This is just a precursor to the Book of Revelations

As the saying goes
Wait till the big one

I sure as hell hope not. Life is just getting really, really interesting. A new book. A beautiful wife. And hey . . . spring has sprung. Dear God, please count us out of Armageddon.
I doubt it. We've had much worse before.
Agree. For example Roman rule under Domitian and Nero and those times in the latter part of the first century...John wrote about those days in the Book of Revelation using a style popular at that time--a style known as apocalyptic literature.
The Book of Revelation (singular) is a precursor to this. It was written more than 1900 years before this.
This infectious spreading disease is not going to just go away. And there will be worse things coming, though many of you in the civilization are in denial of such, and will be blindsided as it has happened with this, which can get quite worse. And more will come even as it is prophesied things will come. There are signs of even climate change in prophecy, along with coming trouble in society. You just need to know how to see things that are there in prophecy. No, a plague does not and didn't surprise me though I did not know about this pandemic before.
Christians should believe the Bible, as many among them generally say that they do. But what is really shown from the Bible is twisted around, or explained away, for justifying how they live now in this culture that they fit in with.

Now we live in ways that are messing up this world, it is getting worse with the destructiveness in it, in spite of good stewardship being needed instead. There is already this great crisis in our society. It won't stop with this, more crises will necessarily come to it.

Our civilization is destructive to the natural world around it, it grows, as it uses more resources to continue, and this natural world which is limited cannot have it continue. As everything becomes more strained, with less available for more effort, and resources diminish, civil unrest will grow dramatically, tensions between nations will escalate, and deprivation and disease will spread more. Many of possible disasters would come because of our civilization and how we in general live in it, with our standards. It isn't sustainable. The fragility and impermanence of the global industrial economy has been exposed, and many more people among us are prepared to consider alternatives than were less than a month ago. And we who are believers need to change to responsible ways that are required of us ourselves. It is for believers to turn from those irresponsible ways, showing others to do so to be good stewards of God's earth, and not contribute to destructiveness anymore. It is not justified by what is shown in the Bible. And God cares for the creatures of God's creation.

We do need much more godliness in this world, it is only those seeking God's will on earth as God's will is in Heaven who will have that. Alternative ways to live are really possible. There should be communication for that.

It's time to build and strengthen alternative institutions and local food systems. We must stop tearing down forests to make way for animal farming or to grow animal feed. We must protect ecosystems and prioritise preserving all of the wildlife, leaving all of them to live their lives away from human contact.

As the saying goes
Wait till the big one
I heard there was a 6.0 earthquake around the super volcano Yosemite.

When that goes, which it is about due, it will make corona look like a walk in the park.
As the saying goes
Wait till the big one
I heard there was a 6.0 earthquake around the super volcano Yosemite.

When that goes, which it is about due, it will make corona look like a walk in the park.


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