This is how Settlers are taking over East Jerusalem one house at a time

Oh, great, the mods don't even know that Jerusalem and the West Bank are two entirely different areas.
Yep. These radicals need to be shut down and re-educated. Couldn't agree more.
Why are all the settlements not destroyed? Why are these people allowed to even build there?
Another thread that really should be lumped together in some kinda special folder for your other anti Israeli rantings
Showing on video how these people act and believe is important. Generally, we just get Israel's stooges posting propaganda. This is their own words and actions.

What's important is that you be exposed as the pallywood producer you are. And no I don't think this is the appropriate forum to be hoisting your undies up the pole like that

My two cents is that you are welcome to spew whatever hateful rhetoric you want but this isn't the place to be forwarding your business venture of producing or marketing propaganda films.
The fact that Jews live in places is not the slightest bit radical. Its the use of violence that needs to be shut down.
The occupation is illegal, immoral and indefensible.
The fact that Jews live in places is not the slightest bit radical. Its the use of violence that needs to be shut down.
The occupation is illegal, immoral and indefensible.

Define "occupation". Oh wait. You've been asked that a dozen times and every time you refuse to answer the simple question. How can you decide that something is illegal, immoral and indefensible if you can't even define it?

But the presence of Jews in a place is never illegal, immoral or indefensible. To suggest that is...well, you know what it is.
Define "occupation". Oh wait. You've been asked that a dozen times and every time you refuse to answer the simple question.
Why do you post here if you don't know what the occupation is? I am done doing your research. Pick a search engine of your choice.
Define "occupation". Oh wait. You've been asked that a dozen times and every time you refuse to answer the simple question.
Why do you post here if you don't know what the occupation is? I am done doing your research. Pick a search engine of your choice.

Oh please. Give me a break. You already know my position on the matter. There is no occupation because there is no sovereign in the territory in question except Israel. There is no SOVEREIGN to occupy.

There is no occupation because there is no division of the territory by any legal instrument. The Green Line is no longer a part of the equation. There is no TERRITORY to occupy.

It is a civil war which has yet to be resolved.

You clearly do not follow that position. You have two choices, therefore. Either the ENTIRE territory is occupied. Or a PORTION of the territory is occupied. Neither position is defensible.

When pressed, you once said that the only way to "end the occupation" is to dissolve Israel and return the Arab Palestinians and all their descendants to the territory. Thus it seems to me the only way to "end the occupation" is to remove self-determination, sovereignty and independence from the Jewish people.

Which leads me back to where I was before: You believe that the presence of Jewish people in their historical and ancestral homeland is somehow a hostility. When you say the "occupation" is illegal, immoral and indefensible what you REALLY mean is that the presence of Jews in that particular place is illegal, immoral and indefensible.
Oh please. Give me a break. You already know my position on the matter.
Which is why I recommended using a search engine. Your beliefs, like your narrative are meaningless.

Now go study!
Oh please. Give me a break. You already know my position on the matter.
Which is why I recommended using a search engine. Your beliefs, like your narrative are meaningless.

Now go study!

Please. Just do me the courtesy of claiming which of the two incorrect choices you ascribe to. Some of the territory or all of the territory? Just what territory does Israel have to stop "occupying", in your mind.
Oh please. Give me a break. You already know my position on the matter.
Which is why I recommended using a search engine. Your beliefs, like your narrative are meaningless.

Now go study!

Please. Just do me the courtesy of claiming which of the two incorrect choices you ascribe to. Some of the territory or all of the territory? Just what territory does Israel have to stop "occupying", in your mind.
Fine! Feh!
Just to be clear - even Arabs know the houses they live in are located on land their fathers cleansed of Jews.

Arabs simply don't want Jews in their neighborhood - this is what abi calls a "racial colony".
Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

Not exact however - what is the percentage of indigenous Americans in the US?
Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

Not exact however - what is the percentage of indigenous Americans in the US?
When the indigenous American defy all UN Resolutions relating to them, start killing Americans in their thousands, regularly steal and demolish American homes, deny the Americans water and electricity, prevent them from easily reaching their schools, build a wall around their reservations, etc, (I could go on) then you "may" compare them. But then millions of them did not emigrate to America so on second thoughts, ba-bow bad comparison.
Jerusalem was almost entirely inhabited by Muslims and Christians before the Jewish invasion. There were only about 8,000 Jews in all of Palestine in 1893 after decades of migration from Europe.

Not exact however - what is the percentage of indigenous Americans in the US?

The Ottoman census is as close to reality that one can get. As far as the native Americans, different times and different numbers. Up to the 19th century, colonialism and destruction of the native people's population was accepted and the European population quickly overwhelmed the native American population. By the 20th century colonialism and the destruction of native populations became unacceptable and the native population of Palestine and that of the region in general, is overwhelming the colonists. Today, Israeli Jews are controlling a population as large as their own and the future demographics are not in the Jew's favor.

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