This is just the beginning: the reclaiming of America !

If the analogy holds Im shitting in your house and there is fuck all you cucks can do about it. 😄
There's a lot that can be done about anything. 15 examples are right there in the OP of this thread, + posts 4 & 27 + the reversal of Roe vs Wade. :biggrin:
There's a lot that can be done about anything. 15 examples are right there in the OP of this thread, + posts 4 & 27 + the reversal of Roe vs Wade. :biggrin:
It's all fantasy. If you don't believe me then go ahead and tell us how you plan to make all that happen?
Why would you hope to recreate what you fled?Don’t you know what kind of nations dark people build? Face it, you aren’t capable leaders.
It's not surprising you're a moron. The nation's we're all mostly coming from where built by white Europeans through the blood of the indigenous and on the backs of slaves. And if you were capable leaders you'd be able to do something about the slow moving invasion occurring right in front of your eyes. 😄
1. You seem to have a hard time understanding posts. I never said Twitter was going to disintegrate America, but that it is just one stepping stone toward that happening (and a fairly major one).
No, you said Twitter would disintegrate the Left, can't you fucking read your own post? 😄 And no. Which rich asshole owns Twitter is not major to anything you sad fuck. 😄
2. I am a Hispanic American. I have many friends who are Hispanic, and I have visited their houses. Almost all have pictures of Jesus on their walls, and crucifixes. All are devout Catholics, who wear crosses and Our Lady of Guadalupe medallions, who hate abortion, hate LGBT, tran lunatics, and don't particularly like high inflation either. If Democrats think they can rely on the Hispanic vote in November, they are in for a rude awakening.
Really? Cause I'm from Miami and have quite a few Hispanic in laws and have never heard anyone call themselves a hispanic/American. They're Cuban American, their Dominican or Puerto Rican, never once heard anyone of them call themselves a Hispanic American.
3. So you're cool with you not having been aborted. You're just not cool with other people not being aborted, right ? Right ? Right CG ? You hypocrite murderer!

I'm cool with a woman's right to choose what to do with her body right up until the point of fetal viability.
It's all fantasy. If you don't believe me then go ahead and tell us how you plan to make all that happen?
Well, you're already seeing 2 of the things happening - Elon Musk taking over Twitter. The SCOTUS reversing Roe vs Wade. If they can do that, surely they can do away with same sex marriage, Tran loon men competing in women's sports, Affirmative Action, CRT, etc.

Hey, I just thought of another idiocy that the young loons have come up with, which we'll get rid of > unisex bathrooms and locker rooms. Make that number 16 on the list. :biggrin:
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Going back to abortion being banned. Back in the days when sanity was in style, instead of woke lunacy.
Yes, this is just the beginning. And what other facets of US culture are going to be restored ? Here are some of the wreckages of US culture that are going to be abolished >>

1. Same-sex marriage abolished.
2. LGBT loons being allowed to teach in schools.
3. Affirmative Action discrimination (reparation$$ to white victims).
4. Railroaded police - now to be freed from prison
5. Illegal immigration - Mass deportation program of illegal aliens
(Operation Wetback 2)
6. CRT nationwide ban
7. Removed statues restored
8. Twitter cleaned up -1000 employees fired and replaced.
9. Biden impeached and removed. Harris walks away.
10. Nationwide CCW will replace stiff gun control.
11. Blocking traffic abolished- life imprisonment for offenders.
12. 2020 "election" fraud verified. Trump becomes president.

And this is just for starters.
Dream on Thomas dies and a democrat get to nominate another justice and the liberals take the majority. 😂😂😂
Didn’t your dark ancestors migrate here because of white nationalist christian theocracy?
Don’t dark people come here by the millions because of white nationalist christian theocracy?
Haven’t you noticed; NOBODY migrates to nations not run by white nationalist christians?
Why do you think that is? Is it because white nationalist christian theocracy is bad for a nation?
White nationalist countries no. Nobody moved to Germany during hitlers white nationalist government. And I don't know many people moving to Russia a white nationalist country.
No, you said Twitter would disintegrate the Left, can't you fucking read your own post? 😄 And no. Which rich asshole owns Twitter is not major to anything you sad fuck. 😄

Really? Cause I'm from Miami and have quite a few Hispanic in laws and have never heard anyone call themselves a hispanic/American. They're Cuban American, their Dominican or Puerto Rican, never once heard anyone of them call themselves a Hispanic American.


