This is hilarious...left wingers defend Sharia know, where being gay is against the law...

Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Don't look at me....I'm an atheist

I could care less about the odd practices forced on people in the name of religion

You find the same nonsense in fundamentalist Christian, Mormon, Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities. Members avoid the local authorities and handle conflicts themselves

No, in the west you don't find women being forced to abide by religious tribunals under threat of death outside of Islam.

I haven't seen any Muslim women in the US killed for violating Sharia....have you?

U.S-Based Honor Killings: Victims of Growing 'Silent Epidemic' - Breitbart
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself.

No they can't, that's like saying that one can oppose how Jews are treated under national socialism without opposing national socialism itself, you are an apologist for a sick and twisted ideology, you are an enemy of western civilization and we are coming for you and all of your ilk.

So, we should all protest against Christianity because some Christian groups hate gays?

All Muslims do not follow every aspect of Sharia Law just as many Christians do not follow every lawthat is in the Bible.

Instead of protesting against Sharia, protest for gay rights? How many of the anti-Sharia protesters would have shown up to protest for homosexual rights? If you are honest, you would know every few.

Wow, you have me soooo scared that you are coming for me. Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The majority of Christians support gay marriage. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic. Anyone who supports a theocratic parallel legal system in the west is an enemy of liberty and justice.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.

Don't look at me....I'm an atheist

I could care less about the odd practices forced on people in the name of religion

You find the same nonsense in fundamentalist Christian, Mormon, Amish and Orthodox Jewish communities. Members avoid the local authorities and handle conflicts themselves

No, in the west you don't find women being forced to abide by religious tribunals under threat of death outside of Islam.

I haven't seen any Muslim women in the US killed for violating Sharia....have you?

U.S-Based Honor Killings: Victims of Growing 'Silent Epidemic' - Breitbart
Prosecuted as murder.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Yea...that is generally the way murder prosecutions work

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You want coercion? You need to go after the Scientologists
Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You know all these religions to make that claim?
The regressives have decided to defend a religion that treats women as second-class citizens and gays even below that.
Name one that doesn't?

So then how come you guys on the left don't crack jokes, or make fun, or bash Islam like you do Christianity ? Psssssssst, I know the answer, but I want to hear yours.
Muslims aren't trying to fuck up the country with their religious bullshit morality, the Christians are. We don't have to bitch about the Jews here either, there aren't enough of them to fill a Motel 6 swimming pool.
Are you serious? Or are you just so obtusely brain dead?
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You know all these religions to make that claim?

Maybe we could ask the Branch Davidians or the members of Jonestown
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself. Just like we oppose the treatment of homosexuals among certain Christian groups.

We don;t have a March against Christianity" because we are smart enough not all Christians believe that way just like most Muslims do not strictly follow Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is an excuse for you dickweeds to express your hatred of Muslims.

Maybe you should take a trip back to the Old Testament & read up on some of the religious laws back then.

Yeah, and the Crusades and stuff.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself. Just like we oppose the treatment of homosexuals among certain Christian groups.

We don;t have a March against Christianity" because we are smart enough not all Christians believe that way just like most Muslims do not strictly follow Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is an excuse for you dickweeds to express your hatred of Muslims.

Maybe you should take a trip back to the Old Testament & read up on some of the religious laws back then.

Homosexuality is illegal in muslim countries and is usually punishable by death, including saudi arabia of course. Why have these people in our country to begin with so that they can start their ancient practices, which they are already doing in some places? There are now muzzies who take oaths on their own bible and there is indoctrination in public schools about islam. This is why so many intelligent democrats read the writing on the wall and crossed over and voted for Trump. Notice I said intelligent democrats.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself. Just like we oppose the treatment of homosexuals among certain Christian groups.

We don;t have a March against Christianity" because we are smart enough not all Christians believe that way just like most Muslims do not strictly follow Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is an excuse for you dickweeds to express your hatred of Muslims.

Maybe you should take a trip back to the Old Testament & read up on some of the religious laws back then.

Homosexuality is illegal in muslim countries and is usually punishable by death, including saudi arabia of course. Why have these people in our country to begin with so that they can start their ancient practices, which they are already doing in some places? There are now muzzies who take oaths on their own bible and there is indoctrination in public schools about islam. This is why so many intelligent democrats read the writing on the wall and crossed over and voted for Trump. Notice I said intelligent democrats.
There was a fight between people trying to oppose religious intolerance, known as islam and it's sharia law....and those the morons on the left actually supporting sharia...where they refuse to let women have the same rights as men.....and stone gays to death...

