This is just one reason I have no respect for the Pope.

Catholics are, of course, Christians.
Wrong. A christian is one who obeys God. It has nothing to do with denomination. Just look at what Catholicism teaches about Salvation. That's not what Gods word teaches.
Well that's one opinion/interpretation. Countless others think theirs are right as vehemently as you think about yours.
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.
El Pappa is WRONG.

Humans, until they receive the Holy Spirit, are the children of the devil. Not an insult, just a fact.

You become a BEGOTTEN child of God with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

All others may be God's CREATION, but they are NOT sons and daughters of God.

That's nuts.
It's the truth. It's what the Bible teaches. I could give you chapter and verse, but I'd probably be wasting my time. Anyway, you can Google it, if you really care.
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.

The Old Testament isn't apart of the Bible, twat face?
In the Catholic Church you have a false prophet(the pope), think there is such a thing as purgatory which is absolutely ridiculous, The belief that the sacraments actually turn into actual flesh and blood which is ridiculous, They have other books other than the Bible in worship, Statues all over in the church that are false idols, confess your sins to some fucked up self righteous dude, Priests cannot get married. this church Is what’s left of the Roman.
You're totally missing out on the point of Christianity and focusing on the trivial.
No, The Catholic Church represents the Catholic Church and only the Catholic Church, Christianity is a whole different thing
There is also the fact that the Catholic Church used to persecute Christians. I mean, just look what happened in France.

umh...and as I went both ways and got pretty damn bloody....
Wrong. The Catholic Church was the government. It zealously persecuted anyone who did not acknowledge their power. Google the Inquisition, and you'll see what I mean.
Catholics are, of course, Christians.
Wrong. A christian is one who obeys God. It has nothing to do with denomination. Just look at what Catholicism teaches about Salvation. That's not what Gods word teaches.


Stoned any rebellious kiddies and adulterous women lately?
That stoning thing is Old Testament, and applied only to Jews. It has nothing to do with Christianity, and you know it. You're just being a troll, and doing it poorly.
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.

The Old Testament isn't apart of the Bible, twat face?
The Old Testament is the History of the Jewish people. It has nothing to do with Christianity, and how they should behave, with the exception of the Ten Commandments.
Funny. Catholicism is the reason Chrisianity exists and was spread, but it was too hard for American fundies to follow.
Sorry. No.
Catholicism was started by Simon Magus after he tried to buy an apostleship and Peter told him where to go.
That counterfeit has traveled along side the true Church of God for the last 2000 years.

The World believes it to be Christian, but it is a fraud.
Whatever feel good branch off of Catholicism you follow has no more legitimacy than Catholicism. Less, when considering that it was created because either Catholicism was just too hard, or because you wanted to pick and choose what to follow in the bible to suit your ambitions.
Get it through your thick skull,The Catholic Church is a remnant of the Roman Empire.
As is western civilization.
Just like western civilization, the Catholic religion is man-made.
Catholics are, of course, Christians.
Wrong. ......

Followers of Christ. It's not that complicated.
Define a follower of Christ.

So, your understanding of Christianity is the angry search for division? Check the GPS again, champ.

Not at all. I simply know that Scripture teaches about discipleship. "Then he said to the crowd, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."

What do you think Jesus meant by this?
The term "Christian" predates any Protestant fragmentation of the "universal" church by well over a millennium. There is no Christian denomination that studies the Bible that does not accept many aspects of Catholic teaching, of course. Anyone attempting to foment pointless division is working on behalf of an agenda that is most certainly not Christian.

Catholics are, of course, Christian.
Not in the least, Martin Luther exposed the Catholic Church for what they are
You mean the anti-semitic priest, Martin Luther?
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.
So, you don't follow the 10 Commandments anymore? They're Old Testament too.
The Catholic Church is referred to as the Great Whore because she embraced pagan customs but claimed to do it "for Christ."

It is called the sin of mixtures and is strongly CONDEMNED in the Scriptures.

You shall not worship the Lord Your God as the nations around you worship their gods.
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.

The Old Testament isn't apart of the Bible, twat face?
Of course it is, but being a follower of Christ is lifetime endeavor as is studying Gods word(the whole bible) It may be a Christian thing that you may not understand...
The Catholic Church is referred to as the Great Whore because she embraced pagan customs but claimed to do it "for Christ."

It is called the sin of mixtures and is strongly CONDEMNED in the Scriptures.

You shall not worship the Lord Your God as the nations around you worship their gods.
You mean....pagan customs like what we now call christmas? and the pagan custom we now call easter?
The Catholic Church is referred to as the Great Whore because she embraced pagan customs but claimed to do it "for Christ."

It is called the sin of mixtures and is strongly CONDEMNED in the Scriptures.

You shall not worship the Lord Your God as the nations around you worship their gods.
I am glad my Catholic parents cherry-picked the Bible when they didn't stone my stubborn and rebellious ass at the town gates. lol
That's Old Testament, you fool. Christianity does not teach stoning anymore. It's all about forgiveness and redemption.

The Old Testament isn't apart of the Bible, twat face?
Of course it is, but being a follower of Christ is lifetime endeavor as is studying Gods word(the whole bible) It may be a Christian thing that you may not understand...
I'm curious. By your statement, it seems that you are implying that Salvation is the result of good works. Salvation is something that happens the moment we accept Christ as our Savior. The good works are simply the outward sign of an inward change. Do you agree?

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