “Two-thirds of all respondents want those records released, while the other third of respondents oppose the release of those records. It remains unclear why Obama will not comply with any requests to show those records to the public.”
For Obama.
Do I think the birthers are off? Yes.
But the Independents win elections.
Didn't we just knock down this same thread last week?


Guess it's either this or Sarah Palin Threads
The poll was paid for by WorldNetDaily to promote a political agenda. Their reporting also pushes a political agenda. This is what is known as "push polling," whereby the pollster attempts to shape public opinion by leading or obscuring the questions.

It’s easy to steer a poll to the result the pollster wants by how the key questions are phrased. For example, in this poll, the money question is: “What is your view of lingering questions about Obama’s eligibility to be President?”

The possible answers are: “Questions are not valid, Obama met requirements, Requirements outdated, Questions are troubling, Obama should prove birth and Not sure.” ...

It seems Unruh and Wenzel took some liberties when they reported the responses.

When you include all the responses that would be supportive of the president – Questions are not valid, Obama met requirements, Requirements outdated – you find that they equal about 46 percent of the respondents.

You don’t have to be a statistics wizard to know that that’s a far, far cry from 9 percent.

How did Wenzel and Unruh arrive at that 9 percent? Easy. They reported only the respondents who said Obama has already proven his eligibility, completely discounting the respondents who essentially said the whole thing is a non-issue.

Also, on its website, the polling firm, Wenzel Strategies, includes a testimonial from a political consulting firm that is owned by ... the owner of Wenzel Strategies!

Why is World Net Daily artificially boosting the Birther Movement? | Turning the Scale

The sample also appears to be biased. For example, the historical ideological break-down of Americans is about 40% conservative, 40% moderate and 20% liberal, give or take a few points. In the survey, it was 51/35/14, which is outside the 95% confidence interval of prior surveys on ideological leanings.

Finally, it is inconsistent with other polls on the birther issue. In prior polls, roughly half or less of Republicans could be called birthers. The general population is significantly less.
As usual as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates, you lack the insight to engage in political debate on the issues. Please elaborate on the dynamics of the poll where 61% of Independents want Obama to prove his eligibility. Why do you think people think Obama is ineligible?
Just to show how inaccurate this poll is, WorldPublicOpinion found that 15% of Americans are birthers.

Voters Say Election Full of Misleading and False Information - World Public Opinion

A CNN poll confirmed the same, though those doubting where he was born was higher.


Half of likely Republican primary voters are birthers, which is much lower than what is implied in the WND survey.

For Obama.
Do I think the birthers are off? Yes.
But the Independents win elections.

I also don't think the Birthers are right, but you have to admit.

Obama could shut them all up simply by showing his long form Birth Certificate. Why wont he?

I have never been a Birther, mostly because I thought it was impossible that someone not even constitutionally eligible could get elected. I am still not a Birther, but I do find it strange that Obama has allowed this issue to live on and on and not simply shown the long form.

If it did turn out that he was not natural Born I would have no choice but to stick to my beliefs about the constitution and Call for his impeachment and the voiding of everything he signed.
Here is some more on Fritz Wenzel, the author of the poll. He has been accused of ethical violations in the past in trying to shape public opinion to benefit himself and those around him.

First of all, in his last poll with WND, he clearly misleads his public.

Getting a result that favored WND's position on the issue of whether Obama should release a long-form birth certificate (despite the fact that he's already released a copy of his birth certificate and Hawaiian officials have said he was born there) involved a little sleight of hand.

The result trumpeted by WND is that 41.5 percent of respondents said "Obama should release all records, including long-form birth certificate," essentially the "yes" answer WND was looking for. An additional 7.8 percent said they "are troubled by these questions," which the site has been lumping in with the yes answer. The "no" answer, though, they split up into five different responses -- "I am not concerned," "questions not valid," "Obama has met requirements," "Obama has answered all questions" and "requirements outdated -- should be ignored."

