This is flat out CULT. The vax gave her pericarditis. She says YOU must “take it on the chin” for the greater good.

He fast tracked it yes, he didn't know the side effects.

Well duh, what do you think fast tracking does? It increases the chance for side effects. If only Trump had listened to fauci.

I was against the drug companies getting immunity from lawsuits. Now people are dying from it, but the government lied to us the during the entire covid pandemic. Everyone involved, should be punished and if Trump knew of the side effects. Yes he should go too.
Proving what people know and don't know is pretty difficult. We need to focus on the process.

Why did Trump fast track it? Why didn't he listen to fauci? Why did he pressure the various federal departments to do a EUA? Why did he attack the FDA and CDC for not moving faster, implying it was a deep state plot to stop his vaccine from being available before the election? Was their some under the table agreement between Trump and big pharma?

These questions are very important to figure out what went wrong.
Well duh, what do you think fast tracking does? It increases the chance for side effects. If only Trump had listened to fauci.

Proving what people know and don't know is pretty difficult. We need to focus on the process.

Why did Trump fast track it? Why didn't he listen to fauci? Why did he pressure the various federal departments to do a EUA? Why did he attack the FDA and CDC for not moving faster, implying it was a deep state plot to stop his vaccine from being available before the election? Was their some under the table agreement between Trump and big pharma?

These questions are very important to figure out what went wrong.
Just about all our representatives are bought and paid for by pharma.
Looks Trump was the only one to cash in. How much of our taxes did he gift big pharma for the COVID vaccine? What kind of kickback did he get?
Lol, the one who made out like a champ was Fauci. He got tax payers money to fund the lab in China, where covid originated. Then pharma.

This is a cult. Watch HER say YOU must get the vax, even though she had potentially permanant heart damage.

The vax does not work. Biden lied. Fauci lied. Pharma lied. All for money and power.

Good lord.

Why are you LYING?
Please prove your LIES

Brainwashed cult fuck alert.

You didn’t watch him testify to Congress that he funded research to increase the transmissibility of a naturally occurring virus?

STFU AND GET ANOTHER BOOSTER ASSHOLE….please keep getting boosted every day.
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I do have a point.

Trump fast tracked vaccine development against the advice of Fauci, using socialist money. He bragged about it when it was done, recommended Americans take it and now I am going to die...but you think don't think that is a point?
Against the advice of Faucci !
Where do you kooks get this stuff?
Lol, the one who made out like a champ was Fauci. He got tax payers money to fund the lab in China, where covid originated. Then pharma.
How so? Was he able to keep that money for personal use if it was used in a lab? If so how much did he get?

We don't know what Trump may have got from big pharma but it must be a lot because it is not like Trump to let people talk bad about his legacy without putting up a fight.
Against the advice of Faucci !
Where do you kooks get this stuff?
From transcripts of interviews posted on multiple media sites. How can you not of seen it..or...are you in an echo chamber or something?

“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA (emergency use authorization) before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci told Reuters in a phone interview.

“One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial,” Fauci said."

“To me, it’s absolutely paramount that you definitively show that a vaccine is safe and effective, both,” Fauci said. “We would hope that nothing interferes with the full demonstration that a vaccine is safe and effective.”

To make matters worse, here is Trump complaining about how slow vaccine development was.

“The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!” — tweet Saturday.

Of course in Trump's defense, their was an election coming up.
Fauci supported the vaccine the entire time. Covid was a hoax so governments could see how far they could go. You have over a 97% survival rate. If you get it.
Does he forget that Fauci made a big deal of going on television and getting jabbed? All the while not wearing a mask in most places as he was demanding others do.
How so? Was he able to keep that money for personal use if it was used in a lab? If so how much did he get?

We don't know what Trump may have got from big pharma but it must be a lot because it is not like Trump to let people talk bad about his legacy without putting up a fight.
Fauci predicted a pandemic on Trump's watch. Wake up.
Does he forget that Fauci made a big deal of going on television and getting jabbed? All the while not wearing a mask in most places as he was demanding others do.
You got to remember, he was against the mask. Then was for it!
Brainwashed cult fuck alert.

You didn’t watch him testify to Congress that he funded research to increase the transmissibility of a naturally occurring virus?

STFU AND GET ANOTHER BOOSTER ASSHOLE….please keep getting boosted every day.
Fauci predicted a pandemic on Trump's watch. Wake up.
Did he predict Trump would disregard his recommendation to not fast track the vaccine and instead throw big money at big pharma to get it done?

Those were our tax dollars by the way.
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