This is not the time to gloat, but...........

Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.

WOW! Great job!
You forgot:
3rd POTUS to be impeached....SUCCESS!
My favorite cartoon, sad but true:

What is this far left moron still doing in our Trump nation of ultimate freedom?

Did he not get the hint yet about socialist shithole alternatives?
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
More lies, see, you just can't help yourself, comrade.

Take any one of those points and refute it.
Why so lazy?
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

and that trojan horse is FILLED with his supporters.....
What is this far left moron still doing in our Trump nation of ultimate freedom?

Did he not get the hint yet about socialist shithole alternatives?

Trump is turning this country into a totalitarian shithole.
40,000,000 unemployed with more to come with the new surge in cases since he failed to recognize and rein in COVID-19.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

and that trojan horse is FILLED with his supporters.....

You mean like the cops, the bikers and the police? LOL
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


We don't need any more of your goose-stepping communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucking. You can head to Venezuela for that.

Not a single one of you lazy Trump fuckers refutes Berg's points.
Not a single one.
Just your limp, impotent slings and arrows.
Like a bunch of little kids on a playground.
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
berg ass hurt........success.

It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


We don't need any more of your goose-stepping communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucking. You can head to Venezuela for that.


trump supporters are human garbage

did I just attack your family?

if I did you can get the conservative board of censors to delete my comment
You probably used to REVERE these generals and military leaders and advisors before they spoke out about Trump, didn't you?

Gen. John Kelly
Gen. James Mattis
Admiral William McCraven
Gen. Colin Powell
John Bolton
Secty of Navy Richard Spencer

But now since Trump hates them, you have to hate them, too.

But you ain't in no cult. No, nah. No way.
Trumpletards don't know what they believe from day to day. Their beliefs are informed by Don's daily tweeter feed. One day he's praising Mattis, the next day he's throwing under the too The Following.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

Quite. But then, what's the point of opening up a thread with a message like that?

You got the Trump-fluffing hyenas on here to squeal and whine. That gets old, fast, or so I find.

The country also looks at racism and policing in a way it hasn't since the 1960s, at least. It certainly hasn't done that during the eight years of Obama's presidency. I find that encouraging, and it points to something I find progressives need to grasp, at long last: There is a conversation to be had involving 60 to 70% of the population about the future of the U.S. of A., one that does not, and can not, be confined to pointing at the benighted Orange dunce and his latest bloopers. Politically speaking, there is no damage that cannot be undone, even while the immediate political task is to protect as much of the Republic, and the population, as possible from the disaster and the gratuitous brutality emerging from the White House.

If I may be so bold, change the conversation to something not dancing around the Orange dunce and his mindless minions day-in, day-out. Or not. Your choice, mate.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


We don't need any more of your goose-stepping communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucking. You can head to Venezuela for that.


trump supporters are human garbage

did I just attack your family?

if I did you can get the conservative board of censors to delete my comment

AWWWWWW. Did you guys not get to burn enough buildings? Suck it up, and look at the bright side. Only 4 and a half more years.
They're all idiotic and unverified.
Even if you discount the monumental cost of Trump's failure to deal with COVID the deficit was already going to be in excess of $1T thanks to the reckless tax cut, sold to gullible rubes on the lie it would pay for itself.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


Nope. We're still trying to clean up the stench and stain from the previous abomination that occupied the white house.

Well, you are doing horribly at it. Enjoy your last 5 months - Donnie isn't fucking stuff up fast enough though. Better tell him to chop chop!

Uh uh. Nope orange man ain't doing this. This is the filthy progs wallowing in their own vomit.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

I was right there with you right up until your last line. Trump is not a Trojan Horse. He's your poison pill. He is destroying the nation and I believe he is doing it on purpose to get revenge on the USA for their treatment of him and his family.

We have all seen the lengths Trump is prepared to go to in order to punish those who cross him. We've all seen the way he talks about the Puerto Rican government and their corruption and ineptitude, which he blames for his resort there going bankrupt. But look at the lengths he's gone to cut funding to help the people and rebuild the island. It's still destroyed and Trump just shrugs and says "So what?"

After Trump's first 4 bankruptcies in Atlantic City, American Banks refused to lend to Trump. That is still true today. Trump's sons have been unable to work on any construction projects since his election because the President can't do business with foreign banks, and American banks still won't lend to him. Deutches Banke is the only bank in the world who will lend to him.

The American business community has long considered Trump a conman and a crook. And they laughed at The Apprentice and Trump's promotion of himself as this Great Mogul. He's not a billionaire, but he plays one on television. Trump's family has always been snubbed by New York Society as classless "nouveau riche".

Trump is just kind of narcisstic and vengeful asshole who really would think that destroying the Wall Street Bankers, and New York Billionaires, and all the people who have laughed at him all of his life, is a good idea. Look at the lengths he's going to try to destroy and prosecute Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and the others.

He constantly rails that people should be more grateful for all he's done, and he thought that the media would show him respect once he was President. He's giving the commencement speech at West Point tomorrow, because he is the Commander in Chief. West Point can't tell him they don't want him to come. The cadets can't boo him, or heckle him. This is his perfect photo op. Endangering the health and the lives of the cadets who the brought back to New York after they had been sent home for their safety, and their families who they have been sheltering with and who they will return to after this is over.

Trump wants America to burn. That'll show 'em.
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.

WOW! Great job!
You forgot:
3rd POTUS to be impeached....SUCCESS!

He is the first president to be impeached in his first term.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

I was right there with you right up until your last line. Trump is not a Trojan Horse. He's your poison pill. He is destroying the nation and I believe he is doing it on purpose to get revenge on the USA for their treatment of him and his family.

We have all seen the lengths Trump is prepared to go to in order to punish those who cross him. We've all seen the way he talks about the Puerto Rican government and their corruption and ineptitude, which he blames for his resort there going bankrupt. But look at the lengths he's gone to cut funding to help the people and rebuild the island. It's still destroyed and Trump just shrugs and says "So what?"

After Trump's first 4 bankruptcies in Atlantic City, American Banks refused to lend to Trump. That is still true today. Trump's sons have been unable to work on any construction projects since his election because the President can't do business with foreign banks, and American banks still won't lend to him. Deutches Banke is the only bank in the world who will lend to him.

The American business community has long considered Trump a conman and a crook. And they laughed at The Apprentice and Trump's promotion of himself as this Great Mogul. He's not a billionaire, but he plays one on television. Trump's family has always been snubbed by New York Society as classless "nouveau riche".

Trump is just kind of narcisstic and vengeful asshole who really would think that destroying the Wall Street Bankers, and New York Billionaires, and all the people who have laughed at him all of his life, is a good idea. Look at the lengths he's going to try to destroy and prosecute Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and the others.

He constantly rails that people should be more grateful for all he's done, and he thought that the media would show him respect once he was President. He's giving the commencement speech at West Point tomorrow, because he is the Commander in Chief. West Point can't tell him they don't want him to come. The cadets can't boo him, or heckle him. This is his perfect photo op. Endangering the health and the lives of the cadets who the brought back to New York after they had been sent home for their safety, and their families who they have been sheltering with and who they will return to after this is over.

Trump wants America to burn. That'll show 'em.

Trump took on China and built a wall while the rest of Western leadership allowed, and many STILL allow China to crush their economies and their societies.

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