It's a neat trick, and a fairly common one; by doing that, you can avoid providing a real reflection of the size of your opposition. In this case, the total of those five answers adds up to a majority of respondents, 50.6 percent.


There are accusations of greater ethical lapses, however.

Wenzel is a former political columnist for the Toledo Blade newspaper who quit his job in 2005 to work as a paid media consultant for Ohio Republican congresswoman Jean Schmidt -- according to the Cincinnati CityBeat, Wenzel was making $30,000 in media purchases for Schmidt a mere three days after he left the Blade. He was accused of working for Schmidt while still at the Blade, a clear conflict of interest


That's not the only ethical breach Wenzel has been accused of. In October 2005, Salon reported that Wenzel was being accused, while still with the Blade, of keeping quiet about evidence of alleged financial misdeeds involving involving Tom Noe, a Republican activist in Ohio with whom Wenzel had a personal relationship. According to Salon, Wenzel was allegedly tipped off about the story months before he claimed he was.

The Blade eventually did break the story of Noe's investment of $50 million in state money in coin speculation and how he could not account for a significant portion of that money -- speculated to have been laundered into political donations to Republicans, including the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign -- though without Wenzel's help. By that time, however, it was 2005, more than a year after Wenzel was allegedly first tipped to the Noe scandal. It also was after the November 2004 presidential election in which Ohio played a key role in re-electing President Bush, an outcome that might have been altered if the allegation that laundered state funds were donated to the Bush-Cheney campaign had been made public before the election.

(Salon also noted that Wenzel worked for Zogby as a "senior political writer" at the same time he was working for the Blade, and that he cited Zogby polls in his Blade articles without disclosing the relationship.)

Finally, here is an example of the misleading push polling Wenzel has done for WND in the past.

* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans are concerned about Barack Obama's refusal to release his long-form birth certificate, school records, college records, Harvard Law School papers, medical records, travel records, passport records and other personal documents. What do you think he should do?
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, born in the U.S. of at least one U.S. citizen parent.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, but I don't know where he was born or the citizenship status of his parents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I don't know, but he is hiding something by refusing to reveal his long-form birth certificate and other documents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I think he is eligible, but I am confused about the constitutional definition.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: No one can be sure without public scrutiny of his long-form birth certificate and other documentation.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is not eligible because his father was a Kenyan national and Obama was born a subject of the British Crown.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I suspect he was not born in the U.S.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: We don't know enough about Obama's birthplace, parentage and his residency in Indonesia to say for sure.

That's right -- almost every question was prefaced by the unsupported statement that "Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen."

WorldNetDaily's Ethically Challenged Pollster | ConWebWatch
Here is some more on Fritz Wenzel, the author of the poll. He has been accused of ethical violations in the past in trying to shape public opinion to benefit himself and those around him.

First of all, in his last poll with WND, he clearly misleads his public.

Getting a result that favored WND's position on the issue of whether Obama should release a long-form birth certificate (despite the fact that he's already released a copy of his birth certificate and Hawaiian officials have said he was born there) involved a little sleight of hand.

The result trumpeted by WND is that 41.5 percent of respondents said "Obama should release all records, including long-form birth certificate," essentially the "yes" answer WND was looking for. An additional 7.8 percent said they "are troubled by these questions," which the site has been lumping in with the yes answer. The "no" answer, though, they split up into five different responses -- "I am not concerned," "questions not valid," "Obama has met requirements," "Obama has answered all questions" and "requirements outdated -- should be ignored."

It's a neat trick, and a fairly common one; by doing that, you can avoid providing a real reflection of the size of your opposition. In this case, the total of those five answers adds up to a majority of respondents, 50.6 percent.

We are all birthers now - War Room - Salon.com

There are accusations of greater ethical lapses, however.

