This is hilarious...left wingers defend Sharia know, where being gay is against the law...

You mean the Constitutional protection of freedom of religion, of which sharia law and hand chopping are part of?
Yes, that Constitutional protection

The same one that allows you to practice your religion as long as it does not violate our laws
You mean like outlawing gay marriage does?
Anyways, if the First Amendment doesn't protect sharia, it doesn't really protect anything, and is a useless Amendment.

We saw what happened in Kentucky when a county clerk tried to claim a religious objection to gay marriage

You have a first amendment right to practice your religion.....up to the point it violates our laws
You saw the same thing with Mormons and polygamy
So basically a meaningless protection. Or a non-protection. Or really, no protection at all.

Far from meaningless....just not absolute
The C says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Nowhere does it mention "except some stuff".
Wonder what they will do when they get tired of doing building tossing?
Whatever it is, they know the regressives will have their back.

when you Islamophobes send your own kids off to die and come back without limbs and with PTSD, then I'll take your sudden concern for their culture seriously.

You wouldn't give a fuck about their religion if they weren't standing on top of a shitload of petroleum.

Oh've seen nothing yet with the Islamaphobia stuff here in this country with tens of millions jumping out of their shorts to raise their arms and say, "So Im a white supremicist hater? Well count my ass in!!"

To these people there are 2 100% certainties in life: 1) The 2nd Amendment will stand forever.........and........2) Sharia towns are most definitely not going to happen in America.

The hate-America assholes like you are going to end up being considered a domestic terrorist and exposed to being dropped off in the middle of an Islamic hot zone in your underwear.:boobies::boobies::deal:
What I find hilarious is panic stricken conservatives passing laws banning Sharia Law when it would in no way supersede existing laws and Constitutional protections
You mean the Constitutional protection of freedom of religion, of which sharia law and hand chopping are part of?
Yes, that Constitutional protection

The same one that allows you to practice your religion as long as it does not violate our laws

lol.......that snowflake sentiment makes you a domestic terrorist s0n in the eyes of many!! And what does that mean? Well it means that down the road you're going to have to think very hard about whether it is really worth it to take that drive down a few blocks to get that 7-11 Slurpee!!! Might not make it home s0n......:deal:.......just sayin'. 'Cause that's what we're comin' to!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Wonder what they will do when they get tired of doing building tossing?
Whatever it is, they know the regressives will have their back.

when you Islamophobes send your own kids off to die and come back without limbs and with PTSD, then I'll take your sudden concern for their culture seriously.

You wouldn't give a fuck about their religion if they weren't standing on top of a shitload of petroleum.

Oh've seen nothing yet with the Islamaphobia stuff here in this country with tens of millions jumping out of their shorts to raise their arms and say, "So Im a white supremicist hater? Well count my ass in!!"

To these people there are 2 100% certainties in life: 1) The 2nd Amendment will stand forever.........and........2) Sharia towns are most definitely not going to happen in America.

The hate-America assholes like you are going to end up being considered a domestic terrorist and exposed to being dropped off in the middle of an Islamic hot zone in your underwear.:boobies::boobies::deal:
He's just trying to put me on the defensive. That's their only strategy when they're being exposed for what they are.

And ol' Joe is still stuck on the "blood for oil" thing, 30 years ago.

Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Yep...the left is supporting a system of law that beats women, and stones gays.....

sharia is everything the left lies about christianity about...but they embrace it....because they are insane....

This is what the left wing is defending......

