This Is Horrible.......

It's horrible for Democrats with Tulsi leaving the Democrat party. This is a big blow for the Democrat party.....Just before November...... :eek:


Why should that matter to us. We have plenty of voters.
It's horrible for Democrats with Tulsi leaving the Democrat party. This is a big blow for the Democrat party.....Just before November...... :eek:


No. It's not. In fact, it's not even a blip on the radar. Gabbard is a Republican. She just doesn't/didn't have the courage of her convictions to declare it openly. There's a couple of other Democrats that suffer from the same malady.
It's called, "I like that money and support I get from the DNC". If it were up to me, she'd have been out the moment she stepped onstage at CPAC.

Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
No. It's not. In fact, it's not even a blip on the radar. Gabbard is a Republican. She just doesn't/didn't have the courage of her convictions to declare it openly. There's a couple of other Democrats that suffer from the same malady.
It's called, "I like that money and support I get from the DNC". If it were up to me, she'd have been out the moment she stepped onstage at CPAC.

Good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

You are about to find out, on Nov 8th, how few voters you can afford to lose. Like Tulsi.

You appeal to a very narrow extremist slice of voters now. You've lost white working class and you've lost Hispanics. You're losing Black men.

It's bad. For you. Bad
You are about to find out, on Nov 8th, how few voters you can afford to lose. Like Tulsi.

You appeal to a very narrow extremist slice of voters now. You've lost white working class and you've lost Hispanics. You're losing Black men.

It's bad. For you. Bad

Narrow, extremist slice. OK, that IS the funniest thing I've read in the last week. :)
You look at the shit show the Republican party and the ideology of conservatism has become and that statement is just laughable.
The time of your belief system is slowly coming to an end. That's by evolution.

Tulsi should have been a Republican. My guess is that she couldn't get the support from the party
to run as one. But she was a coward for not following her convictions
It is not fine. To have a different opinion then Prog agendas has proven by their actions to be part of a subjugated nation.
Everyday we get posters here talking about purging RINOs....

Republicans who have dared question Trump's actions have received death threats...

No one here is threatening Tulsi, I disagree with her on some points and not on others..

Lets be clear, she is calling Biden a a warmonger when zero US troops have lost there lives in Ukraine... He only lost lives when pulling out of Afghanistan, which was the opposite of warmonger...

She then supports a leader in Putin who has lost 70,000 troops in 8 months and double that injured.

Sorry but Tulsi was interesting at first but she seems to sucked down a rabbit hole. Doesn't make here a bad person, just her argument is weak...

As for anti Woke statement... Tulsi tell us what you think 'Woke' is and then let's discuss. She might have just watched too much Fox News over the weekend, it can happen.
It's horrible for Democrats with Tulsi leaving the Democrat party. This is a big blow for the Democrat party.....Just before November...... :eek:


It makes a lot of headlines, which is not good for them, but, she has been persona non grata for a while now, even accusing her of being Putin's bitch.

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