This is hilarious...left wingers defend Sharia know, where being gay is against the law...

You jumped in, not me. Then you provided a perfect example of the very behavior you had just denied seeing.

You can try to put me on the defensive all you want. That's another tactic the Regressive Left uses, so I'm used to it.

:lol: You are a master spinner here :)

I "jumped in" questioning the OP claim - and your subsequent claim - that leftists are constantly "defending" a religion asking for a link to defense because my statement is most of us are defending FREEDOM of religion UNDER the law. A distinction often ignored. You then say you never said "defending". You jumped in post 43 dragging in the Christians (and if a leftist had done so, you'd have labeled them regressive). You claim "regressive" leftists attack Christianity and defend Islam and, you have a point there with some. But you seem completely fine with the "regressives" that attack Islam and defend Christianity and you completely ignore the mass of really vile stuff that is said while pointing out (and you did) that Christians suffer from this. Honestly - it seems from this particular argument that your definition of "regressive leftie" is anyone who doesn't join the Muslims-are-evil bandwagon or attempts to interject some balance to the argument. Am I wrong here?
You certainly are upset.

For the zillionth time, I take the term Regressive Left from the brave, honest, liberal Muslim on the right below, who is putting his life on the line every single day as he fights both the jihadists and the regressives who spin and deflect for them. The lovely lady to the left is also a brave, honest, liberal Muslim doing the same thing.

There are several videos of both of them on YouTube going into great detail of how the regressives are making it much tougher for them.

I'm on their side. You're not. I'm fine with that. You won't be able to put me on the defensive here, regardless of how hard you try.

No, not upset. More frustrated at your inability to answer direct questions when confronted by what seems to me to be a clear double standard when it comes to Islam. Instead you fall back on spamming the same thing over and over and over. If you can't or won't answer, fine, it's your perogative.

And, you might widen your horizons - there are more "honest" muslims out there then you realize - they don't just attack all things Islam - they are reformers. They are in the forefront of moving Islam into the 21st century and yes, their lives are likely also in danger. Unfortunately, they don't get covered in the news.

Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt To Reform American Islam | HuffPost
The two Muslims above are fighting for a modern-day Islamic Reformation, they don't "just attack all things Muslim".

Kirsti Ali is an ex-Muslim. And there are no more strident anti-religous activists then ex-members of a faith, particularly a very controlling faith. Here are some of her quotes.

Violence is inherent in Islam – it’s a destructive, nihilistic cult of death. It legitimates murder … the battle against terrorism will ultimately be lost unless we realize that it’s not just with extremist elements within Islam, but the ideology of Islam itself …

Ali told Reason magazine in 2007, “There are Muslims who are passive, who don’t all follow the rules of Islam, but there’s really only one Islam, defined as submission to the will of God. There’s nothing moderate about it.”

In fact Reason's entire interview with here is interesting: 'The Trouble Is the West'

When you look at what she says, it comes down to one thing: the idea that Islam is uniquely susceptible to violent interpretation, and therefore all Muslims are inherently suspect.
There is no moderate Islam in her view, and the very foundations of Islam aren't open to reformation. There can be no reformation - only total annhilation. That's essentially what she is saying.

How do you reconcile that with wanting to reform Islam?
What she is saying is that there is nothing moderate about Islam in its current form. That's why she wants reform.

Again, I'm on their side of this. You can (and will) believe whatever you want.
:lol: You are a master spinner here :)

I "jumped in" questioning the OP claim - and your subsequent claim - that leftists are constantly "defending" a religion asking for a link to defense because my statement is most of us are defending FREEDOM of religion UNDER the law. A distinction often ignored. You then say you never said "defending". You jumped in post 43 dragging in the Christians (and if a leftist had done so, you'd have labeled them regressive). You claim "regressive" leftists attack Christianity and defend Islam and, you have a point there with some. But you seem completely fine with the "regressives" that attack Islam and defend Christianity and you completely ignore the mass of really vile stuff that is said while pointing out (and you did) that Christians suffer from this. Honestly - it seems from this particular argument that your definition of "regressive leftie" is anyone who doesn't join the Muslims-are-evil bandwagon or attempts to interject some balance to the argument. Am I wrong here?
You certainly are upset.

For the zillionth time, I take the term Regressive Left from the brave, honest, liberal Muslim on the right below, who is putting his life on the line every single day as he fights both the jihadists and the regressives who spin and deflect for them. The lovely lady to the left is also a brave, honest, liberal Muslim doing the same thing.

There are several videos of both of them on YouTube going into great detail of how the regressives are making it much tougher for them.

I'm on their side. You're not. I'm fine with that. You won't be able to put me on the defensive here, regardless of how hard you try.

