This Is Even Worse For Florida's Elderly Than Voter IDs.

I'll never understand the convoluted reasoning of this state. Is this another attempt to disenfranchise their voting ability? I think so...

Two years ago, the nonprofit Center for Independent Living of South Florida asked the department run by Elections Supervisor Penelope Townsley, who is appointed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez, about its plans for giving the disabled access to the polls.

Marc Dubin, the center’s director, said he hoped the county would try to find new voting sites to replace polling places without accessible restrooms, or that it would pay for portable toilets outside those locations.

Instead, the elections department told him that it would prohibit all voters from using restrooms. If no voters could go to the bathroom, the county argued, then it could not be accused of discriminating against only the disabled ones.

“This is the most bizarre response I’ve ever gotten, that we’re going to shut down access for everyone so as not to discriminate,” Dubin said.

Not only does Dubin counter that the county’s contention is incorrect — even if no voters are allowed to use the restroom, federal law requires modifications to be made for the disabled, he said — but he also accuses Miami-Dade of trying to keep voters from the polls.

“This is a very clear way to suppress the vote,” he said. “Telling people, ‘We have 12-hour lines but you can’t go to the bathroom?’ You can be guaranteed that people won’t come out to vote.”

Dubin raised the issue March 31 to the National Commission on Voting Rights, which held a hearing at the University of Miami.

He provided to the Miami Herald an Aug. 1, 2013, email from John Mendez, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections for operations, that said “in order to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not treated unfairly, the use of rest rooms by the Voters is not allowed on election day.”

Penelope Townsley is a screaming fucking dimocrap scumbag in Miami.

Seriously, that's the best you can come up with? Voters in Florida have some of the longest waits in the country, up to six hours and your response is "I don't think peeing is in the Constitution".

Do you think we have a responsibility to provide a restroom for every voting place?

If so, based on what?

Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

I managed a polling site for 7 years. I never saw a wait time over 15-20 minutes. Just provide a few more booths.
Do you think we have a responsibility to provide a restroom for every voting place?

If so, based on what?

Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

I managed a polling site for 7 years. I never saw a wait time over 15-20 minutes. Just provide a few more booths.

Well, goodie, goodie gumdrops for YOU, where YOU live. You must live in an affluent white area, yes? Their wait times are historically much shorter.

Report: Florida Voting Wait Times In 2012 Were Worst In the Nation

2012 election: ‘Mayhem’ and 6-hour waits in Miami
Seriously, that's the best you can come up with? Voters in Florida have some of the longest waits in the country, up to six hours and your response is "I don't think peeing is in the Constitution".

Do you think we have a responsibility to provide a restroom for every voting place?

If so, based on what?

Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

The Supervisor of Elections in Miami-Dade county is an appointed position.
Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

I managed a polling site for 7 years. I never saw a wait time over 15-20 minutes. Just provide a few more booths.

Well, goodie, goodie gumdrops for YOU, where YOU live. You must live in an affluent white area, yes? Their wait times are historically much shorter.

Report: Florida Voting Wait Times In 2012 Were Worst In the Nation

2012 election: ‘Mayhem’ and 6-hour waits in Miami

All they need is some more voting booths.
I'll never understand the convoluted reasoning of this state. Is this another attempt to disenfranchise their voting ability? I think so...

Two years ago, the nonprofit Center for Independent Living of South Florida asked the department run by Elections Supervisor Penelope Townsley, who is appointed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez, about its plans for giving the disabled access to the polls.

Marc Dubin, the center’s director, said he hoped the county would try to find new voting sites to replace polling places without accessible restrooms, or that it would pay for portable toilets outside those locations.

Instead, the elections department told him that it would prohibit all voters from using restrooms. If no voters could go to the bathroom, the county argued, then it could not be accused of discriminating against only the disabled ones.

“This is the most bizarre response I’ve ever gotten, that we’re going to shut down access for everyone so as not to discriminate,” Dubin said.

Not only does Dubin counter that the county’s contention is incorrect — even if no voters are allowed to use the restroom, federal law requires modifications to be made for the disabled, he said — but he also accuses Miami-Dade of trying to keep voters from the polls.

“This is a very clear way to suppress the vote,” he said. “Telling people, ‘We have 12-hour lines but you can’t go to the bathroom?’ You can be guaranteed that people won’t come out to vote.”

Dubin raised the issue March 31 to the National Commission on Voting Rights, which held a hearing at the University of Miami.

He provided to the Miami Herald an Aug. 1, 2013, email from John Mendez, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections for operations, that said “in order to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not treated unfairly, the use of rest rooms by the Voters is not allowed on election day.”

When I saw this Subject Line: "This Is Even Worse For Florida's Elderly Than Voter IDs."

I thought it was a thread about Obamacare.
Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

I managed a polling site for 7 years. I never saw a wait time over 15-20 minutes. Just provide a few more booths.

Well, goodie, goodie gumdrops for YOU, where YOU live. You must live in an affluent white area, yes? Their wait times are historically much shorter.

Report: Florida Voting Wait Times In 2012 Were Worst In the Nation

2012 election: ‘Mayhem’ and 6-hour waits in Miami

Did you ignore the fact that bathrooms will be available in public polling places, contrary to the thread author's assertions?
I don't think the Constitution says you have to provide restrooms for voters.

Seriously, that's the best you can come up with? Voters in Florida have some of the longest waits in the country, up to six hours and your response is "I don't think peeing is in the Constitution".

