This is how you deal with a DUI checkpoint

All very nice, and I've read about such people, and seen docos on tv/movies about them...but, whom do you call to come and save you, put their lives on the line, when the bad people are smashing down your front or back door and coming in to rape, bash, rob and/or murder you?

I call my Smith and Wesson 9mm automatic, 12 in the clip plus one in the chamber for good luck.
Simple solutions;

. Ban assault rifles, and all auto weapons for the general public.
. Make it compulsory to carry proper ID at all times and show it to a police office when requested.

In the asses, walking around with an assault rifle slung over shoulder, scaring the public [Sandy Hook etc], and video camera and phone filming the cop/s that will certainly arrive.

And they'd wonder why some cops would take offence at their actions and give them grief.
All they were doing was wasting that cop's time, and the time of the cops etc whom all the frightened citizens were phoning.

So-called assault rifles are semiautomatic weapons just like any semiautomatic hand gun. Banning them is absurd. The whole point of the Second Amendment is that the people be armed in such a manner as befits a citizen militia at the infantry level for the common defense of the several free states and the people thereof against the threat of a usurpative governmental faction, whether foreign or domestic.

The problem has never been with law-abiding armed citizens, but with armed criminals.

Solution? To what?

The only problem is the phantom flying around in you head.

As for those educating the public about their rights and the importance of opening asserting them, some of you guys think the way you do because you have a bow-to-man mentality.


[ame=]2nd Amendment Gun Rally at the Arizona State capital - Jan 19th, 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Piers Morgan's silly arguments owned:

[ame=]Ben Shapiro and Piers Morgan on guns - YouTube[/ame]

Schooled again:

[ame=]Emily Miller Schools Piers Morgan on Gun Crime Statistics in America - CNN - 9-9-13 - YouTube[/ame]

And again:

[ame=]Pt. 1 - Dana Loesch Whoops Frustrated Piers Morgan Tail on his own show ; Pierce's Face Red as Tie!! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't believe this is proper exercise of a constitutional right. This is grandstanding and disregarding fellow citizens right to feel secure in their persons and expect tranquility in their neighborhoods. If you believe in any kind of cooperative community you have to believe with rights comes responsibility. These guy's motives do not justify their jettisoning responsibility, not in my book. Just my opinion.

I Love This Cop. Best Open Carry Stop Ever - YouTube

It's grandstanding. And it is probably not well-advised. But it has a point - a very valid one. Those who would give police free reign because they think police only go after bad guys, need to think again. Police go after whoever they think is guilty - never mind whether the suspect is, in fact, guilty. All too often, they are wrong. When they are, if you are the one that happens to be on the other end of police suspicions, you might be singing a different tune.
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What's the big objection among People in America to showing a police officer their ID?

Are the cops stealing the IDs and committing identity theft/fraud with them?

The whole idea behind our Constitution and our criminal justice system is that the police are not allowed to intrude into a citizen's privacy unless there is some reason to do so. With a few exceptions, police randomly stopping citizens is forbidden.

In an attempt to ooze around this prohibition, police have developed the "consensual encounter." It works like this: police approach a citizen who is minding his own business, walking down the sidewalk. Cop: "Hi, how ya doin' tonight?" Roustee: "Fine." Cop: "Excellent. Nice weather we're having lately, isn't it?" Roustee: "Yup." Cop: "Say, do you have anything illegal on you tonight?" In fact, the Roustee has several grams of meth in his pocket. Roustee: "No, sir." Cop: (slightly different tone of voice now): "Mind if I take a look - OK to search you?"

Now we reach a critical point in the roust. The Roustee is in a dilemma. If he allows the search, the cop will find the meth. If he refuses, he is not cooperating with the officer, and who knows what that can lead to? So he consents.

Police who pull up on a citizen and ask for ID quite often have bigger game in mind. Once they have the ID and have checked it for warrants, it doesn't stop there. See above paragraph.

And, in court, the officer will swear under oath that the suspect was "free to go" during the entire time of the "consensual encounter."

It is simply not a good idea to allow police unlimited access to citizens absent some degree of probable cause.
So, basically, y'all are saying that the police in America are the enemy?

As I'm sure one of your most favorite politicians used to say, "You betcha!" Just because cops are nice to you doesn't mean they are good guys. They aren't. I think the situation is best illustrated by the following, which I have up on the wall of my office:

"I am a criminal defense attorney. As such, I am forced to deal, on a daily basis, with some of the worst people on earth - people who have no sense of right and wrong, people who will lie in court in order to get what they want, people who do not care who gets hurt in the proocess. As a criminal defense attorney, it is my job, my sworn duty, to protect my clients from such people by every legal and ethical means possible."

All very nice, and I've read about such people, and seen docos on tv/movies about them...but, whom do you call to come and save you, put their lives on the line, when the bad people are smashing down your front or back door and coming in to rape, bash, rob and/or murder you?

Smith, Wesson, and Colt.
I don't believe this is proper exercise of a constitutional right. This is grandstanding and disregarding fellow citizens right to feel secure in their persons and expect tranquility in their neighborhoods. If you believe in any kind of cooperative community you have to believe with rights comes responsibility. These guy's motives do not justify their jettisoning responsibility, not in my book. Just my opinion.

I Love This Cop. Best Open Carry Stop Ever - YouTube

I must have missed those rights when I was learning about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That must because I never agreed to allow you to impose your beliefs on me when I agreed not to impose mine on you.
Simple solutions;

. Ban assault rifles, and all auto weapons for the general public.
. Make it compulsory to carry proper ID at all times and show it to a police office when requested.

In the asses, walking around with an assault rifle slung over shoulder, scaring the public [Sandy Hook etc], and video camera and phone filming the cop/s that will certainly arrive.

And they'd wonder why some cops would take offence at their actions and give them grief.
All they were doing was wasting that cop's time, and the time of the cops etc whom all the frightened citizens were phoning.

Fuck you.

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