Wenzel is a former political columnist for the Toledo Blade newspaper who quit his job in 2005 to work as a paid media consultant for Ohio Republican congresswoman Jean Schmidt -- according to the Cincinnati CityBeat, Wenzel was making $30,000 in media purchases for Schmidt a mere three days after he left the Blade. He was accused of working for Schmidt while still at the Blade, a clear conflict of interest


That's not the only ethical breach Wenzel has been accused of. In October 2005, Salon reported that Wenzel was being accused, while still with the Blade, of keeping quiet about evidence of alleged financial misdeeds involving involving Tom Noe, a Republican activist in Ohio with whom Wenzel had a personal relationship. According to Salon, Wenzel was allegedly tipped off about the story months before he claimed he was.

The Blade eventually did break the story of Noe's investment of $50 million in state money in coin speculation and how he could not account for a significant portion of that money -- speculated to have been laundered into political donations to Republicans, including the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign -- though without Wenzel's help. By that time, however, it was 2005, more than a year after Wenzel was allegedly first tipped to the Noe scandal. It also was after the November 2004 presidential election in which Ohio played a key role in re-electing President Bush, an outcome that might have been altered if the allegation that laundered state funds were donated to the Bush-Cheney campaign had been made public before the election.

(Salon also noted that Wenzel worked for Zogby as a "senior political writer" at the same time he was working for the Blade, and that he cited Zogby polls in his Blade articles without disclosing the relationship.)

Finally, here is an example of the misleading push polling Wenzel has done for WND in the past.

* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans are concerned about Barack Obama's refusal to release his long-form birth certificate, school records, college records, Harvard Law School papers, medical records, travel records, passport records and other personal documents. What do you think he should do?
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, born in the U.S. of two U.S. citizen parents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, born in the U.S. of at least one U.S. citizen parent.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is unquestionably a natural born citizen, but I don't know where he was born or the citizenship status of his parents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I don't know, but he is hiding something by refusing to reveal his long-form birth certificate and other documents.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I think he is eligible, but I am confused about the constitutional definition.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: No one can be sure without public scrutiny of his long-form birth certificate and other documentation.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: He is not eligible because his father was a Kenyan national and Obama was born a subject of the British Crown.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: I suspect he was not born in the U.S.
* Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen. Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statements on the matter: We don't know enough about Obama's birthplace, parentage and his residency in Indonesia to say for sure.

That's right -- almost every question was prefaced by the unsupported statement that "Recent polls suggest a significant percentage of Americans question Obama's own constitutional eligibility for office as a natural born citizen."

WorldNetDaily's Ethically Challenged Pollster | ConWebWatch
Yet the people answered the poll with their own minds and believe Obama needs to prove he is eligible.
Have I ever told you the story of the O'Reilly research team? He sent them to Hawaii to research this conundrum. Obie wan was born in Hawaii. His birth announcement was in the local newpaper the week of his birth. It's hard to fake that innit?
Obama is an American. Natural Born.

Get over it.

No he is not a natural born citizen. How can a natural born citizen be part British Citizen?

Dual Citizenship happens all the time, even where the person in question is considered natural born to both countries.

Yes dual citizenship happens all the time but it doesn't apply when it comes to the president. The founders didn't want a dual citizen with allegiances to other countries, especially England, since they just finished a war with them. That is why after consulting with founder and first Chief Justice of SCOTUS, George Washington substituted Citizen to Natural Born Citizen in the Article 2 Section 1 Presidential Clause.

Here is what the father of the 14th Amendment father John Bingham said about defining NBC and allegiances:

“Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))

This paragraph the was looked over from the voters is from Obamas own website Fight The Smears that describes Baracks citizenship:

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.

Did you read the last sentence? It means Obamas father gave him his British Citizenship due to the British Nationality Act of 1948 thus making him a dual citizen at birth while born in Hawaii. He is not eligible. All presidents post grandfather clause beginning with Martin Van Buren we all born to TWO U.S. Citizen parents (plural) with singular sole allegiance to the United States. Do you actually think the founders wanted to take a chance and have their future presidents to be born with part allegiance to Britian any other government? I think not.
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