Sharia - Wikipedia

Criminal cases[edit]
A confession, an oath, or the oral testimony of Muslim witnesses are the main evidence admissible, in sharia courts, for hudud crimes, that is the religious crimes of adultery, fornication, rape, accusing someone of illicit sex but failing to prove it, apostasy, drinking intoxicants and theft.[105][106][107][108] Testimony must be from at least two free Muslim male witnesses, or one Muslim male and two Muslim females, who are not related parties and who are of sound mind and reliable character. Testimony to establish the crime of adultery, fornication or rape must be from four Muslim male witnesses, with some fiqhs allowing substitution of up to three male with six female witnesses; however, at least one must be a Muslim male.[109] Forensic evidence (i.e., fingerprints, ballistics, blood samples, DNA etc.) and other circumstantial evidence is likewise rejected in hudud cases in favor of eyewitnesses, a practice which can cause severe difficulties for women plaintiffs in rape cases.[110][111]

Muslim jurists have debated whether and when coerced confession and coerced witnesses are acceptable.[citation needed] In the Ottoman Criminal Code, the executive officials were allowed to use torture only if the accused had a bad reputation and there were already indications of his guilt, such as when stolen goods were found in his house, if he was accused of grievous bodily harm by the victim or if a criminal during investigation mentioned him as an accomplice.[112] Confessions obtained under torture could not be used as a ground for awarding punishment unless they were corroborated by circumstantial evidence.[112]
All this "fighting" does, is discredit Religion as a public sector.
I agree. JoeyB Dolezal's hangup is lying, making things up to support whatever loony allegation that comes to mind.

Gee, Dominican Rent-boy, you are he one who is following me around looking for attention, so who has a hangup?
What's the matter, JoeyB, don't like newcomers knowing what type of lying lowlife they're dealing with in here?
He's just trying to put me on the defensive. That's their only strategy when they're being exposed for what they are.

And ol' Joe is still stuck on the "blood for oil" thing, 30 years ago.


30 years ago, they were honest enough to admit that it was blood for oil.

Today, they have to fool you stupids into thinking they want to impose their sky pixie over your sky pixie.

But again, when you sign up, I'll take you seriously.
What's the matter, JoeyB, don't like newcomers knowing what type of lying lowlife they're dealing with in here?

again, guy, love the space I occupy in your head rent free... it needs drapes, though.
He's just trying to put me on the defensive. That's their only strategy when they're being exposed for what they are.

And ol' Joe is still stuck on the "blood for oil" thing, 30 years ago.


30 years ago, they were honest enough to admit that it was blood for oil.

Today, they have to fool you stupids into thinking they want to impose their sky pixie over your sky pixie.

But again, when you sign up, I'll take you seriously.
I don't have a sky pixie, Joe. You probably know that, somewhere, at some level, but that fact is probably just another casualty of your ideological affliction.

You certainly an interesting little study.
I don't have a sky pixie, Joe. You probably know that, somewhere, at some level, but that fact is probably just another casualty of your ideological affliction.

You certainly an interesting little study.

Naw, dude, the fact you spend so much time harping on one religion and ignoring 200 years of imperialist policies tells me you've picked a side.
I don't have a sky pixie, Joe. You probably know that, somewhere, at some level, but that fact is probably just another casualty of your ideological affliction.

You certainly an interesting little study.

Naw, dude, the fact you spend so much time harping on one religion and ignoring 200 years of imperialist policies tells me you've picked a side.
Personally, I think we should examine the brains of hardcore ideologues just as we do brains of mass murderers and Alzheimer's victims.

You'd have to give your approval, of course. And we'd definitely wait until after you've passed.

But I wonder what such examinations would reveal. Because your affliction is powerful, indeed.
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Personally, I think we should examine the brains of hardcore ideologues just as we do brains of mass murderers and Alzheimer's victims.

You'd have to give your approval, of course. And we'd wait until after you've passed.

But I wonder what such examinations would reveal. Because your affliction is powerful, indeed.

So, Mac's definition of a "Hard core ideologue" is "anyone who disputes his premise".

Okay, to summarize.

Mac claims up and down that the Muslims are a bunch of meanyheads because their religion makes them meanyheads.

He ignores the fact that 40 years ago, most of the terrorist groups fighting Zionism and imperialism were pretty secular, or that the reason why there was a rise in Jihadism is because the CIA gave it a scholarship. (Just remember, when they kill Russians, they're "Freedom Fighters", they are only "Terrorists" when they kill Americans)


But, no, no, it's their religion, don't you know! Not the thousands of bombs we've dropped on these people over the past four decades. Not the awful governments we've propped up, and not the groups we've armed that eventually turned on us.

