This is how socialism ends EVERY time

In the rest of the first world, ALL CHILDREN GET TREATED...
And in the United States, all children (and adults) get treated. Without exception. Ignorant Canadian c*nt.

No they don't. Not even close. That's why we have 4000 cases of covid19 and you have 100,000.

And calling me a ****, just demonstrates what a weak excuse for humanity you are. Anyone who spends as much time trying to destroy the USA as you do, should be arrested and imprisoned.
Anyone who spends as much time trying to destroy the USA as you do, should be arrested and imprisoned.
Says the foreigner desperately trying to interfere with the U.S. to destroy it. :eusa_doh:

I’m defending the U.S. Constitution and everything the U.S. was built on. You’re advocating for everything the U.S. escaped.
You don't have a clue about anything and what you do know is utterly and completely WRONG. On everything.
Why are you here? You’re a piece of shit Canadian. I’ve forgotten more about U.S. history, U.S. policy, and the U.S. Constitution than your entire nation combined will ever.
But hey, they will still have their chance to heed his infinite wisdom and pack churches full of people for Easter. :rolleyes:
I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of you and your fellow leftists. Only one side was encouraging the largest city in the United States to go out and gather together - and it sure as fuck wasn't the Republicans:

There was NO ONE in executive power who took it seriously enough, early enough. Trump least of all.
Don't let the facts get in the way of your favorite anti-Trump propaganda...
What leads you to believe the same won't happen in the US? Cuomo isn't very confident it seems.
“What am I going to do with 400 ventilators when I need 30,000?” Cuomo said. “You pick the 26,000 people who are going to die because you only sent 400 ventilators.”
Wouldn’t be an issue if Barack Obama and Joe Biden had done their job in accordance with the left-wing, big-government ideology!
I may believe it if there are other sources besides The Blaze and
the Jerusalem Post.

btw Canada's doing pretty well with their "socialized" healthcare.
Only 26 deaths.

And is that attributable to their healthcare system, or to other factors?
Canadians are getting $8000 stimulus payments too.

With government deciding to execute certain citizens based on criteria developed by the government, in their best interest...

You mean like the Lt. Governor of Texas who said the elderly should be prepared to risk death to save the economy for their grandchildren. Like that?

No, there's a big difference between individual choice and government choosing for you.

There is NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE. Dead is dead.

They shouldn't have to choose. The Italians are having to choose because they lack the resources - both staff and equipment, to care for all of those who are in need. New York is getting close to the same situation. Beds are full and ventilators are being doubled up, which is hardly recommended for best use.

Dumb Donald keeps talking about getting people to make more and quickly, but they're need NOW. TODAY, not weeks or months from now.

There's a huge fucking difference, but I wouldn't expect an obedient little government sheep like you to grasp it. Witness the rest of your post, where you conflate making personal choices with other people choosing for you, AND not seeing the connection between that and the type of healthcare system you want so badly to force everyone in the world to have because you do.

Why you think "We need them NOW" changes the fact that they still have to be manufactured is just another testament to what an unrealistic dimwit you are.
What makes working class fools like the o.p. work against their own interests? And I mean he/she works at it day by day, month by month, year by year. In America, a kid can die if his parent can't afford to pay for operations. Happens all the time here, unlike the more advanced counties of this world where there is medicare for all type insurance.

And where kids die even if the parents CAN afford the care, because the government decided that they should.
I say kids when it comes to operations because republican rat bastards are always pretending to love kids which they don't. They only love the fetus.

Talk to me when the left doesn't think they've done all they need to in "caring" about kids by allowing them the "privilege" of being born.
What makes working class fools like the o.p. work against their own interests?
Only the ignorant think socialism is "in their best interest". Congrats, you have confirmed that you are completely ignorant (don't worry, we all knew already).
In America, a kid can die if his parent can't afford to pay for operations.
Not true. Never has been. Never will be. In fact, organizations such as The Shriners and St. Jude don't charge families anything. Other for-profit hospitals are still required by law to provide life saving care, regardless of ability to pay.

You know you're on the wrong side when you have to lie to support your position.

You stupid idiot. St. Jude's is ONE HOSPITAL is a country of 325 million people. Big whoop!

In the rest of the first world, ALL CHILDREN GET TREATED, and they don't need a "charity hospital" to do it, or to go hat in hand to the Shriners to make it happen. I raised three children in Canada and I've never received a bill from any doctor or hospital for treating them. And they've never had a bill for treatment for their children either. My parents were the last generation of parents in Canada who paid any doctors bills for their children, and by the time I was a teenager, there were no more bills for me either.

In the rest of the first world, "all children get treated" . . . when the healthcare system gets around to them and IF the government doesn't decide they aren't worth it, in which case their parents are forbidden to get them treatment even if they can pay for it.

I've raised three children in the United States and I've NEVER been stupid enough to think that "if I don't get a bill right now, that means I'm not paying for it at all". Also, since I don't come to your godforsaken moose sanctuary and dictate to you what system is best for you and your children, I'd appreciate it if you'd shut the fuck up about trying to dictate to me and mine.

As I've told you 16565 times just in the last month, no one here in any way, shape, or form values your input or wants it.
Lying, Russian pieces of shit.
Uh, of the two of us, I'm the only who is actually an American, you Canadian c*nt.

If you're an American, you're the dumbest, most ignorant American I've ever encountered. You don't have a clue about anything and what you do know is utterly and completely WRONG. On everything.

"You're a dumb American who doesn't know anything because you don't agree with what I think of your country."

About what I would expect from a brainwashed government sheep.
In the rest of the first world, ALL CHILDREN GET TREATED...
And in the United States, all children (and adults) get treated. Without exception. Ignorant Canadian c*nt.

No they don't. Not even close. That's why we have 4000 cases of covid19 and you have 100,000.

And calling me a ****, just demonstrates what a weak excuse for humanity you are. Anyone who spends as much time trying to destroy the USA as you do, should be arrested and imprisoned.

Yes, lack of medical treatment to children is TOTALLY responsible for coronavirus infections . . . if you're a brainless Canadian moron who lets the government do all that messy thinking stuff for her.

If your sub-standard Canadian brain can manage it, perhaps you can cobble together an explanation of what it is you think doctor visits accomplish to prevent coronavirus infections.
are you fn serious?

Completely serious, imbecile...

US has recorded 18,000 NEW cases JUST TODAY. Do you seriously not understand where our death numbers will be in about 10 days???

You are completely clueless. Which explains why you would even think of bringing in China's made up numbers into conversation.

Well it's 6 days later - 30,000 new cases and 968 deaths today in US. :(

Well it's 6 days later - 30,000 new cases and 968 deaths today in US. :(
No surprise with the Dumbocrats providing “leadership” like this...

View attachment 318973

Just a few people, everything under control, Democrat hoax, nothing to worry about - that’s what Trump and his talking head pals were saying at the time so why don’t you have a nice hot cup of STFU
China. Italy. Iran. Spain. All have government-run “free” ( :rolleyes: ) healthcare. Not working out so well for any of them.

Not working out so well for us, either. Nobody's system is covering itself in glory..

Some systems are doing better than others. Japan has a socialized system,they seem to have the Coronavirus under control.

China's is looking pretty hot right now...
Just a few people, everything under control, Democrat hoax, nothing to worry about - that’s what Trump and his talking head pals were saying at the time so why don’t you have a nice hot cup of STFU
It’s always bizarre watching partisan extremist, leftist little asshats like Ant deny reality. In March, the Trump Administration was taken significant action. Meanwhile, Dumbocrats were telling citizens in the largest city in the U.S. to gather in cramped movie theaters to spread the disease.

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