This Is Just Another Prime Example Of How Evil The Biden Harris Administration Is

I've always wondered that. Maybe they aren't used to a real President who is happily married.

Of course our President is too fine a gentleman to EVER have sex with someone as Skanky as FJB
The Corrupt Democrat Party wants to give Gay men and Transsexual men access to little boys in the public schools.
Wise and intelligent Parents see what Gay men and Bisexual men did to the kids in the Boy Scouts when they were given access to them, and they don't want their kids to also be the victims of sexual abuse in the public schools.…
Two years after filing for Chapter 11 protection amid a flood of child sex abuse lawsuits, the Boy Scouts of America has reached a tentative settlement with an official bankruptcy committee representing more than 80,000 men who say they were molested as children by Scout leaders and others.

Boy Scouts of America Reaches Deal With Official Abuse Claimant…

Thank you for bringing this up because little boys can be rape victims just as much as girls so we shouldn't allow that to happen either.
This dickweed knows fuckall about anarchism,
There are many, many different philosophical kinds of anarchism. Ranging from the far left to the far right.

This particular lecture, is not commenting directly on Green Anarchism, it is commenting mostly on the Critical Theorists that established Queer Theory.
I wanted mostly, for the lefties on the site (in this thread,) to understand, that the cultural Marxists were not, initially even hiding their intentions to subvert the social order by going beyond what is, "natural," or "socially acceptable," for the young in society here. But? Why take my word for it? I doubt they had ever read any Foucault, or if they had, would they even admit the agenda? I have.

But. . . to say that this particular intellectual, doesn't have a clue about "anarchism," would be a misnomer. Your or my brand of anarchism? no. Josiah Warren and Lysander Spooner would find him unrecognizable, perhaps.

Dickweed or not, he sure is triggering the lefty wokesters with the truth. . . . IMO?
I don't think he has any affinity toward Queer theory. This is what other leftists find triggering.

And this does not mean, he is not unknown in the Anarcho-primitivist community. . . .

Wording and semantics​

Activist writer Derrick Jensen wrote in Walking on Water that he is often classified as a "Luddite" and "an anarcho-primitivist. Both of these labels fit well enough, I suppose."[37] Others, too, have designated his work with the latter term;[38][39] however, more recently, Jensen began to categorically reject the "primitivist" label, describing it as a "racist way to describe indigenous peoples". He prefers to be called "indigenist" or an "ally to the indigenous".[40]
There are many, many different philosophical kinds of anarchism. Ranging from the far left to the far right.

This particular lecture, is not commenting directly on Green Anarchism, it is commenting mostly on the Critical Theorists that established Queer Theory.
I wanted mostly, for the lefties on the site (in this thread,) to understand, that the cultural Marxists were not, initially even hiding their intentions to subvert the social order by going beyond what is, "natural," or "socially acceptable," for the young in society here. But? Why take my word for it? I doubt they had ever read any Foucault, or if they had, would they even admit the agenda? I have.

But. . . to say that this particular intellectual, doesn't have a clue about "anarchism," would be a misnomer. Your or my brand of anarchism? no. Josiah Warren and Lysander Spooner would find him unrecognizable, perhaps.

Dickweed or not, he sure is triggering the lefty wokesters with the truth. . . . IMO?
I don't think he has any affinity toward Queer theory. This is what other leftists find triggering.

And this does not mean, he is not unknown in the Anarcho-primitivist community. . . .

Wording and semantics​

Activist writer Derrick Jensen wrote in Walking on Water that he is often classified as a "Luddite" and "an anarcho-primitivist. Both of these labels fit well enough, I suppose."[37] Others, too, have designated his work with the latter term;[38][39] however, more recently, Jensen began to categorically reject the "primitivist" label, describing it as a "racist way to describe indigenous peoples". He prefers to be called "indigenist" or an "ally to the indigenous".[40]
The anarchists/agorists I roll with consider violations of the non-aggression principle (NAP) to go against everything anarchy entails....AnPrims, AnComs (an oxymoron if there ever was one) etcetera rely upon such aggression.

The actions that obvious lunatic talks about are definitely overt acts of aggression.,
The anarchists/agorists I roll with consider violations of the non-aggression principle (NAP) to go against everything anarchy entails....AnPrims, AnComs (an oxymoron if there ever was one) etcetera rely upon such aggression.

The actions that obvious lunatic talks about are definitely overt acts of aggression.,
RE the thread/

remember when you all had that Stormy Daniels story? and she ended having o pay his legal fees and her attorney, the former DNC front runner for president ended up in prison ?
Maybe she should stiff Trump & give him a taste of his own medicine considering the countless number of people that he's stiffed.

Including cities like El Paso who had to foot the bill so that idiot could hold another one of his hate rallies.
Maybe she should stiff Trump & give him a taste of his own medicine considering the countless number of people that he's stiffed.

Including cities like El Paso who had to foot the bill so that idiot could hold another one of his hate rallies.
sorry it’s a court order….i know you hate his rallies and the 1000s of people that flock to them

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