This Is How the NRA Ends A bigger, richer, meaner gun-control movement has arrived

its supported by Bloomberg, and a bunch of mayors of big cities with big gun laws that do nothing to prevent crime. Thats all i need to know.
And, unfortunately, that is all you will ever know.

Typical smug progressive douchbag response.

And yet my statements are true. All the high level people behind this want guns for me and not for thee. Hypocrites, all of them.
Show where Bloomberg's group wants to take your gun.
Just because the moonbats post ridiculously ignorant propaganda about some supposed group that we all know is just another laughable bunch of asshats, don't dismiss it out of hand

These "people" are criminally insane sociopaths, and bed wetters like the poster are useful drones who are desperate to disarm us.

Their agenda can not be fully implimented until we're disarmed.

If there's any doubt that these sociopaths want to regulate us like a herd of cattle, I don't know what else you need to see.

I'm not big into conspiracy theories, but this is evidence that there are some truly warped people out there.

Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
And, unfortunately, that is all you will ever know.

Typical smug progressive douchbag response.

And yet my statements are true. All the high level people behind this want guns for me and not for thee. Hypocrites, all of them.
Show where Bloomberg's group wants to take your gun.

MAIG - Media Center
Get high capacity rifles and ammunition magazines off our streets: Military-style weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines have no appropriate civilian or sporting function. They are designed to kill large numbers of people quickly. They are also disproportionately used to kill law enforcement officers; approximately one out of five law enforcement officers slain in the line of duty is killed with assault weapons. The time has come to review the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 and draft a new law that is clear and enforceable and will take these weapons out of our communities.
That is, they want to ban - and then confiscate - rifles, shotguns and handguns.

Never mind that their entire justification for banning and then confiscating these weapons is a lie.
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I think this is a non issue at the moment. Scandals are worsening on Capitol Hill and all the liberals can do is throw chaff stories like this out.


True, you make an excellent point. I'm all repped out for the day, but you'd get more for this post.

There's no way the bed wetters are getting any gun control passed even withouth the scandals.
Hand Guns Incorporated was to destroy the NRA - it failed.

Nazi Thug Bloomberg thinks he will destroy the NRA - he will fail.

Why? Because the Nazi Bloomberg, like HGI, seeks to strip the peasantry of civil rights. While elitist pigs such as Bloomberg might buy politicians and the media, the public at large seeks to preserve civil rights, not destroy them.

Bloombergs war on the United States Constitution and basic civil rights will have to be funded entirely by Bloomberg himself. The sheep will not pay for their own slaughter.

I will boycott anything that has to do with Bloomberg.

Including the ultra-left publications BusinessWeek, The New York Times, and Vanity Fair.
Hand Guns Incorporated was to destroy the NRA - it failed.

Nazi Thug Bloomberg thinks he will destroy the NRA - he will fail.
Because their arguments are based on emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That's the gun control argument in a nutshell. The shitheads in Colorado, New York and Connecticut passed strict gun laws on pure emotion. The result? The New York law is being challenged by at least a dozen different groups (and ridiculed for it's numerous flaws) and the pro-GC lawmakers in Colorado are seeing their jobs being threatened.
I tend to take any highly partisan news source (such as the Liberal publication 'New Republic', which published this article) with several grains of salt, never mind the proverbial one...

The article was, indeed, worth reading, but its theme - the demise of the NRA - strikes me as pie-in-the-sky and about as comical and maudlin-partisan as one can get...

I saw some decent citations in there for shifting popularity polls for several Senators right after the 'No' vote but nothing indicating the tidal wave that the publishers would like to convince folks is unfolding even now...

As much anecdote and wishful-thinking-disguised-as-logic as actual fact or relevant trending-history...

The thing was well-written and made some good points but it also suffers from some indulgence in over-dramatization and pontificating that betrayed its partisanship very early-on in the narrative...

But, as I said (and as the OP first pointed out)... a good and enjoyable read.

I think the main points to take from this are:

#1 - the NRA has NEVER had an opponent who could match their spending. Now they have one who could match it 100 times over.

#2 - the ads from Bloomberg's group have only just begun, and already have had affect.

Note that he plans on heavily funding Democrats Landreau and Kagen because they voted for the background checks, and plans on heavily funding the defeat of Democrats Pryor and Begich for opposing it.

So it's a non-partisan, single issue group with unlimited finances.

all it looks like to me Synth is just another source of money buying politicians.....
I see the left wing has new masturbatory material..

"The Death of the NRA and total Gun control at last".

Well, they had to pivot now that Rush and Fox and Hannity et al will soon be off the air because of a lack of sponsors and, more importantly, people just plain sick and tired of hearing all those PSAs and self-promos the stations have been forced to air in lieu of revenue producing commercials.

I know it sounds silly but the lefty fools eat this crap up!
awww, NewRepublic sceeeerd?

the nra should thank you fascist gun control people, you helped swell their membership with your last attempt to take people rights away...

way to go:clap2:
I tend to take any highly partisan news source (such as the Liberal publication 'New Republic', which published this article) with several grains of salt, never mind the proverbial one...

The article was, indeed, worth reading, but its theme - the demise of the NRA - strikes me as pie-in-the-sky and about as comical and maudlin-partisan as one can get...

I saw some decent citations in there for shifting popularity polls for several Senators right after the 'No' vote but nothing indicating the tidal wave that the publishers would like to convince folks is unfolding even now...

As much anecdote and wishful-thinking-disguised-as-logic as actual fact or relevant trending-history...

The thing was well-written and made some good points but it also suffers from some indulgence in over-dramatization and pontificating that betrayed its partisanship very early-on in the narrative...

But, as I said (and as the OP first pointed out)... a good and enjoyable read.

I think the main points to take from this are:

#1 - the NRA has NEVER had an opponent who could match their spending. Now they have one who could match it 100 times over.

#2 - the ads from Bloomberg's group have only just begun, and already have had affect.

Note that he plans on heavily funding Democrats Landreau and Kagen because they voted for the background checks, and plans on heavily funding the defeat of Democrats Pryor and Begich for opposing it.

So it's a non-partisan, single issue group with unlimited finances.

all it looks like to me Synth is just another source of money buying politicians.....
Well, if they are gonna be bought, I want them bought for good purposes.
I think the main points to take from this are:

#1 - the NRA has NEVER had an opponent who could match their spending. Now they have one who could match it 100 times over.

#2 - the ads from Bloomberg's group have only just begun, and already have had affect.

Note that he plans on heavily funding Democrats Landreau and Kagen because they voted for the background checks, and plans on heavily funding the defeat of Democrats Pryor and Begich for opposing it.

So it's a non-partisan, single issue group with unlimited finances.

all it looks like to me Synth is just another source of money buying politicians.....
Well, if they are gonna be bought, I want them bought for good purposes. no response to the example of "them" wanting to take our guns?
If the Dums know what good for them they will let this sleepiing dog lay...

The only people in quantities in America who are for gun control are lefty politicians who are also for people control - in fact -- people control is what it's really all about!!

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