This is just one reason I have no respect for the Pope.

(a). EVERYTHING the Catholic Church teaches is based on Scripture. Spend a little while on websites featuring Catholic apologetics and you will see this is true. That includes Purgatory, the Blessed Mother, the Holy Eucharist, forgiveness of sins,...all of it.

(b). The Catholic Church also recognizes the validity of "Tradition." The teachings of the early Fathers, who knew Christ, the Apostles, and who did their best to discern the meaning of Scripture. "Sola Scriptura" is asinine. How do you suppose the early Fathers decided which of the dozens of purportedly inspired works would be included in the Bible? Were they not inspired by the Holy Spirit? If you deny that, then the whole Bible falls apart.

(c) An interesting question (though the answer is quite easy) is whether Mormons are "Christians." How could they not be? Their official name is the Church of Jesus Christ...[of Latter Day Saints]. And yet, many of their core beliefs directly contradict the teachings of Christ. They are POLYTHEISTIC, for Christ sake! In fact, they believe that each one of them can BECOME A GOD! Not a saint, or an angel, or be saved - they can BECOME A GOD!

Not hardly.

(d). For perspective, over a period of about 350 years, the Catholic Church executed about 3-5 thousand "heretics" (etc). About an hour's worth of the Battle of Gettysburg. And because of this period in the history of Catholicism, they are compared with the Nazi's, Mao's Red China, Pol Pot, etc. To those who constantly bring this up, I say, "Get a fucking grip."

(a). EVERYTHING the Catholic Church teaches is based on Scripture. Spend a little while on websites featuring Catholic apologetics and you will see this is true. That includes Purgatory, the Blessed Mother, the Holy Eucharist, forgiveness of sins,...all of it.

(b). The Catholic Church also recognizes the validity of "Tradition." The teachings of the early Fathers, who knew Christ, the Apostles, and who did their best to discern the meaning of Scripture. "Sola Scriptura" is asinine. How do you suppose the early Fathers decided which of the dozens of purportedly inspired works would be included in the Bible? Were they not inspired by the Holy Spirit? If you deny that, then the whole Bible falls apart.

(c) An interesting question (though the answer is quite easy) is whether Mormons are "Christians." How could they not be? Their official name is the Church of Jesus Christ...[of Latter Day Saints]. And yet, many of their core beliefs directly contradict the teachings of Christ. They are POLYTHEISTIC, for Christ sake! In fact, they believe that each one of them can BECOME A GOD! Not a saint, or an angel, or be saved - they can BECOME A GOD!

Not hardly.

(d). For perspective, over a period of about 350 years, the Catholic Church executed about 3-5 thousand "heretics" (etc). About an hour's worth of the Battle of Gettysburg. And because of this period in the history of Catholicism, they are compared with the Nazi's, Mao's Red China, Pol Pot, etc. To those who constantly bring this up, I say, "Get a fucking grip."
I love how you mention three to five thousand innocents murdered by the Catholic Church as something that is insignificant. One is too many. And since when did the church have the authority to murder anyone? And what about that period of history when the Catholic Church made it a crime, punishable by death, to own a Bible? The church you defend is the Whore of Babylon. Perhaps YOU should get a grip. Open your eyes to the truth.

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