This is just the beginning: the reclaiming of America !

The only way he'd get pussy is if the woman died and left it to him in her will.
I'm about to start a harem, after I collect $15 million from a court settlement. Hundreds of 18-25 year old hotties have been idolizing me in my music videos. Helps that I look more like 32 than 76, but poor, beautiful girls in Latin America are anxious to come to the US, and move into a mansion, with a good-looking artist who paints nice paintings, and plays a variety of musical instruments. And thanks to open border Joe, getting here has never been easier.

Also helps that I'm half Hispanic, and speak Spanish fluently.

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That's what Republicans are going to do as soon as they can legislate on abortion.
More evidence of leftist derangement. Ho Hum. Yawn****

Democrat murderers tried to pass legislation certifying abortion. They failed.
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Going back to abortion being banned. Back in the days when sanity was in style, instead of woke lunacy.
Yes, this is just the beginning. And what other facets of US culture are going to be restored ? Here are some of the wreckages of US culture that are going to be abolished >>

1. Same-sex marriage abolished.
2. LGBT loons being allowed to teach in schools.
3. Affirmative Action discrimination (reparation$$ to white victims).
4. Railroaded police - now to be freed from prison
5. Illegal immigration - Mass deportation program of illegal aliens
(Operation Wetback 2)
6. CRT nationwide ban
7. Removed statues restored
8. Twitter cleaned up -1000 employees fired and replaced.
9. Biden impeached and removed. Harris walks away.
10. Nationwide CCW will replace stiff gun control.
11. Blocking traffic abolished- life imprisonment for offenders.
12. 2020 "election" fraud verified. Trump becomes president.

And this is just for starters.
WOW, hell bent on a dick-tatorship.
WOW, hell bent on a dick-tatorship.
When the real dictators show up, they will remove what they put in to destroy the nation. They will have to because a greater percentage of people poor and working poor will not be in a very good mood. Someone always gets the blame in these things.
WOW, hell bent on a dick-tatorship.
Not at all. Everything is the OP is supported by the overwhelming majority of the American people. Govt of the people, by the people, for the people. The AMERICAN people, that is.

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