This is how to steal a debate

Having had 40 years experience in the field, I can tell you that “his type” is a crappy builder and purchasers complained about the quality of his builds.

Builders who really are perfectionists hire good people and they pay them. And they don’t stiff their subtrades. EVER. I have never had a problem with construction liens or unpaid sub trades for high quality builders. Just the scammers and the crooks.

Trump has problems getting top trades people because he stiffs his subtrades. If you knew the guy was never going to pay you the amount of the contract, why would you hire on with him? For the abuse?

Trumps reputation as a builder is bad.
Got a link?
TDS crosses borders. And she's an angry single woman, still pissed at her ex-husband, so she takes it out on Trump. That's assuming I can still pick up profiles efficiently. She already got me once though, I thought she was a crazy leftist European. Turns out, she''s a crazy leftist European, in Canada.
:nono: More like Chicom shill posing as Canadian. Observe and think about it. ;)
You're losing it! Take a breather! Maybe you and Trump should go on vacation, have a few cocktails, put your toes in the sand....? Let off some steam. Be thankful for what you have...
I am, then I see shitbirds like that and your bleeding heart ass stickin' up fer the turd and get annoyed. :rolleyes-41:
You love Kamala, right?

Oh! Looks like Curried Goats is a Slaver Lover! :tongue:

Her family owned the slaves, you fucking moron! :slap:
You white wingers are dumber than fucking rocks... :lol:

Kamala having a slaver ancestor who raped her slave ancestor doesn't make Kamala herself a slaver or anyone else who loves her a slaver lover. Stop being projecting Sad Boys and be Proud Boy slaver lovers. :itsok: :lol:
You white wingers are dumber than fucking rocks... :lol:

Kamala having a slaver ancestor who raped her slave ancestor doesn't make Kamala herself a slaver or anyone else who loves her a slaver lover. Stop being projecting Sad Boys and be Proud Boy slaver lovers. :itsok: :lol:

Pretzel is supposed to be a metaphor. Go ahead and give us your best Bingo try at an explanation for what this is a metaphor for.....
You're twisting yourself into pretzels over denying Kamala's family being slave and plantation owners.

Never seen a worm do that before.
You're twisting yourself into pretzels over denying Kamala's family being slave and plantation owners.
Except I haven't denied it you dumb, illiterate Bingo. I said that one of her ancestors raping another of her ancestors isn't a defense of white slaver idolatry from your deplorable mutant culture. That's pretty straight forward. What's confusing your Bingo brain?
Except I haven't denied it you dumb, illiterate Bingo. I said that one of her ancestors raping another of her ancestors isn't a defense of white slaver idolatry from your deplorable mutant culture. That's pretty straight forward. What's confusing your Bingo brain?
Where does the raping come in? :uhh:
I've only got to see part of it, Youtube pulled the plug too long, lost interest. What I did see is the moderators "correcting" Trump even out of context, while Kamala's song and dance, and lies throughout were free. How about Kamala's first speech BTW, they probably practiced that 10 times and she still managed to demonstrate she's a fraud.

Can't wat for the fact checks. I saw so many from Kamala that can't go unchecked. But I bet they will. I'll expose the fuckers too. Quite the game under the left's reach, wouldn't you say?

Other than that, here's how to steal a debate. What happened to the left's recent mantra Trump is incoherent like Biden, BTW? If the left says it's so it's projection, a distortion, distraction, antonym, absurdity, ambition and/or confession, every time, all the time. MAGA

The moderators fact checked Trump on air six times last night, pretty much all dishonestly. They fact checked Kamala zero times despite her most outrageous statements that they knew were bald faced lies. She had pat answers memorized and the game plan was the two moderators and she would attack, attack, attack to keep Trump on the defensive. They had no intention to challenge anything she said.

Google staffers must have worked all night to bury any and ALL sources criticizing Kamala--I know there are some out there because I get their texts and emails on my phone--and they have also removed or buried so deep we can't find the information to rebut her outrageous statements.

Just take the facts of Haitians harvesting animal and fowl proteins in Springfield for instance. There were some accounts, complaints from citizens, eye witness accounts last night. Today none can be found. Perhaps it isn't a huge problem there but apparently many did have cause to believe it was happening.
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Google staffers must have worked all night to bury any and ALL sources criticizing Kamala--I know there are some out there because I get their texts and emails on my phone--and they have also removed or buried so deep we can't find the information to rebut her outrageous statements.

Just take the facts of Haitians harvesting animal and fowl proteins in Springfield for instance. There were some accounts, complaints from citizens, eye witness accounts last night. Today none can be found. Perhaps it isn't a huge problem there but apparently many did have cause to believe it was happening.
Don't be a Sad Boy Duke. If you're going to be Proud Boy slaver lovers don't shy away from actual history. Slavers raped their slaves. That happened. Don't be a big bitch about it.
Not all of them, you moron! I think you have raping on your mind a bit too much to be healthy.

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