This is how you create terrorists.

Illegally exiling and stealing their homes is not that much better than genocidal murder.

Not very similar to genocidal murder.

The fact they exile instead of directly murder all the time, does not alter the genocide.
Genocide is when a local ethnicity is completely removed.
Illegal exile is just as bad in that it wipes our an entire local, native, culture.
The Palestinians are the natives, with inherent right.
The Zionist are foreign fanatics who don't belong.

The fact they exile instead of directly murder all the time, does not alter the genocide.
Genocide is when a local ethnicity is completely removed.

Obviously. How many Arabs in Israel in 1949? How many today?

The Palestinians are the natives, with inherent right.


You're right, but like the Northern Irish Catholic, trying to win a war against an extremely militarily superior opponent by using violence is just plain stupid.

There are many peaceful ways to win wars. Legal, economic and political means can be more powerful than violence.

You can bet that Hamas is being supplied with weapons by right wing Israelis. Continued violence is exactly what right wing Israelis want.

Lots of right wing Israelis in Iran?
Lot's of weapons passing thru Israeli blockades...who know what the source is.
So Israel is blockading them, not supplying them?
The world is far too complicated for you, little boy.

Cui bono???
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This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


War is terrible for sure. This man should be really pissed off at Hamas.

No he should be pissed off at Netanyahu who used his daughter's death to vilify Palestianians so he could hang onto power.

Netanyahu did this because he was supposed to step down this week and now he doesn't have to. It doesn't get more craven than THIS. And Isreal, not Hamas is to blame.

22 Israelis have died. Over 200 Palestians have died, including more than 50 children. If Israel thinks it will win public sympathy by murdering civilians and children, they're sadly mistaken. Nothing has generated more sympathy for the Palestianian than pictures like this.

Bebe has totally succeeded in making Isreal look WORSE than Hamas, in the eyes of the world.
  • Disagree
Reactions: DBA
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


War is terrible for sure. This man should be really pissed off at Hamas.

No he should be pissed off at Netanyahu who used his daughter's death to vilify Palestianians so he could hang onto power.

Netanyahu did this because he was supposed to step down this week and now he doesn't have to. It doesn't get more craven than THIS. And Isreal, not Hamas is to blame.

22 Israelis have died. Over 200 Palestians have died, including more than 50 children. If Israel thinks it will win public sympathy by murdering civilians and children, they're sadly mistaken. Nothing has generated more sympathy for the Palestianian than pictures like this.

Bebe has totally succeeded in making Isreal look WORSE than Hamas, in the eyes of the world.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.

Is this anything like taking a four year old from his bed, stabbing him to death and leaving his bloody body in the street.
Illegally exiling and stealing their homes is not that much better than genocidal murder.

Not very similar to genocidal murder.

The fact they exile instead of directly murder all the time, does not alter the genocide.
Genocide is when a local ethnicity is completely removed.
Illegal exile is just as bad in that it wipes our an entire local, native, culture.
The Palestinians are the natives, with inherent right.
The Zionist are foreign fanatics who don't belong.

The fact they exile instead of directly murder all the time, does not alter the genocide.
Genocide is when a local ethnicity is completely removed.

Obviously. How many Arabs in Israel in 1949? How many today?

The Palestinians are the natives, with inherent right.


You're right, but like the Northern Irish Catholic, trying to win a war against an extremely militarily superior opponent by using violence is just plain stupid.

There are many peaceful ways to win wars. Legal, economic and political means can be more powerful than violence.

You can bet that Hamas is being supplied with weapons by right wing Israelis. Continued violence is exactly what right wing Israelis want.

Lots of right wing Israelis in Iran?
Lot's of weapons passing thru Israeli blockades...who know what the source is.
So Israel is blockading them, not supplying them?
The world is far too complicated for you, little boy.

Cui bono???
It's not so complicated that I don't understand when you contradict yourself.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.

HOW MANY of these images were later discovered to be staged?

Heres the difference between a civilized nation and terrorists:

Civilized nations try to minimize causalities

Terrorists strive for maximum civilian casualties
The al Durrah boy comes to mind. It's something Palestinians are known for.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.

..yes--you are making a statement
Yes he was making a political statement and virtue signaling at the same time.
Just a simple question to anyone who supports Palestinians attacking Israel : Where has that gotten them in the last 7 decades ?

Palestinians have NEVER attacked Jews or Israel.
Israel has always started every conflict.
For example, the 1948 war was started when Zionists started massacring Arab villages.
Go look at a 1947 map and wonder what happened to all the Arab villages that disappeared, like Dier Yassin.
Dude, Israel has not initiated a SINGLE war between any of the Arab nations. They had no reason to. BYW, the first documented attack at the time was Palestinians killing Jews. Maybe you should stop reading Palestinian history books ..
And did you know some died in Israel? Where's THEIR photo and sympathy?

Perhaps this man should have pushed Hamas not to attack Israel?

Yep. Poking bears has consequences.

The OP was clearing making a point that went well over the head of yours.

No, it didn’t go over our heads. How many Jews living in Israel become terrorists when their children are killed by Hamas?