The left wing is insane....

Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest

The "March Against Sharia" is aimed at opposing what ACT for American perceives as the spread of Islamic law in the United States. Counter-protesters and civil rights advocates gathered in some cities to push back against the marches.

It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the clash between protesters and counter-protesters in Seattle, and the violence appeared to subside relatively quickly.

People can oppose the treatment of homosexuals within Sharia Law without opposing Sharia Law itself. Just like we oppose the treatment of homosexuals among certain Christian groups.

We don;t have a March against Christianity" because we are smart enough not all Christians believe that way just like most Muslims do not strictly follow Sharia Law.

Sharia Law is an excuse for you dickweeds to express your hatred of Muslims.

Maybe you should take a trip back to the Old Testament & read up on some of the religious laws back then.

Homosexuality is illegal in muslim countries and is usually punishable by death, including saudi arabia of course. Why have these people in our country to begin with so that they can start their ancient practices, which they are already doing in some places? There are now muzzies who take oaths on their own bible and there is indoctrination in public schools about islam. This is why so many intelligent democrats read the writing on the wall and crossed over and voted for Trump. Notice I said intelligent democrats.

There are those that claim homosexuality is forbidden in the Bible. So all people believing in the Bible are against homosexuals? No. So why do you claim all Muslims must?

BTW, what would be gained by a Muslin swearing on the Bible? Really, and you have the nerve to call being stupid. You might as well swear them in on the Sears catalog.
Because that's not what it is. Not really. "Anti-Sharia" has become the legitimizing code for "Anti-Muslim" - in the same way that "Anti-Zionism" is the code for "anti-semitic".



major stretch.
Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Yea...that is generally the way murder prosecutions work

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You want coercion? You need to go after the Scientologists

Lot of amish honor killings there eh bud? Not only does Islam mandate the killing, conversion, or subjugation of the infidels until they say there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet, but the punishment in all the major schools of Islamic jurisprudence the punishment for leaving Islam is death.
You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You know all these religions to make that claim?

Maybe we could ask the Branch Davidians or the members of Jonestown

Oh please neither had numbers of more than a couple thousand at most, and Jonestown weren't really even Christians they were a far left communist cult like antifa or blm.
The majority of Christians support gay marriage. …

Solid digestive waste from a male bovine.

The Bible is absolutely clear about marriage being between a man and a woman; and also about homosexuality being immoral and unacceptable.

An honest Christian cannot reconcile the Bible with support for the disgusting and immoral homosexual mockery of marriage.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Yea...that is generally the way murder prosecutions work

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You want coercion? You need to go after the Scientologists

Lot of amish honor killings there eh bud? Not only does Islam mandate the killing, conversion, or subjugation of the infidels until they say there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet, but the punishment in all the major schools of Islamic jurisprudence the punishment for leaving Islam is death.
If Islam mandates killing......why don't we have millions of killings given there are two million muslims in the US
Women voluntarily conform to Islam if they choose to leave, they have legal protections in this country

Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You know all these religions to make that claim?

Maybe we could ask the Branch or the members of Jonestown

Oh please neither had numbers of more than a couple thousand at most, and Jonestown weren't really even Christians they were a far left communist cult like antifa or blm.
Christians run amok

What religious extremism brings. Just like some Muslims
Lol, those legal protections only kick in after they're murdered, Shariah can not be allowed as an option because Muslim women absolutely do not have a choice in the matter, they are forced to use these shariah tribunals through coercion.

Muslim women are no more coerced to follow their religion than Christian, Amish, Jewish or Mormons are

You know all these religions to make that claim?

Maybe we could ask the Branch or the members of Jonestown

Oh please neither had numbers of more than a couple thousand at most, and Jonestown weren't really even Christians they were a far left communist cult like antifa or blm.
Christians run amok

What religious extremism brings. Just like some Muslims

The polling data shows that the overwhelming majority of Muslims 90%+ are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, with huge percentages (20-30%) supporting honor killings and terrorist organizations; such as, AQ and Hamas.

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