This is just one reason I have no respect for the Pope.

Pardon the Pope for being Christian! :rolleyes:
The Pope is not a Christian. He's a fraud.
If you don't think the Pope is Christian, then you're the fraud.
By definition, as well as Biblical teaching, he is not a Christian.
Pardon the Pope for being Christian! :rolleyes:
The Pope is not a Christian. He's a fraud.
If you don't think the Pope is Christian, then you're the fraud.
The Pope had declared that one does not need to believe in God to get to Heaven. Now, tell me. How does that make him a Christian. His statement directly contradicts Scripture.
The Pope had declared that one does not need to believe in God to get to Heaven. Now, tell me. How does that make him a Christian. His statement directly contradicts Scripture.
That being,.....

No man can come to the Father, except by Me.

Yep. The man is a fraud. The God Haters accept the counterfeit.
Pardon the Pope for being Christian! :rolleyes:
The Pope is not a Christian. He's a fraud.
If you don't think the Pope is Christian, then you're the fraud.
The Pope had declared that one does not need to believe in God to get to Heaven. Now, tell me. How does that make him a Christian. His statement directly contradicts Scripture.
Yes, a mercy that you would of course oppose.

You hope people who the word of God never reached are burning in hell. Sick.

Of course, it’s all a bunch of magical nonsense so :dunno:
Pardon the Pope for being Christian! :rolleyes:
The Pope is not a Christian. He's a fraud.
If you don't think the Pope is Christian, then you're the fraud.
By definition, as well as Biblical teaching, he is not a Christian.
I do not agree with the current pope, or the last pope, on a lot of issues, but at least the current pope is trying to bring the teachings of Jesus back into what is known as Christianity. Some of the loudest people in the U.S. who laughingly call themselves "Christians," totally ignore the teachings of Jesus, but try and hide behind his name.
Pardon the Pope for being Christian! :rolleyes:
The Pope is not a Christian. He's a fraud.
If you don't think the Pope is Christian, then you're the fraud.
By definition, as well as Biblical teaching, he is not a Christian.
I do not agree with the current pope, or the last pope, on a lot of issues, but at least the current pope is trying to bring the teachings of Jesus back into what is known as Christianity. Some of the loudest people in the U.S. who laughingly call themselves "Christians," totally ignore the teachings of Jesus, but try and hide behind his name.
Catholic hating is so last century.
I never said I hate Catholics. If anything, I feel sorry for them.

Perhaps you don't, but there is certainly a handful of comments in this thread that can't be seen as hateful towards Catholics. Why do you feel sorry for Catholics?
Catholic hating is so last century.

I think that it is ridiculous that so many people who call themselves "Christians" entirely skip over the Sermon on the Mount, the most singular part of what has come down through history as the thoughts of Jesus and no other (and I'm not even including the Gnostic Gospels).
Catholic hating is so last century.
I never said I hate Catholics. If anything, I feel sorry for them.

Perhaps you don't, but there is certainly a handful of comments in this thread that can't be seen as hateful towards Catholics. Why do you feel sorry for Catholics?
Because they are lost. The result of deliberate deception by the Catholic church. Think about it. The Catholic church teaches that you must confess your sins to a priest. The Bible teaches that Jesus is our High Priest, and the only intercessor between God and man. Shoot, the Catholic Church used to demand that we pay them money in order to have our sins forgiven. One of many examples of their false teachings.
Catholic hating is so last century.
I never said I hate Catholics. If anything, I feel sorry for them.

Perhaps you don't, but there is certainly a handful of comments in this thread that can't be seen as hateful towards Catholics. Why do you feel sorry for Catholics?
Because they are lost. The result of deliberate deception by the Catholic church. Think about it. The Catholic church teaches that you must confess your sins to a priest. The Bible teaches that Jesus is our High Priest, and the only intercessor between God and man. Shoot, the Catholic Church used to demand that we pay them money in order to have our sins forgiven. One of many examples of their false teachings.

I think most Catholics would disagree with your assessment that they are lost. The Catholic Church has a 2,000 year history and admittedly, it isn't all great, but for the most part they have been a force of good in this world.
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he and many others live in fairy tale land where:
no one murders/rapes/robs
no wars--everybody passes out flowers
everyone will eat manna that falls from heaven--no one will go hungry!!!
the weather is 75 degrees year round--day and night
The Pope is a proponent of what is termed, "LiberationTheology," which is a leftist slant on the teachings of Christ, promoting socialism in all its forms.

Its logical failing is that while socialism works in small, voluntary groups - like a convent or a monastery - it cannot work on a broad scale, where people who support it and people who loathe it are forced into the same oppressive paradigm of governance.

Further, Leftists like Pope Frank ignore political and practical realities when addressing many social issues, and mainly immigration. There is no God-given right for anyone to emigrate to a country in contravention of that country's laws. There is no moral principal that obliges any country to accept immigrants who "bring nothing to the table," who oppose the basic philosophies and mores of the country they wish to invade, or who will be a drain on the social safety net.

While many Muslims live peacefully and productively in the U.S., there can be no doubt that the basic tenets of Islam run counter to the U.S. Constitution. The Constitution prohibits religious interference with civil law, while the Koran demands that civil law be subject to religious law and religious officials. Muslims should the considered for immigration on the same basis as everyone else, but we have a right to ascertain whether each would-be immigrant is a threat to those living here legally already.

The Pope's opinion on the matter is of some academic interest, but carries no weight whatsoever, even with American Catholics. That is to say, if they are predisposed to think the same way, it makes no difference, and if they are predisposed to think the other way, they will pay no attention to Pope Frank...whose popularity among Real American Catholics is shall we say, not great.

Better if he would spend his time and energy getting more Italians to come to Mass; only about 5% of Italian "Catholic" adults attend Mass regularly, and that group is mainly those who are near death.
Funny. Catholicism is the reason Chrisianity exists and was spread, but it was too hard for American fundies to follow.

Not in the least, The Catholic Church is a remnant of the Roman Empire.

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