No one is murdering Israeli children deliberately.
Israel obviously has always been deliberately murdering Arab children.
Go look up the massacre of Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
The Zionist threw hand grenades into home after home, murdering men, women, and children.
The ONLY reason more Israeli children are not being killed in higher numbers is because Israel’s security measures. What do you think would happen if Israel opened the Gaza-Israel border? Also, Hamas has openly admitted to many incidents where children and even babies were killed . Like the baby who’s throat was slit in the West Bank.. Israel has NO REASON to intentionally kill civilians. None whatsoever.
One side wants to wipe the other off the face of the Earth, but doesn't have the power.
The other side has the power to wipe the other off the face off the Earth and hasn't.
Not hard to figure out who the good side is.
No sympathy here.
Well said man ! Could you imagine what would happen if the Palestinians has fighter jets, tanks, helicopters and artillery ??
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.

And we're just saying that anyone who thinks it's logical to hate Israel for this is either an ignorant useful tool for the Palestinians, or a Palestinian himself.

So whether you're informed enough to know it (or you're you), you ARE offering an opinion that supports the Palestinians. And, as is virtually always the case, you're completely wrong.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.

And we're just saying that anyone who thinks it's logical to hate Israel for this is either an ignorant useful tool for the Palestinians, or a Palestinian himself.

So whether you're informed enough to know it (or you're you), you ARE offering an opinion that supports the Palestinians. And, as is virtually always the case, you're completely wrong.
I'm not blaming Israel or anybody directly. I don't hate Israel at all. It's just as I said.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.

And we're just saying that anyone who thinks it's logical to hate Israel for this is either an ignorant useful tool for the Palestinians, or a Palestinian himself.

So whether you're informed enough to know it (or you're you), you ARE offering an opinion that supports the Palestinians. And, as is virtually always the case, you're completely wrong.
I'm not blaming Israel or anybody directly. I don't hate Israel at all. It's just as I said.

See above. Stated, responded to; restating your desire to believe something else happened won't change anything.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.
Look at the title of your thread. Tell me, are you trying to endear empathy for the Palestinians themselves--who, just like the Israelis--are caught in the crossfire, or are you legitimizing why these terrorists become terrorists?
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.
Look at the title of your thread. Tell me, are you trying to endear empathy for the Palestinians themselves--who, just like the Israelis--are caught in the crossfire, or are you legitimizing why these terrorists become terrorists?
This is the picture I saw today. It felt powerful. I never compared the two factions or pointed fingers. I never legitimized terrorism either.
This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


It also didn't occur to you that Hamas uses women and children as human shields. They bring them into harm's way because they know it will hurt Israel if they die in an airstrike.

It doesn't matter to you that not every rocket Hamas fires lands in Israel. The launchers are deliberately placed in civilian areas for the above-mentioned reason, and when a rocket misfires, it likely lands on the home of an innocent family or group of civilians, then their deaths are inevitably blamed on Israel itself.

Educate yourself. Reconsider your stances.
I didn't offer a position on who is right or wrong in that conflict. I'm just empathizing with that man and saying this kind of tragedy is what breeds the hate that fuels terrorism.
Look at the title of your thread. Tell me, are you trying to endear empathy for the Palestinians themselves--who, just like the Israelis--are caught in the crossfire, or are you legitimizing why these terrorists become terrorists?
This is the picture I saw today. It felt powerful. I never compared the two factions or pointed fingers. I never legitimized terrorism either.

The title of your thread conveyed something different then. If you don't want something coming across as something else you didn't want it to, try being more concise in thread titles whilst discussing such sensitive topics. Try to avoid misconceptions as much as you can.

Not criticizing you nor badmouthing you, I am just trying to lend some friendly advice. :)
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This is a Palestinian man holding the body of his dead daughter. I'm not really making a statement about Israel or Palestine here, but this is heartbreaking, and this is also how people are pushed to not giving a fuck anymore.


War is terrible for sure. This man should be really pissed off at Hamas.

No he should be pissed off at Netanyahu who used his daughter's death to vilify Palestianians so he could hang onto power.

Netanyahu did this because he was supposed to step down this week and now he doesn't have to. It doesn't get more craven than THIS. And Isreal, not Hamas is to blame.

22 Israelis have died. Over 200 Palestians have died, including more than 50 children. If Israel thinks it will win public sympathy by murdering civilians and children, they're sadly mistaken. Nothing has generated more sympathy for the Palestianian than pictures like this.

Bebe has totally succeeded in making Isreal look WORSE than Hamas, in the eyes of the world.
What is it with lefties that are the wrong side of nearly every single situation? It is almost as if you folks are possessed by some demonic force that always chooses evil.

The only reason more innocent Israeili women and children haven’t been murdered is because they have superior technology and the iron dome is intercepting most of these rockets before they land. Israel goes out of its way to protect civilians. Hamas doesn’t care one bit about who dies. They indiscriminately shoot rockets to highly populated areas and hope they land. Israel could do MUCH more damage they they are doing. If Hamas had Israel’s military might, they would have wipedIsrael off the map long ago, women and children included, in fact, they would invade and rape and kill Israelis. They are radical animals.

Your left wing sources are, as usual, anti-Semitic. BLM supports the Palestinians. Go figure.

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