Do you think we have a responsibility to provide a restroom for every voting place?

If so, based on what?

You are full of shit. I guess you are for everything that isnt mentioned in the constitution. Release the Bee Hives on voters and he'll say there isnt anything in the constitution about stopping nature.

This is how they work....They build the hoops for everyone to jump thru and tell everyone who is affected its no big deal. The people who are affected are never its easy
I'll never understand the convoluted reasoning of this state. Is this another attempt to disenfranchise their voting ability? I think so...

Two years ago, the nonprofit Center for Independent Living of South Florida asked the department run by Elections Supervisor Penelope Townsley, who is appointed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez, about its plans for giving the disabled access to the polls.

Marc Dubin, the center’s director, said he hoped the county would try to find new voting sites to replace polling places without accessible restrooms, or that it would pay for portable toilets outside those locations.

Instead, the elections department told him that it would prohibit all voters from using restrooms. If no voters could go to the bathroom, the county argued, then it could not be accused of discriminating against only the disabled ones.

“This is the most bizarre response I’ve ever gotten, that we’re going to shut down access for everyone so as not to discriminate,” Dubin said.

Not only does Dubin counter that the county’s contention is incorrect — even if no voters are allowed to use the restroom, federal law requires modifications to be made for the disabled, he said — but he also accuses Miami-Dade of trying to keep voters from the polls.

“This is a very clear way to suppress the vote,” he said. “Telling people, ‘We have 12-hour lines but you can’t go to the bathroom?’ You can be guaranteed that people won’t come out to vote.”

Dubin raised the issue March 31 to the National Commission on Voting Rights, which held a hearing at the University of Miami.

He provided to the Miami Herald an Aug. 1, 2013, email from John Mendez, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections for operations, that said “in order to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not treated unfairly, the use of rest rooms by the Voters is not allowed on election day.”

Sounds like this only affects libtard voters...they're the ones who are full of shit.
People who cannot be away from a bathroom for very long should use absentee ballots. People who cannot stand for a long period of time don't need a chair to sit and inch up in a voting line. They should use absentee ballots. It's very simple. Use an absentee ballot if someone has a physical disability such that they require significant additional care.
Based on six hour wait times, that's what.

And their reasoning? "We can't provide ADA approved bathrooms so we just won't provide any". Yeah, that'll get folks to vote for you!

I managed a polling site for 7 years. I never saw a wait time over 15-20 minutes. Just provide a few more booths.

Well, goodie, goodie gumdrops for YOU, where YOU live. You must live in an affluent white area, yes? Their wait times are historically much shorter.

Report: Florida Voting Wait Times In 2012 Were Worst In the Nation

2012 election: ‘Mayhem’ and 6-hour waits in Miami

Hey! We have individuals all over this forum screaming 'I got healthcare see it is a success everywhere!' Funny how the left accepts that as gospel but not this.
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I'll never understand the convoluted reasoning of this state. Is this another attempt to disenfranchise their voting ability? I think so...

Two years ago, the nonprofit Center for Independent Living of South Florida asked the department run by Elections Supervisor Penelope Townsley, who is appointed by Mayor Carlos Gimenez, about its plans for giving the disabled access to the polls.

Marc Dubin, the center’s director, said he hoped the county would try to find new voting sites to replace polling places without accessible restrooms, or that it would pay for portable toilets outside those locations.

Instead, the elections department told him that it would prohibit all voters from using restrooms. If no voters could go to the bathroom, the county argued, then it could not be accused of discriminating against only the disabled ones.

“This is the most bizarre response I’ve ever gotten, that we’re going to shut down access for everyone so as not to discriminate,” Dubin said.

Not only does Dubin counter that the county’s contention is incorrect — even if no voters are allowed to use the restroom, federal law requires modifications to be made for the disabled, he said — but he also accuses Miami-Dade of trying to keep voters from the polls.

“This is a very clear way to suppress the vote,” he said. “Telling people, ‘We have 12-hour lines but you can’t go to the bathroom?’ You can be guaranteed that people won’t come out to vote.”

Dubin raised the issue March 31 to the National Commission on Voting Rights, which held a hearing at the University of Miami.

He provided to the Miami Herald an Aug. 1, 2013, email from John Mendez, Miami-Dade’s deputy supervisor of elections for operations, that said “in order to ensure that individuals with disabilities are not treated unfairly, the use of rest rooms by the Voters is not allowed on election day.”

Just how are the geezers being disenfranchised? No one is saying they won't be allowed to vote, just that the county won't provide a shitter, especially since the county can't provide for cripple shitters. Wear adult diapers, shit you pants, hold it, go before getting in line,'s not the county's responsibility to provide a pot to piss in.

This is equality in action, which is what we wanted, remember? We can't provide for everyone, so fuck it, we'll provide for no one. Problem solved, problem staying solved.

Reminds me of a situation where the city would not allow Occupy Wall Street protestors access to the city's power outlets so they can keep their laptop and other electrical devices charged. I suppose these same individuals would use the same crazy twisted logic (denying OWS free access into utilizing power that the taxpayers pay for) somehow denies their Constitutional rights to Freedom of Assembly through their ability to hold a protest.

With respect to this op, if you have a weak bladder then mail in your ballot.... apparently you have more important things you would rather be doing than standing in line for 12 hours. When there is an alternative available, then quit looking for an excuse to whine simply because you feel you need for some attention.
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