This is flat out CULT. The vax gave her pericarditis. She says YOU must “take it on the chin” for the greater good.

Her cardiologist told her that once her pericarditis clears up, she should ne good to get the booster.

The shot that gave her the heart disease in the first place.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :hyper:

'In 2017 alone, DARPA laundered at least $6.5 million through Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance to fund experiments at the Wuhan lab. DARPA funded additional gain-of-function experiments at Ft. Detrick and other biosecurity research at Battelle's lab in St. Joseph, Missouri. Beginning in 2013, DARPA also financed key technologies for the Moderna vaccine.'
(Kennedy, op cit, p. 409)

Readers with IQs above room-temp recall the first media talking about the Chinese krait as intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2. That snake is bungarus multicinctus. A 1988 study from Ft. Detrick showed that chloroquine increases the potency of bungarotoxin 17-fold. duh
What’s funny is you think you have a point here.
I do have a point.

Trump fast tracked vaccine development against the advice of Fauci, using socialist money. He bragged about it when it was done, recommended Americans take it and now I am going to die...but you think don't think that is a point?
We need to hold Trump accountable. He really screwed up. For power or out of ignorance?

Do you think the house will look into it if Repubs get control?
Biden has already stated its his vaccine, oh and it's time for you to get your jab again.
Biden has already stated its his vaccine, oh and it's time for you to get your jab again.
So? How does that vindicate Trump from fast tracking a vaccine against the advice of Fauci using socialist money to pay big pharma to do it?
So? How does that vindicate Trump from fast tracking a vaccine against the advice of Fauci using socialist money to pay big pharma to do it?
He stated, there was no vaccine when he became president. He also tried to mandate everyone to get the vaccine.
I do have a point.

Trump fast tracked vaccine development against the advice of Fauci, using socialist money. He bragged about it when it was done, recommended Americans take it and now I am going to die...but you think don't think that is a point?
We're not buying Fau Chi's catholic-mafia media theatrics.

'Two years after Gates announced IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, 2000), he summoned Dr. Fauci to Seattle to propose a partnership that, two decades later, would have profound impacts on humanity.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 283, The Gates/Fauci Bromance)
We're not buying Fau Chi's catholic-mafia media theatrics.

'Two years after Gates announced IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, 2000), he summoned Dr. Fauci to Seattle to propose a partnership that, two decades later, would have profound impacts on humanity.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 283, The Gates/Fauci Bromance)
I don't get the point of your post. Fauci recommended against fast tracking the vaccine. Trump didn't listen.
He stated, there was no vaccine when he became president. He also tried to mandate everyone to get the vaccine.
It was approved for emergency use in December off 2020. As a matter of fact here is Trump commenting on covid EUA.

"We're going to have a great vaccine very, very shortly. I think we should have it before the election, but frankly the politics gets involved and that's OK. They want to play their games," Trump said in a video posted on Twitter. "The FDA has acted as quickly as they've ever acted in history. ... No president's ever pushed them like I've pushed them either, to be honest with you."

How many has Trump killed?

Here is what Trump told Candice Owens.

"If you take the vaccine, you're protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get [COVID-19], it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take their vaccine," the former president said."

It was approved for emergency use in December off 2020. As a matter of fact here is Trump commenting on covid EUA.

"We're going to have a great vaccine very, very shortly. I think we should have it before the election, but frankly the politics gets involved and that's OK. They want to play their games," Trump said in a video posted on Twitter. "The FDA has acted as quickly as they've ever acted in history. ... No president's ever pushed them like I've pushed them either, to be honest with you."

How many has Trump killed?

Here is what Trump told Candice Owens.

"If you take the vaccine, you're protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good. And if you do get [COVID-19], it's a very minor form. People aren't dying when they take their vaccine," the former president said."

Lol, I didn't take it when Trump was talking it up. But Biden claimed there was no vaccine when he took office. Even though he took it on national TV. Biden tried to mandate it on all Americans and still wants people to get it. Never trust a politician.
Lol, I didn't take it when Trump was talking it up. But Biden claimed there was no vaccine when he took office. Even though he took it on national TV. Biden tried to mandate it on all Americans and still wants people to get it. Never trust a politician.
Which has nothing to do with Trump fast tracking the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation using socialist money.