No, not upset. More frustrated at your inability to answer direct questions when confronted by what seems to me to be a clear double standard when it comes to Islam. Instead you fall back on spamming the same thing over and over and over. If you can't or won't answer, fine, it's your perogative.

And, you might widen your horizons - there are more "honest" muslims out there then you realize - they don't just attack all things Islam - they are reformers. They are in the forefront of moving Islam into the 21st century and yes, their lives are likely also in danger. Unfortunately, they don't get covered in the news.

Progressive Muslims Launch Gay-Friendly, Women-Led Mosques In Attempt To Reform American Islam | HuffPost
The two Muslims above are fighting for a modern-day Islamic Reformation, they don't "just attack all things Muslim".

Kirsti Ali is an ex-Muslim. And there are no more strident anti-religous activists then ex-members of a faith, particularly a very controlling faith. Here are some of her quotes.

Violence is inherent in Islam – it’s a destructive, nihilistic cult of death. It legitimates murder … the battle against terrorism will ultimately be lost unless we realize that it’s not just with extremist elements within Islam, but the ideology of Islam itself …

Ali told Reason magazine in 2007, “There are Muslims who are passive, who don’t all follow the rules of Islam, but there’s really only one Islam, defined as submission to the will of God. There’s nothing moderate about it.”

In fact Reason's entire interview with here is interesting: 'The Trouble Is the West'

When you look at what she says, it comes down to one thing: the idea that Islam is uniquely susceptible to violent interpretation, and therefore all Muslims are inherently suspect.
There is no moderate Islam in her view, and the very foundations of Islam aren't open to reformation. There can be no reformation - only total annhilation. That's essentially what she is saying.

How do you reconcile that with wanting to reform Islam?
What she is saying is that there is nothing moderate about Islam in its current form. That's why she wants reform.

Again, I'm on their side of this. You can (and will) believe whatever you want.

I don't support reformation through total annhilation, which is what she calls for. But reformation is necessary.
What she is saying is that there is nothing moderate about Islam in its current form. That's why she wants reform.

Again, I'm on their side of this. You can (and will) believe whatever you want.

Right. Because their belief in a Magic Pixie in the sky is totally irrational, compared to your belief in a magic pixie in the sky.

One more time, they could all be atheists, and they'd STILL be blowing us up in retaliation for the stupid shit we are doing over there. Nobody likes when foreigners invade their country. Not even the French.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself. Just like we oppose the treatment of homosexuals among certain Christian groups.

We don;t have a March against Christianity" because we are smart enough not all Christians believe that way just like most Muslims do not strictly follow Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is an excuse for you dickweeds to express your hatred of Muslims.

Maybe you should take a trip back to the Old Testament & read up on some of the religious laws back then.
JoeBitch is just mad that Christians oppose his dream of getting sexual services in every gas station across the country.

Again, I'm not the one who has sexual hangups, that would be you guys who worship a naked dude on a stick.
I agree. JoeyB Dolezal's hangup is lying, making things up to support whatever loony allegation that comes to mind.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
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There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself.

No they can't, that's like saying that one can oppose how Jews are treated under national socialism without opposing national socialism itself, you are an apologist for a sick and twisted ideology, you are an enemy of western civilization and we are coming for you and all of your ilk.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Don't look at me....I'm an atheist

I could care less about the odd practices forced on people in the name of religion

You find the same nonsense in fundamentalist Christian, Mormon, Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities. Members avoid the local authorities and handle conflicts themselves
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Don't look at me....I'm an atheist

I could care less about the odd practices forced on people in the name of religion

You find the same nonsense in fundamentalist Christian, Mormon, Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities. Members avoid the local authorities and handle conflicts themselves

No, in the west you don't find women being forced to abide by religious tribunals under threat of death outside of Islam.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself.

No they can't, that's like saying that one can oppose how Jews are treated under national socialism without opposing national socialism itself, you are an apologist for a sick and twisted ideology, you are an enemy of western civilization and we are coming for you and all of your ilk.

So, we should all protest against Christianity because some Christian groups hate gays?

All Muslims do not follow every aspect of Sharia Law just as many Christians do not follow every lawthat is in the Bible.

Instead of protesting against Sharia, protest for gay rights? How many of the anti-Sharia protesters would have shown up to protest for homosexual rights? If you are honest, you would know every few.

Wow, you have me soooo scared that you are coming for me. Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Don't look at me....I'm an atheist

I could care less about the odd practices forced on people in the name of religion

You find the same nonsense in fundamentalist Christian, Mormon, Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities. Members avoid the local authorities and handle conflicts themselves

No, in the west you don't find women being forced to abide by religious tribunals under threat of death outside of Islam.

I haven't seen any Muslim women in the US killed for violating Sharia....have you?
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.

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