It's their religion, which isn't nearly as cool as Christianity, that only stopped murdering people for religious reasons 70 years ago.


Feeling some of that Good Christian Love!!!!
You see, the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. We've had the same policy towards the middle east since the 1960's, and we keep getting the same result... The same result the Europeans got from 1800 onward until they finally got out of there.

You see, the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. We've had the same policy towards the middle east since the 1960's, and we keep getting the same result... The same result the Europeans got from 1800 onward until they finally got out of there.

Yes, they lie without blinking an eye. It's amusing.
Personally, I think we should examine the brains of hardcore ideologues just as we do brains of mass murderers and Alzheimer's victims.

You'd have to give your approval, of course. And we'd wait until after you've passed.

But I wonder what such examinations would reveal. Because your affliction is powerful, indeed.

So, Mac's definition of a "Hard core ideologue" is "anyone who disputes his premise".

Okay, to summarize.

Mac claims up and down that the Muslims are a bunch of meanyheads because their religion makes them meanyheads.

He ignores the fact that 40 years ago, most of the terrorist groups fighting Zionism and imperialism were pretty secular, or that the reason why there was a rise in Jihadism is because the CIA gave it a scholarship. (Just remember, when they kill Russians, they're "Freedom Fighters", they are only "Terrorists" when they kill Americans)


But, no, no, it's their religion, don't you know! Not the thousands of bombs we've dropped on these people over the past four decades. Not the awful governments we've propped up, and not the groups we've armed that eventually turned on us.

It's their religion, which isn't nearly as cool as Christianity, that only stopped murdering people for religious reasons 70 years ago.


Feeling some of that Good Christian Love!!!!
First sentence is a lie, and off he goes.

And, as a result of his affliction, I think that's what he believes, down to his very core.

Always fascinating.
First sentence is a lie, and off he goes.

And, as a result of his affliction, I think that's what he believes, down to his very core.

Always fascinating.

No, guy, the problem is that you try to cover your racism and religious bigotry in a nice suit.


And you aren't going to let anything like 40 years of imperialist policy get in the way of that.
Nope. Not defending sharia law and those who want sharia law like Kim Davis at all.

Abiding by ones own personel faith is not support for theocracy it's called freedom of conscience you stupid fuck.

In this country, Sharia law is a voluntary legal solution between two Muslims. It is non binding in a court of law

None of my business

Ya that's a load of shit, Muslim women are forced to use these Sharia tribunals under the threat of violence, murder, and being ostracized from their families and communities.
According to the Bible, wives are supposed to obey their husbands. Many live under the threat of violence & many have been injured & killed. Now what?

You're comparing illegal domestic violence to a system of Jurisprudence that condones and promotes it, show me where in the west women are being forced to abide by cannon law which would be the closest analog to sharia found in Christianity.
So...we are very grateful, in the West, for secular law. Because all patriarchal religions treat women and gays like crap IF allowed to get away with it.
First sentence is a lie, and off he goes.

And, as a result of his affliction, I think that's what he believes, down to his very core.

Always fascinating.

No, guy, the problem is that you try to cover your racism and religious bigotry in a nice suit.


And you aren't going to let anything like 40 years of imperialist policy get in the way of that.
Hey Joe, here's an interesting stat: About 38.5% of men and women (combined, the numbers are a little different for each) will be afflicted with cancer in their lifetimes.

Certainly some of that will have to do with lifestyle (smoking, obviously) but for the rest, they just GET it, no matter how intelligent they are, or how they live their lives.

I'd think that 38.5% figure is pretty close to the percentage who are afflicted with hardcore partisan ideology (both ends combined), causing their perceptions and thought processes to be damaged, just as cancer damages cells.

Anyway, I thought that was an interesting and appropriate stat.

Source: Cancer of Any Site - Cancer Stat Facts

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