Biden was a fool for trusting Trump's fast tracked development.
Which has nothing to do with Trump fast tracking the vaccine against Fauci's recommendation using socialist money.

Biden was a fool for trusting Trump's fast tracked development.
Fauci supported the vaccine the entire time. Covid was a hoax so governments could see how far they could go. You have over a 97% survival rate. If you get it.
Fauci supported the vaccine the entire time. Covid was a hoax so governments could see how far they could go. You have over a 97% survival rate. If you get it.
Of course he supported it. He did not however, support fast tracking the vaccine. That was Trump's call.

Trump fast tracked a vaccine for a virus that was a hoax? Good lord, it's worse then I thought.

If Repubs take the house, they sure as hell better investigate why our former president, fast tracked, pushed and recommended a vaccine for a non existent virus.

Trump probably got some personal kickbacks from big pharma. Follow the money!
Of course you don't understand. You're an antivaxxer. That means simple math is beyond you.

That's a lie.

I'd estimate that COVID killed an extra 250,000 Republicans, compared to how many Democrats it killed. Add to that the Republicans who didn't vote because they can't leave their oxygen bottles. That was enough votes to swing some elections, such as the Nevada senate race, and some close House races.

Antivaxxers kept the Senate in Democrat hands. The verdict is still out on the House, but antivaxxers at least helped Democrats get a few seats.
That is gibberish.
Of course he supported it. He did not however, support fast tracking the vaccine. That was Trump's call.

Trump fast tracked a vaccine for a virus that was a hoax? Good lord, it's worse then I thought.

If Repubs take the house, they sure as hell better investigate why our former president, fast tracked, pushed and recommended a vaccine for a non existent virus.

Trump probably got some personal kickbacks from big pharma. Follow the money!
Also Trump isn't hiding the side effects of it. The Biden administration is.
Also Trump isn't hiding the side effects of it. The Biden administration is.

Trump isn't in a position to hide anything. Yet he still touts the vaccine.

Did Trump hide side effects while still in office? What are they hiding now? If they are hiding it, how do you know about it?

Despite Trump fast tracking the vaccine against the recommendation of fauci, using socialist money, you sure seem desperate to absolve Trump of any culpability. What gives? Is he a friend of the family?
We need to hold Trump accountable. He really screwed up. For power or out of ignorance?

Do you think the house will look into it if Repubs get control?
Trump did all he could to get NewYorkers onto a floating hospital for victims of Covid to have a place where they wouldn't pass along their disease. The New York Democrats saw to it nobody would get on the hospital ship. How dare you hold anyone on Trump's staff for trying to help people who were stopped dead in their tracks by the vicious, jealous, scurrilous mob headed by shameful Chuckie Schumer, the biggest liar east of the Pacific Ocean. :cranky:
Trump did all he could to get NewYorkers onto a floating hospital for victims of Covid to have a place where they wouldn't pass along their disease.

I agree. Cuomo was an idiot for not taking advantage of that.

The New York Democrats saw to it nobody would get on the hospital ship. How dare you hold anyone on Trump's staff for trying to help people who were stopped dead in their tracks by the vicious, jealous, scurrilous mob headed by shameful Chuckie Schumer, the biggest liar east of the Pacific Ocean. :cranky:
I don't see how this absolves Trump of any responsibility for the vaccine considering he used socialist money to fast track it against Fauci's recommendation.

What does one have to do with the other? Is it your contention that if Cuomo had taken advantage of the medical ship, that Trump would then be culpable for his part in it's development?
Trump isn't in a position to hide anything. Yet he still touts the vaccine.

Did Trump hide side effects while still in office? What are they hiding now? If they are hiding it, how do you know about it?

Despite Trump fast tracking the vaccine against the recommendation of fauci, using socialist money, you sure seem desperate to absolve Trump of any culpability. What gives? Is he a friend of the family?
He fast tracked it yes, he didn't know the side effects. I was against the drug companies getting immunity from lawsuits. Now people are dying from it, but the government lied to us the during the entire covid pandemic. Everyone involved, should be punished and if Trump knew of the side effects. Yes he should go too.

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