I'm cool with a woman's right to choose what to do with her body right up until the point of fetal viability.
1. Hispanics who are Americans, are Hispanic Americans, no matter what they call themselves. Duh! Strike 1.

2. You are wrong again. I said >> "I just mentioned that it is one of the beginnings of the disintegration of the left in America." That is not the same thing as saying "Twitter would disintegrate the Left" (your moronic words), which means Twitter would singlehandlely disintegrate the left. Maybe you could go back to the 5th grade, and have your teacher explain to you what the words "ONE OF the beginnings" means - fool clown. Strike 2.

3. "fetal viability" ? That could have various definitions in terms of gestation time. What's yours ? I do notice though that you messed that one up too, by referring to a women's right to choose, rather than a developing person's right to live.
Strike 3.
White nationalist countries no. Nobody moved to Germany during hitlers white nationalist government. And I don't know many people moving to Russia a white nationalist country.
What's your definition of white nationalist ? Don't Dodge.
Well, you're already seeing 2 of the things happening - Elon Musk taking over Twitter. The SCOTUS reversing Roe vs Wade. If they can do that, surely they can do away with same sex marriage, Tran loon men competing in women's sports, Affirmative Action, CRT, etc.
You really are obsessed over Twitter aren't you? 😄

All ending Roe does is put the issue of abortion back to the States because abortion isn't a Constitutionally protected right. The John Roberts Supreme Court is the one who ruled same-sex marriage was protected under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment which makes it Constitutionally protected. As I suspected you clowns don't actually know the legal rationalizations for any of these things. 😄
Hey, I just thought of another idiocy that the young loons have come up with, which we'll get rid of > unisex bathrooms and locker rooms. Make that number 16 on the list. :biggrin:
Not too confident are ya? I understand. 😄

I love when these cucks come by to share their fantasies with us because look how unattainable all of that nonsense is. What a bunch of losers. 😂 How would any of that even get done? Do you clowns know how laws and government even work?
I know most of what we see exists because we live in a high tax system that redistributes the resources. And much of the resources comes from those just above the poverty line up to 20 thousand dollars above that or so. The federal taxes ramp up quickly. A neighbor can be a piece of shit and collect checks and benefits or be in the right situation for the same while some schmuck goes out and puts in a hard day at work. Some of this is earned. Some of it is not.
I know most of what we see exists because we live in a high tax system that redistributes the resources. And much of the resources comes from those just above the poverty line up to 20 thousand dollars above that or so. The federal taxes ramp up quickly. A neighbor can be a piece of shit and collect checks and benefits or be in the right situation for the same while some schmuck goes out and puts in a hard day at work. Some of this is earned. Some of it is not.
Most of our taxes get redistributed from the middle class up, not down. Subsidies to make sure people don't starve or go homeless or die of treatable diseases are something the government should do, it's the subsidizing of the rich that's the problem.
I was born in america to two parents who were born here. Buuuuut, since my heritage is swedish I consider myself a Swedish american.
You really are obsessed over Twitter aren't you? 😄

All ending Roe does is put the issue of abortion back to the States because abortion isn't a Constitutionally protected right. The John Roberts Supreme Court is the one who ruled same-sex marriage was protected under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment which makes it Constitutionally protected. As I suspected you clowns don't actually know the legal rationalizations for any of these things. 😄

Not too confident are ya? I understand. 😄
Not at all. I've been in Twitter for 15 years, and have posted less than 10 tweets in all that time.

As for what ending Roe does, we will see in a couple of months what it does, and maybe even well longer than that. For one thing, McConnell has expressed interest in making abortion illegal NATIONWIDE. And can the congress override a Biden veto ? Not now, but after Jan 2023, anything is possible, including another Supreme Court decision. For years, Democrats have run to the courts judge shopping, to overrule Republicans. Now the Republicans are in position to do the same.

As for your confidence, 2 things come to mind >>

You're getting an education, student. Class dismissed.
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Not at all. I've been in Twitter for 15 years, and have posted less than 10 tweets in all that time.

As for what ending Roe does, we will see in a couple of months what it does, and maybe even well longer than that. For one thing, McConnell has expressed interest in making abortion illegal NATIONWIDE. And can the congress override a Biden veto ? Not now, but after Jan 2023, anything is possible, including another Supreme Court decision. For years, Democrats have run to the courts judge shopping, to overrule Republicans. Now the Republicans are in position to do the same.

As for your confidence, 2 things come to mind >>
:rolleyes:............ View attachment 643380

You're getting an education, student. Class dismissed.

You clowns don't know what kind of bear trap you're walking yourselves into.

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