This is not the time to gloat, but...........


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

You're a little confused, Burger
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

TDS motivated Thread Number 4,378
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Trump has not damaged the country. You leftist assholes have torn it apart. You happy now dumbass?
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Trump has not damaged the country. You leftist assholes have torn it apart. You happy now dumbass?
How come the buck doesn't stop at the AH republican Trump's door?? Only when a dem is in office ?
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

Awwww... look at him go, just dreamin away!

Bless his little heart.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!

It's your ilk that is doing the damage, love. Embrace this bit of history.
I'm sure you could shed a few pounds yourself. fat fuck
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
What's not to hate about the Putin puppet ? Some one should hit him in the mouth with a louisville slugger That would shut his lying trap
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


Don't be so alarmed, sugarpants.

All this stupid shit about Russiablahblah, Putinpoopoo, collusionkaka has been proven to be an outright lie.

Scratch off "Trump" on all your blithering political signs, mugs and hats and replace it with Biden.

..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
What's not to hate about the Putin puppet ? Some one should hit him in the mouth with a louisville slugger That would shut his lying trap
Troll often?
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.

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